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UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
- Paul Conway
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2 years 6 months ago - 2 years 6 months ago #1751
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
Here are some links to the AMAZING NASA Footage concerning the Tether Incident...
Here in this first one i'd like you to go to 3.55 of 7.57...the tether can be seen close up along with 2 big objects to the upper left of it.
Now the higher one of these two has what appears to be a smaller one heading past it heading in the opposite direction towards the top of the screen...but something VERY STRANGE happens as the two get real close (WATCH CAREFULLY and FREEZE FRAME at full screen)
There is a charge between the two of them (it can clearly be seen as a line) and this changes the direction of the smaller craft and it then heads in a similar direction to the bigger one...STRANGE or WHAT?
At 5.10 to 5.13 one of these discs can clearly be seen spinning! but even better at 5.21 a Big one comes into view from the left hand side of the screen again clearly with some spinning effect and passes the tether but then if you follow it off screen for a few moments you can clearly see it reappears having clearly changed direction and having turned.
Ice Crystals and/or Debris? I don't think so.
Ok here David Sereda explains his theory on this incident and others...
The part that interests me the most can be found at 40 minutes in where he discusses the light and the cameras used to capture these objects.
And finally the whole (Full Version) from NASA is below (Worth a LOOK) there's plenty of stuff moving up there, some may indeed be debris, ice particles and the like but these things are just so damned strange, they appear to be large, spinning and at times moving direction...debris/ice crystals? not these and just look what they end up doing towards the end of this footage below...i ask you ice crystals/debris??? really???
I would ask you to pay close attention at 1 minute and 50 seconds into it (1.50) all the way through to 1 minute 59 seconds (1.59) there are 2 fairly bright star like objects (mid screen) just under the rim...KEEP AN EYE OUT for the one to the left as just above it from NOWHERE another shows up as if materializing from another place...this happens as the camera is tilting.
It's quiet something and along with the spinning discs close to this tether it makes me wonder just what in the world is up there?
Also at approx. 5.35 in something passes right over the camera (very close)
If nothing else it makes you think...ENJOY and if you think you have any idea of what these may be please air your views...maybe they're intelligently controlled ice crystals and debris
Here in this first one i'd like you to go to 3.55 of 7.57...the tether can be seen close up along with 2 big objects to the upper left of it.
Now the higher one of these two has what appears to be a smaller one heading past it heading in the opposite direction towards the top of the screen...but something VERY STRANGE happens as the two get real close (WATCH CAREFULLY and FREEZE FRAME at full screen)
There is a charge between the two of them (it can clearly be seen as a line) and this changes the direction of the smaller craft and it then heads in a similar direction to the bigger one...STRANGE or WHAT?
At 5.10 to 5.13 one of these discs can clearly be seen spinning! but even better at 5.21 a Big one comes into view from the left hand side of the screen again clearly with some spinning effect and passes the tether but then if you follow it off screen for a few moments you can clearly see it reappears having clearly changed direction and having turned.
Ice Crystals and/or Debris? I don't think so.
Ok here David Sereda explains his theory on this incident and others...
The part that interests me the most can be found at 40 minutes in where he discusses the light and the cameras used to capture these objects.
And finally the whole (Full Version) from NASA is below (Worth a LOOK) there's plenty of stuff moving up there, some may indeed be debris, ice particles and the like but these things are just so damned strange, they appear to be large, spinning and at times moving direction...debris/ice crystals? not these and just look what they end up doing towards the end of this footage below...i ask you ice crystals/debris??? really???
I would ask you to pay close attention at 1 minute and 50 seconds into it (1.50) all the way through to 1 minute 59 seconds (1.59) there are 2 fairly bright star like objects (mid screen) just under the rim...KEEP AN EYE OUT for the one to the left as just above it from NOWHERE another shows up as if materializing from another place...this happens as the camera is tilting.
It's quiet something and along with the spinning discs close to this tether it makes me wonder just what in the world is up there?
Also at approx. 5.35 in something passes right over the camera (very close)
If nothing else it makes you think...ENJOY and if you think you have any idea of what these may be please air your views...maybe they're intelligently controlled ice crystals and debris

