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UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
- Darryl James Cooper
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2 years 6 months ago #1761
by Darryl James Cooper
"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
Dr. Carl Sagan
Darryl James Cooper replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
In this day and age it's almost impossible for anything to be covered up, governments aren't clever enough and whistleblowers like Edward Snowden I don't believe would stand for it.
I take your point about dodgy governments but there are plenty of amateurs out there, wouldn't someone without a government agenda have spotted the ship in your moon photo?
What is your opinion on people who believe the moon landing was faked and flat earth theorists? I'm not grouping you with them I am merely saying they believe their theories for the same reasons you believe yours, surely all must be equally respected for that reason?
I take your point about dodgy governments but there are plenty of amateurs out there, wouldn't someone without a government agenda have spotted the ship in your moon photo?
What is your opinion on people who believe the moon landing was faked and flat earth theorists? I'm not grouping you with them I am merely saying they believe their theories for the same reasons you believe yours, surely all must be equally respected for that reason?
"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
Dr. Carl Sagan
- Paul Conway
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2 years 6 months ago #1763
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
I actually hope your right, truly i do, I don't want governments to be lying to their people (even if it's for their own good) it does sound a little incredible doesn't it?
Aliens visting this planet for hundreds if not thousands of years, abductions, saucer crashes (Roswell) astronauts discovering they were being tracked and then big ships showing up on the Moon's crater, tales of Apollo 20 (was there a 2nd Russian team up? what was up with the first one anyway? when they knew Apollo was coming to an end?) possible bases on the dark side of the Moon, Washington under attack back in the 1950's by what? Astronauts that have stated they have seen things and know they exist (Edgar Mitchell for one but there are others) strange craft in space swirling around a NASA electrical energy experiment STS-75 (tether), politicians breaking with silence on the subject (Canadian minister & Russian) the list is endless and yes even I didn't spot the strange craft on the moon to begin with but sure enough it's there...I want no fame, I am simply like Spock incredibly curious...and given a chance (and provided safety was guaranteed) wouldn't you agree to take a trip with them? scary though this would be I am sure (at first)...but we need to learn more about them.
I just wonder if you might just be a little naïve Darryl...but your a little younger than I, it's not governments that truly run this planet...as I said when you know that the USA Defence Department has lost not millions or hundreds of millions BUT Trillions of dollars don't that make you think? WHAT!!! WHERE DID it GO THEN? you folks were in charge (it's NOT loose change now is it?)
Edward Snowden has something of an ego it appears to me (I could be wrong...but it appears this way) and has an inflated opinion of what he's tapped into...in reality I don't think he's scratched the surface.
Those with real wealth and power are what worry me as I don't believe they truly care for 99.9% of the World (I do hope I am wrong) and I worry over a possible 'Andromeda Strain' scenario in which these people have contacted these beings and are trading with them unbeknown to we humans as a whole...something akin to the EU who have power over millions and yet where not voted in....just a selected few knowing the real truths and having the benefits which come with such advanced tech (cures, possibly living forever and the likes)
Yes I am surprised that the ship? or whatever it was? that showed up on the moon that night was not picked up or spotted by more (there's actual video footage on YouTube of it though which is why I thought it must be something)
Is the Earth flat? well of course not, as for the people that think so...I think they are silly (we have prove) if some still wish to believe this I have no problem with it really...people believe in all kinds of things I don't...they have that right and I would never force my beliefs on any one of them but I would try to reason with them and show them prove...same goes for the MOON LANDINGS...clearly if NASA faked them they're gonna look pretty darn silly when our future kids turn up on day trips up there to study all those Apollo missions.
I'm not sure these people are to be respected as such but I certainly would not make fun of them, I would hope truth would simply be enough (of course we know that even this is NOT enough for some people)
David Ike is an interesting character...in that much of his stuff seems stranger than mine (the Queen is a lizard) well I am open to all kinds of strangeness because believe me Darryl out there, somewhere, are things that would BLOW our MINDS...but the Queen a Lizard? nah.