Last Edit: 2 years 6 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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2 years 6 months ago #1752
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
Ok, so a day or so since posting those Tether clips and as expected, sadly...NO replies 
Not surprised really.
I know there a good many fakes out there these days...if they were upfront about it, ok but most are not and pass them off as real...NOT COOL.
I HATE that.
As I understand it and i think this is correct? the footage you are seeing is genuine NASA footage that has NOT been altered.
And yet no one here has any thoughts or guesses as to what these strange things up there might be?
I do find this a little strange, maybe you scientist and professor types out there actually do know but just aren't saying?
If i am wrong call me out on it and tell me why, i'm a grown up, I can take it and would prefer the TRUTH even if they are large, intelligent ice crystals or debris
Explain to me how they appear to be so large and why the majority of those things buzzing around near this tether look to have a uniform (circular) shape...and appear to be spinning and have a hole at the centre? perhaps a cockpit? and they appear to have 1 or 2 notches around the outer edges (in the first video at around 5.23 you can see that one comes in from the left hand side of the screen and has 1 notch and then a few seconds later it goes to 2 you don't think this strange?)
All of these things are heading in different directions and at different speeds...does this not tell you something? and a few even change course, watch again you'll see...again does this not tell you something?
Also at 5.56 the picture wobbles as it goes to a long shot...showing a number of them, at this point you'll notice they have a strange energy flash type effect at the front which seems to propel them forward...if space debris they appear to be powered
The experiment itself (almost forgotten about) seemed very interesting...using the earth's magnetic field to create energy (Mr Tesler would be delighted) a strange looking thing in it's own right...a bulbus craft type at the front (reminded me of the circular craft that had a descent to the Moon in the film 2001) followed by some 12 miles of electrically charged tether.
I really would have thought something like this would have interested LM1 members and I know our lives are busy but if these things do exist and we do make it to the MOON with LM1 (not holding my breath now)
then we might just encounter such things either on our way there or if my pictures are right? (they ARE genuine) actually on the Moon itself (why do you think I want 4K or higher HD camera's installed on LM1 apart from being able to use them as way of generating income by taking selfies on the Moon)
If I am proven to be a FOOL and a SILLY BILLY with regards to this subject I will hold my hands up...but Humans especially those HIGH UP have ALWAYS been secretive down the years and it is my believe that there is some strange stuff happening above our heads as we speak.
Here's a curious thing....TIM PEAK...a wonderful new British Astronaut, he was up there a good few months on the ISS.
Now he may well have seen nothing (it is possible) but had he done so and it was obviously something, i know not what but perhaps not of this earth would this GOOD, Intelligent man be allowed to say so? or do you think they are under embargo (possibly by law) to NOT say anything?
I'm sure many of you would call BULL on that...fair enough, so if an astronaut sees something on the ISS from here on in with high tech cameras they can take a picture, call a press conference and tell the world?
Yeah can't see it really.

Not surprised really.
I know there a good many fakes out there these days...if they were upfront about it, ok but most are not and pass them off as real...NOT COOL.
I HATE that.
As I understand it and i think this is correct? the footage you are seeing is genuine NASA footage that has NOT been altered.
And yet no one here has any thoughts or guesses as to what these strange things up there might be?
I do find this a little strange, maybe you scientist and professor types out there actually do know but just aren't saying?
If i am wrong call me out on it and tell me why, i'm a grown up, I can take it and would prefer the TRUTH even if they are large, intelligent ice crystals or debris

Explain to me how they appear to be so large and why the majority of those things buzzing around near this tether look to have a uniform (circular) shape...and appear to be spinning and have a hole at the centre? perhaps a cockpit? and they appear to have 1 or 2 notches around the outer edges (in the first video at around 5.23 you can see that one comes in from the left hand side of the screen and has 1 notch and then a few seconds later it goes to 2 you don't think this strange?)
All of these things are heading in different directions and at different speeds...does this not tell you something? and a few even change course, watch again you'll see...again does this not tell you something?
Also at 5.56 the picture wobbles as it goes to a long shot...showing a number of them, at this point you'll notice they have a strange energy flash type effect at the front which seems to propel them forward...if space debris they appear to be powered

The experiment itself (almost forgotten about) seemed very interesting...using the earth's magnetic field to create energy (Mr Tesler would be delighted) a strange looking thing in it's own right...a bulbus craft type at the front (reminded me of the circular craft that had a descent to the Moon in the film 2001) followed by some 12 miles of electrically charged tether.
I really would have thought something like this would have interested LM1 members and I know our lives are busy but if these things do exist and we do make it to the MOON with LM1 (not holding my breath now)

If I am proven to be a FOOL and a SILLY BILLY with regards to this subject I will hold my hands up...but Humans especially those HIGH UP have ALWAYS been secretive down the years and it is my believe that there is some strange stuff happening above our heads as we speak.
Here's a curious thing....TIM PEAK...a wonderful new British Astronaut, he was up there a good few months on the ISS.
Now he may well have seen nothing (it is possible) but had he done so and it was obviously something, i know not what but perhaps not of this earth would this GOOD, Intelligent man be allowed to say so? or do you think they are under embargo (possibly by law) to NOT say anything?
I'm sure many of you would call BULL on that...fair enough, so if an astronaut sees something on the ISS from here on in with high tech cameras they can take a picture, call a press conference and tell the world?

Yeah can't see it really.
- Paul Conway
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2 years 6 months ago #1757
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
Personally speaking the David Sereda discussion here is a mighty interesting one...and for those that didn't watch it well at around 46 mins in he informs us & shows us some photographs taken by other normal, everyday people (using DIGITAL CAMERA's) which for whatever reason? perhaps the speed of the shutter? the internal coding? I know not? appear to display and show strange craft in the sky...So I am not the only one and I am not going cuckoo, not that I ever thought so for one moment....these people describe taking photographs but never seeing them as they took them (sound familiar?) and then upon downloading them and viewing them discover these strange craft in the sky...It's AMAZING!!!
They obviously have Great Tech that more or less keeps them well cloaked (if not near on invisible) and actually reminds me a little of the first 10 minutes or so from the film "Star Trek Insurrection" in which Data wearing cloaked clothes attempts to reveal himself to the planet's inhabitant's by removing them (all the while Starfleet and co have a base high up in the hills that have been observing these people which is also cloaked)
I WOULD URGE EVERYONE THAT READS THIS TO START TAKING MORE PICTURES of the SKY (both during the DAY & NIGHT and the MOON!!!)...it may just be that a few of you (like myself) are able to capture something extraordinary...we've done it twice now (within approx. 1 year) the Train Viaduct one's and the one on the Moon...there's stuff up there and yes they may well be very LARGE & SCARY but we're going to encounter them properly for sure one day....see if you can check them out and discover for yourself now before that happens?
Maybe it's a statement of confirmation about these things or something like this that could bring us ALL together as a race...because god knows right now i am not encouraged by what's currently happening.
Oh and just in case anyone is interested in that amazing tether incident? what are those things? and the numbers!
Well there is another very interesting video which shows everyone of those things flightpath and if you watch and come back to me with postings that they are debris from the incident or god forbid the now classic line 'There ice crystals' well we've got a problem...because your probably in on it
Take a LOOK below...
They obviously have Great Tech that more or less keeps them well cloaked (if not near on invisible) and actually reminds me a little of the first 10 minutes or so from the film "Star Trek Insurrection" in which Data wearing cloaked clothes attempts to reveal himself to the planet's inhabitant's by removing them (all the while Starfleet and co have a base high up in the hills that have been observing these people which is also cloaked)
I WOULD URGE EVERYONE THAT READS THIS TO START TAKING MORE PICTURES of the SKY (both during the DAY & NIGHT and the MOON!!!)...it may just be that a few of you (like myself) are able to capture something extraordinary...we've done it twice now (within approx. 1 year) the Train Viaduct one's and the one on the Moon...there's stuff up there and yes they may well be very LARGE & SCARY but we're going to encounter them properly for sure one day....see if you can check them out and discover for yourself now before that happens?
Maybe it's a statement of confirmation about these things or something like this that could bring us ALL together as a race...because god knows right now i am not encouraged by what's currently happening.
Oh and just in case anyone is interested in that amazing tether incident? what are those things? and the numbers!
Well there is another very interesting video which shows everyone of those things flightpath and if you watch and come back to me with postings that they are debris from the incident or god forbid the now classic line 'There ice crystals' well we've got a problem...because your probably in on it