I very much appreciated the late Terry Wogan's remarks on this gentleman when he stated he was very sorry & regretted the way he treated him in his interview...Terry was a kind, lovable man and it was very out of character...but none of us are perfect (certainly not I)
Don't forget we've been broadcasting into Space for a long time (those Tv signals) so who knows who's picked up on them.
But honestly now Darryl...
What do you make of those things around the STS-75 experimental tether?
You can't in all seriousness think that they are ice particles? or debris? please say it isn't so, someone who I feel is intelligent and informed can't possible say so? can they?
And what of all the other stuff....there's just so much....can it be that they are all just our modern versions of werewolves, fairies, goblins and the like?
i'm not so sure but if you are I will respect that.
Aliens visting this planet for hundreds if not thousands of years, abductions, saucer crashes (Roswell) astronauts discovering they were being tracked and then big ships showing up on the Moon's crater, tales of Apollo 20 (was there a 2nd Russian team up? what was up with the first one anyway? when they knew Apollo was coming to an end?) possible bases on the dark side of the Moon, Washington under attack back in the 1950's by what? Astronauts that have stated they have seen things and know they exist (Edgar Mitchell for one but there are others) strange craft in space swirling around a NASA electrical energy experiment STS-75 (tether), politicians breaking with silence on the subject (Canadian minister & Russian) the list is endless and yes even I didn't spot the strange craft on the moon to begin with but sure enough it's there...I want no fame, I am simply like Spock incredibly curious...and given a chance (and provided safety was guaranteed) wouldn't you agree to take a trip with them? scary though this would be I am sure (at first)...but we need to learn more about them.
I just wonder if you might just be a little naïve Darryl...but your a little younger than I, it's not governments that truly run this planet...as I said when you know that the USA Defence Department has lost not millions or hundreds of millions BUT Trillions of dollars don't that make you think? WHAT!!! WHERE DID it GO THEN? you folks were in charge (it's NOT loose change now is it?)
Edward Snowden has something of an ego it appears to me (I could be wrong...but it appears this way) and has an inflated opinion of what he's tapped into...in reality I don't think he's scratched the surface.
Those with real wealth and power are what worry me as I don't believe they truly care for 99.9% of the World (I do hope I am wrong) and I worry over a possible 'Andromeda Strain' scenario in which these people have contacted these beings and are trading with them unbeknown to we humans as a whole...something akin to the EU who have power over millions and yet where not voted in....just a selected few knowing the real truths and having the benefits which come with such advanced tech (cures, possibly living forever and the likes)
Yes I am surprised that the ship? or whatever it was? that showed up on the moon that night was not picked up or spotted by more (there's actual video footage on YouTube of it though which is why I thought it must be something)
Is the Earth flat? well of course not, as for the people that think so...I think they are silly (we have prove) if some still wish to believe this I have no problem with it really...people believe in all kinds of things I don't...they have that right and I would never force my beliefs on any one of them but I would try to reason with them and show them prove...same goes for the MOON LANDINGS...clearly if NASA faked them they're gonna look pretty darn silly when our future kids turn up on day trips up there to study all those Apollo missions.
I'm not sure these people are to be respected as such but I certainly would not make fun of them, I would hope truth would simply be enough (of course we know that even this is NOT enough for some people)
David Ike is an interesting character...in that much of his stuff seems stranger than mine (the Queen is a lizard) well I am open to all kinds of strangeness because believe me Darryl out there, somewhere, are things that would BLOW our MINDS...but the Queen a Lizard? nah.
I very much appreciated the late Terry Wogan's remarks on this gentleman when he stated he was very sorry & regretted the way he treated him in his interview...Terry was a kind, lovable man and it was very out of character...but none of us are perfect (certainly not I)
Don't forget we've been broadcasting into Space for a long time (those Tv signals) so who knows who's picked up on them.
But honestly now Darryl...
What do you make of those things around the STS-75 experimental tether?
You can't in all seriousness think that they are ice particles? or debris? please say it isn't so, someone who I feel is intelligent and informed can't possible say so? can they?
And what of all the other stuff....there's just so much....can it be that they are all just our modern versions of werewolves, fairies, goblins and the like?
i'm not so sure but if you are I will respect that.
- Paul Conway
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2 years 5 months ago - 2 years 5 months ago #1822
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
I think the phrase is "THERE'S NO SMOKE! WITHOUT FIRE!"