Take a LOOK below...
- Paul Conway
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2 years 6 months ago #1758
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
Yup, so there you have it, how many of them did you count? and that's just what you could see within this section of space.
I wonder how many of them there actually are up there? hundreds? thousands? and WHY so interested in little ol' us?
If they're as I suspect (and going a little light hearted for a moment) they probably know of our love for alien invasion films so I wonder what they think of them? do you think they LOVED the recent 'Independence Day' film? what did they rate it? the latest Star Trek film 'Beyond' has been given very good word of mouth (after JJ left i had my doubts but he did produce so obviously he helped out) and Idris Alba sounds like a menacing villain...perhaps we can put him up against them if needs be
In truth they've probably known about us for who knows how many years? hundreds? thousands? they may have even created us?
oh boy would that open up an interesting can of worms upon the world...YIKES! no wonder there not telling us 
All this space debris!!! looking the same!!! and many of them changing direction!!! now that's some debris!
It's some of the astronauts I feel sorry for...on YouTube you will find one of these astronauts from this tether mission (STS-75) attending a convention and what looked to be a signing (books, photo's etc) I guy took a camera and filmed him asking him questions about the mission which he politely answered, however towards the end he asks him about this tether incident and if I remember right? he put them down to ice crystals
(hey it was 77 miles away and he perhaps didn't even see this footage? so who knows? but then again?) the guy filming pushed him on it (which to me was a little unfair I feel) and in the end you could clearly see this astronaut was uncomfortable (requesting this be his final question) was this because he knew it was a cover up? and he had to tow the line?
If they are ice debris or ice crystals then i'm a monkey's uncle...wait a minute
I wonder how many of them there actually are up there? hundreds? thousands? and WHY so interested in little ol' us?
If they're as I suspect (and going a little light hearted for a moment) they probably know of our love for alien invasion films so I wonder what they think of them? do you think they LOVED the recent 'Independence Day' film? what did they rate it? the latest Star Trek film 'Beyond' has been given very good word of mouth (after JJ left i had my doubts but he did produce so obviously he helped out) and Idris Alba sounds like a menacing villain...perhaps we can put him up against them if needs be

In truth they've probably known about us for who knows how many years? hundreds? thousands? they may have even created us?

All this space debris!!! looking the same!!! and many of them changing direction!!! now that's some debris!

It's some of the astronauts I feel sorry for...on YouTube you will find one of these astronauts from this tether mission (STS-75) attending a convention and what looked to be a signing (books, photo's etc) I guy took a camera and filmed him asking him questions about the mission which he politely answered, however towards the end he asks him about this tether incident and if I remember right? he put them down to ice crystals

If they are ice debris or ice crystals then i'm a monkey's uncle...wait a minute

- Darryl James Cooper
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2 years 6 months ago #1759
by Darryl James Cooper
"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
Dr. Carl Sagan
Darryl James Cooper replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
With all of the officially government funded, the academically funded, and all of the amateur radio and optical telescopes in the world pointed up to the sky, surely if these unidentified objects truly were hovering around the moon or elsewhere, then surely at least one of them would have seen something and if not then surely some America hating/government hating/conspiracy theorist must have spotted them? The fact that they haven't and also that SETI is being funded purely to spot radio signals of unknown origin and even they haven't found anything, I can't help but think that there really isn't anything in close enough range.
Now I do 100% believe in aliens however I do not believe they have reached this far.
Now I do 100% believe in aliens however I do not believe they have reached this far.
"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
Dr. Carl Sagan
- Paul Conway
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2 years 6 months ago #1760
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
You seem like a good sort Darryl and I am always happy to debate with you and others that don't agree with me (this might be as high as 99% of those LM1 members on here?)
I guess you either believe the Governments of the World words (or those in real charge) with regards to this matter (ufo's, aliens, call them what you will) or you don't?
I most certainly DO NOT believe them.
I LOVE numerous sf films and Tv series (eg X-Files) but i have NOT formed my opinion based on these but rather on other footage, photo's and other various sources (books, astronaut & politican accounts and yes even some YouTube footage from NASA themselves!)
It's been stated that there are sections of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing that was blanked out in which Armstrong & Buzz Aldwin comment on seeing BIG SHIPS on the side of a Moon crater...it may just be a goblins & fairies tale? but it's never gone away! and Armstrong late in life certainly appeared to give a cryptic clue in a speech shortly before his death...search it out, maybe some of us read too much into it but seems pretty clear to me (he saw something and was not able to tell...I would LOVE to have a quiet word with Tim Peak)
Cave Paintings have indicated strange craft in the sky (some showing them being piloted with creatures looking strangely like astronauts) and some of the UFO footage around is just too damn strange...surprisingly from NASA themselves...although I'm fairly sure this STS-75 footage should not have been so (but was picked up by a cable Tv channel)
PLEASE TELL ME Darryl??? you appear to be an intelligent sort WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS? filmed in the UV (no wonder they are rarely recorded)
Some footage show these objects appearing from nowhere and those similar to this tether incident forming a larger circular shape? well again that's just too strange.
I have read & seen too much not to form the opinion that we've been withheld information on this subject.
We've discussed this before Darryl and it may even being withheld for a genuine reason...to simply stop any panic! the truth might be something even stranger and bigger...
What if we were an experimental species created by some otherworldly beings? these beings, what if they come from another universe all together (hence the zapping in from nowhere) what if they ARE NOT aliens at all...you may not know this but Trillions of Dollars in the USA Budget over many years went missing, where did this go? perhaps it went on what your seeing here and they're ours (human) with incredibly advance tech I've written about before (personally I think we have much future tech right now that's years in advance to what the general public knows of...it's good to be rich and/or powerful
I'd like to think we could cope with the truth but in reality I fear we would not, in which case they might be correct to withhold this stuff.
BTW Seti did capture that short WOW! signal but in truth it's been said Seti are searching on the wrong wavelengths (pardon the pun Darryl but do a search yourself on this and you may discover a few interesting things about the Seti program)
Genuine though i'm sure it is...they are unlikely to find anything using the current equipment & wavelengths they are currently trying.
I'm happy to be wrong...I have never, ever wanted to be famous, I don't want riches or a pat on the back if somehow i'm ever proven right and I will never ever gloat over those I thought were wrong (well ok perhaps just a sly smile...but that's all, honest)
To be honest Darryl had these forums been anything like I thought they'd have been and not dead I may not have posted such things on subjects that are a bit out there...but hey there here and I feel it would be a waste of money not to use them, another trigger for me were those photo's of mine...
What is that thing above the train? and what is that thing above the train which is above the train?
How come in the video it sweeps past the train (to the left of the picture) so fast it's difficult to see it and then proceeds to sweep around the bottom of the hills and off the other side to the right? the photo (taken by my father) clearly shows something of a decent size above but past the train, what is it? no sounds where heard and no one else saw it?
What are those objects I captured on the moon? (using a Digital Camera) both appearing to cast shadows upon the Moon...one as if it was actually parked, the other (the sphere type) can be seen casting a shadow to the left of it with a good distance between them.
And just what do you think those things are traversing around that 12 mile long tether during the STS-75 mission?
I sincerely ask you what do you think they are?
I think we've known for a long long time but HUMANS are greedy (the tech) and powerful (they don't want ordinary folk to have probably what they have...the knowledge & possible benefits that come with this)
As I've said...I think our tech is getting much better (for us normal folk anyway) and if we combine this with hopefully trips into space for we normal folk in the coming years it just might be that prove is truly captured.
I guess you either believe the Governments of the World words (or those in real charge) with regards to this matter (ufo's, aliens, call them what you will) or you don't?
I most certainly DO NOT believe them.
I LOVE numerous sf films and Tv series (eg X-Files) but i have NOT formed my opinion based on these but rather on other footage, photo's and other various sources (books, astronaut & politican accounts and yes even some YouTube footage from NASA themselves!)
It's been stated that there are sections of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing that was blanked out in which Armstrong & Buzz Aldwin comment on seeing BIG SHIPS on the side of a Moon crater...it may just be a goblins & fairies tale? but it's never gone away! and Armstrong late in life certainly appeared to give a cryptic clue in a speech shortly before his death...search it out, maybe some of us read too much into it but seems pretty clear to me (he saw something and was not able to tell...I would LOVE to have a quiet word with Tim Peak)
Cave Paintings have indicated strange craft in the sky (some showing them being piloted with creatures looking strangely like astronauts) and some of the UFO footage around is just too damn strange...surprisingly from NASA themselves...although I'm fairly sure this STS-75 footage should not have been so (but was picked up by a cable Tv channel)
PLEASE TELL ME Darryl??? you appear to be an intelligent sort WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS? filmed in the UV (no wonder they are rarely recorded)
Some footage show these objects appearing from nowhere and those similar to this tether incident forming a larger circular shape? well again that's just too strange.
I have read & seen too much not to form the opinion that we've been withheld information on this subject.
We've discussed this before Darryl and it may even being withheld for a genuine reason...to simply stop any panic! the truth might be something even stranger and bigger...
What if we were an experimental species created by some otherworldly beings? these beings, what if they come from another universe all together (hence the zapping in from nowhere) what if they ARE NOT aliens at all...you may not know this but Trillions of Dollars in the USA Budget over many years went missing, where did this go? perhaps it went on what your seeing here and they're ours (human) with incredibly advance tech I've written about before (personally I think we have much future tech right now that's years in advance to what the general public knows of...it's good to be rich and/or powerful