Well right now...Thanks to the advancements in tech, camera's, the internet, drones & private space companies I think there's an awful lot of smoke
wouldn't you folks out there say?
1) There were early signs in our human history...with strange cave & wall paintings / markings (showing astronaut figures piloting strange craft) this was many many hundreds of years ago!
2) Even in Biblical Times there were sightings of strange things in our sky (before any aircraft had been thought of!)
3) World War 2 and the FOO FIGHTER sightings...too many to list (just search foo fighters) during WWII many many pilots witnessed & reported very strange and fast lights in our skies.
4) During the 1950's there were even more reports of UFO sightings (did the 50's SF movies such as "Earth vs Flying Saucers", "The Day the Earth Stood Still" bith GREAT Films BTW increase this?)
There were so many that the American Government set up "Project Blue-Book" to investigate.
5) THE ROSEWELL CRASH...the big incident that a good majority believe was no crashed weather balloon!!!
A farmer on a ranch discovered some light metallic material with strange markings upon it which when crumpled up would return to it's original shape!
Reports of witness's going missing!
Was it a form of radar that possibly brought these craft? down?
That original radio report was completely hushed up and poor Jessie Marcel
scapegoat who looked like he'd been made to look a fool with rushed parts of a balloon to look over.
6) The NASA Missions...
from the early Mercury missions there were so called sightings...this continued right through to the Apollo missions...that rumoured radio cut off during Apollo 11 has always intrigued me in which Armstrong & Aldwin are said in a transcript to have seen large craft on one of the crater edges! and yes of course there must have been filmed footage too you'd have thought? but it has never seen the light of day.
Reports of astronauts seeing lights & strange structures on the hidden side (so called Dark Side) of the Moon are intriguing too.
Even through all the shuttle missions & International Space Station missions there were strange things witnessed & reported...it's all there if you search it these days (sure there are silly fakes but also things that are not)
7) Washington under attack during the 1952?
Well weapons from us it seemed were fired but hit and destroyed nothing!!!! isn't that strange! maybe it was just a strange case of lights in the sky?
The Rendlesham UFO Incident
The so called UK Roswell Incident...but what is strange about this one is the high profile military figures involved...why would they lie? and say such things? alien ships? or a place where our advanced craft were being tested?
Something happened here.
9) JFK Died because he was about to lift the lid on the UFO issue?
Now this is where things can get mighty blurry...it's an interesting thought but if the real powers that be decided this could never happen & did indeed have the President of the United States murdered then the BIG QUESTION was WHY? assuming for a moment it was due to the fact that he had decided to disclose this information to the general public what did the powers that be have against this happening?
Is there something even stranger than we could possibly think? or just general human nature of greed & power and keeping it within their own circles?
If that's the case then how sad and troubling is this??? they would sell us all down the river simply to have these secrets to themselves.
Do I believe this? No I don't think so but I thought i'd include it here as it's not out of the question...might be more to do with Communist Russia of the time? but ever proven? you'd never trust your governments ever again (Not that we do so thesedays anyway right?)
10) High Profile Names having seen strange things.
President Carter saw & reported a UFO, so too it seemed did George Bush senior (but his & his family's story if some are to be believed have been part of the problem?)
The Secetary General of the UN (from the 1980's I believe) witnessed a UFO event that was and has been hushed up ever since.
Rumours that President Nixon showed his good friend Jackie Gleeson an alien body & that he was the never same afterwards.
There are many other whistle blowers from astronauts to military men to men in power along with those that have stated they have worked in such places as Area 51 and the likes...Many of them highly intelligent and yet largely ignored.
11) The Majestic 12
A Group set up that was / is so powerful and secretive that they had powers over everything to do with this subject.
This kind of reminds me of the film "The Andromeda Strain" a select few that know things and try to keep the wraps on.
12) Abductions
Of course there have been many many rumours of such things...if theses have & do take place it is truly shocking.