I'd like to think we could cope with the truth but in reality I fear we would not, in which case they might be correct to withhold this stuff.
BTW Seti did capture that short WOW! signal but in truth it's been said Seti are searching on the wrong wavelengths (pardon the pun Darryl but do a search yourself on this and you may discover a few interesting things about the Seti program)
Genuine though i'm sure it is...they are unlikely to find anything using the current equipment & wavelengths they are currently trying.
I'm happy to be wrong...I have never, ever wanted to be famous, I don't want riches or a pat on the back if somehow i'm ever proven right and I will never ever gloat over those I thought were wrong (well ok perhaps just a sly smile...but that's all, honest)
To be honest Darryl had these forums been anything like I thought they'd have been and not dead I may not have posted such things on subjects that are a bit out there...but hey there here and I feel it would be a waste of money not to use them, another trigger for me were those photo's of mine...
What is that thing above the train? and what is that thing above the train which is above the train?
How come in the video it sweeps past the train (to the left of the picture) so fast it's difficult to see it and then proceeds to sweep around the bottom of the hills and off the other side to the right? the photo (taken by my father) clearly shows something of a decent size above but past the train, what is it? no sounds where heard and no one else saw it?
What are those objects I captured on the moon? (using a Digital Camera) both appearing to cast shadows upon the Moon...one as if it was actually parked, the other (the sphere type) can be seen casting a shadow to the left of it with a good distance between them.
And just what do you think those things are traversing around that 12 mile long tether during the STS-75 mission?
I sincerely ask you what do you think they are?
I think we've known for a long long time but HUMANS are greedy (the tech) and powerful (they don't want ordinary folk to have probably what they have...the knowledge & possible benefits that come with this)
As I've said...I think our tech is getting much better (for us normal folk anyway) and if we combine this with hopefully trips into space for we normal folk in the coming years it just might be that prove is truly captured.