There is a very interesting movie called "The Fourth Kind" in which a small town in Alaska had such things take place and this film even includes actually so called 'real' filmed footage from a police call-out that is if as stated quiet amazing! is it just showbiz talk? who knows but the sequence shows the final abduction that is filmed through a police officers car showing for just a few glimpsed seconds a huge ship above the house before the magnetic field? or whatever it was giving off affected the cameras.
13) Area 51 & J-Rod
I have no doubt whatsoever that there are such places like or similar to Area 51...are they in the regions they have been reported? highly unlikely you'd imagine...they are probably deep underground and way out of the reach of normal prying human eyes.
Was the figure known as J-Rod (one of the so called Roswell crashed bodies recovered) taken there? is he really a future version of us? is he from the future? or did we advance more than we thought in past times and then became these strange looking 'grey' types?
Incredible if true.
14) Shuttle Mission STS-75 and the Tether Incident also really intrigues me.
How can anyone that has seen this footage say with a straight face that those things are ice particles!!!
I don't know what they are?
But they do appear to be of a decent size, powered and there are many of them maneuvering all around this failed experiment (which was a curious one to start with)
15) WE SHALL FIND THINGS EVENTUALLY (so why cover it up? if there is one? it can't just be oh there are ALIENS out there! what else is new? is there something incredibly earth shattering that they're possibly not telling us?)
As we venture further away from our home planet is simply inevitable that we are going to find & discover strange, wonderful & even troubling things (if we haven't already)
CERES...a strange Dwarf Planet that has some really curious looking structures upon it (perhaps they are all naturally occurring?) but I am still intriguing by that strange almost moon rover looking object on there that appears to be moving around Ceres (if not some form of transport craft then it's a fault but on approx. 8 different photo's!!!! to me it appears to be moving around up there! and if the Dawn Mission folks know this or can prove it then it's either ours, alien or some form of huge lifeform that would make our Dinosaurs look like Ants!)
Not to mention the strange main crater and the curious pyramid looking structure that just looks so out of place with everything around it!
PLUTO...Again a strange look natural forming structure? or something else...I find this photograph a little strange and again intriguing.
EUROPA...I have no doubts whatsoever that there is a great chance of life on this Moon.
TITAN...Ok this methane world might seem highly unlikely to currently habor life you'd have thought? but I would not rule it out.
Again this 2nd photo I've including here has always intrigued me...if I didn't know any better i'd say it was a coastal shot of say California or Cornwall complete with river types (that almost look like pathways or roads!!! which of course is crazy right?)
Of course there are plenty of other stuff out there...stories of things on our own moon, rumours and encounters.
Some if not much of it may well be fake and incorrect and made up (sadly) but if we try and deal with the perhaps the more high profile subjects such as the above then perhaps if just one of these smoke plums leads us to the fire perhaps we'll final discover that we are not alone (and in fact perhaps have never ever been so!)
I know most of you (even here) forget Facebook, Instagram and Twitter the majority on there are only concerned with daily routines and silliness for the most part (nothing wrong with that...I like a bit of tittle tattle too) but I do look forward to the majority of us engaging our minds as to what's out there and what it is we shall discover.
I truly hope we have not yet discovered alien life and strange unexplainable craft and structures on distant worlds as the mystery of discovering them for the first time is still to happen...but somehow I don't think this is the case (could be wrong) but I think we've known for the best part of 70 years perhaps even more?
But I do believe there is No Smoke without Fire and right now in this day and age there appears to be an inferno heading our way!
I just ask that everyone that reads this now and in the future keeps an open mind...because if we survive past these next 50 or so years to insure we do survive as a species we shall eventually encounter truly AMAZING THINGS
(just wish I was around to witness them)
Your time travelling pilot from the future signing off.
Well right now...Thanks to the advancements in tech, camera's, the internet, drones & private space companies I think there's an awful lot of smoke

1) There were early signs in our human history...with strange cave & wall paintings / markings (showing astronaut figures piloting strange craft) this was many many hundreds of years ago!
2) Even in Biblical Times there were sightings of strange things in our sky (before any aircraft had been thought of!)
3) World War 2 and the FOO FIGHTER sightings...too many to list (just search foo fighters) during WWII many many pilots witnessed & reported very strange and fast lights in our skies.
4) During the 1950's there were even more reports of UFO sightings (did the 50's SF movies such as "Earth vs Flying Saucers", "The Day the Earth Stood Still" bith GREAT Films BTW increase this?)
There were so many that the American Government set up "Project Blue-Book" to investigate.
5) THE ROSEWELL CRASH...the big incident that a good majority believe was no crashed weather balloon!!!
A farmer on a ranch discovered some light metallic material with strange markings upon it which when crumpled up would return to it's original shape!
Reports of witness's going missing!
Was it a form of radar that possibly brought these craft? down?
That original radio report was completely hushed up and poor Jessie Marcel

6) The NASA Missions...
from the early Mercury missions there were so called sightings...this continued right through to the Apollo missions...that rumoured radio cut off during Apollo 11 has always intrigued me in which Armstrong & Aldwin are said in a transcript to have seen large craft on one of the crater edges! and yes of course there must have been filmed footage too you'd have thought? but it has never seen the light of day.
Reports of astronauts seeing lights & strange structures on the hidden side (so called Dark Side) of the Moon are intriguing too.
Even through all the shuttle missions & International Space Station missions there were strange things witnessed & reported...it's all there if you search it these days (sure there are silly fakes but also things that are not)
7) Washington under attack during the 1952?
Well weapons from us it seemed were fired but hit and destroyed nothing!!!! isn't that strange! maybe it was just a strange case of lights in the sky?

The so called UK Roswell Incident...but what is strange about this one is the high profile military figures involved...why would they lie? and say such things? alien ships? or a place where our advanced craft were being tested?
Something happened here.
9) JFK Died because he was about to lift the lid on the UFO issue?
Now this is where things can get mighty blurry...it's an interesting thought but if the real powers that be decided this could never happen & did indeed have the President of the United States murdered then the BIG QUESTION was WHY? assuming for a moment it was due to the fact that he had decided to disclose this information to the general public what did the powers that be have against this happening?
Is there something even stranger than we could possibly think? or just general human nature of greed & power and keeping it within their own circles?
If that's the case then how sad and troubling is this??? they would sell us all down the river simply to have these secrets to themselves.
Do I believe this? No I don't think so but I thought i'd include it here as it's not out of the question...might be more to do with Communist Russia of the time? but ever proven? you'd never trust your governments ever again (Not that we do so thesedays anyway right?)
10) High Profile Names having seen strange things.
President Carter saw & reported a UFO, so too it seemed did George Bush senior (but his & his family's story if some are to be believed have been part of the problem?)
The Secetary General of the UN (from the 1980's I believe) witnessed a UFO event that was and has been hushed up ever since.
Rumours that President Nixon showed his good friend Jackie Gleeson an alien body & that he was the never same afterwards.
There are many other whistle blowers from astronauts to military men to men in power along with those that have stated they have worked in such places as Area 51 and the likes...Many of them highly intelligent and yet largely ignored.
11) The Majestic 12
A Group set up that was / is so powerful and secretive that they had powers over everything to do with this subject.
This kind of reminds me of the film "The Andromeda Strain" a select few that know things and try to keep the wraps on.
12) Abductions
Of course there have been many many rumours of such things...if theses have & do take place it is truly shocking.
There is a very interesting movie called "The Fourth Kind" in which a small town in Alaska had such things take place and this film even includes actually so called 'real' filmed footage from a police call-out that is if as stated quiet amazing! is it just showbiz talk? who knows but the sequence shows the final abduction that is filmed through a police officers car showing for just a few glimpsed seconds a huge ship above the house before the magnetic field? or whatever it was giving off affected the cameras.
13) Area 51 & J-Rod
I have no doubt whatsoever that there are such places like or similar to Area 51...are they in the regions they have been reported? highly unlikely you'd imagine...they are probably deep underground and way out of the reach of normal prying human eyes.
Was the figure known as J-Rod (one of the so called Roswell crashed bodies recovered) taken there? is he really a future version of us? is he from the future? or did we advance more than we thought in past times and then became these strange looking 'grey' types?
Incredible if true.
14) Shuttle Mission STS-75 and the Tether Incident also really intrigues me.
How can anyone that has seen this footage say with a straight face that those things are ice particles!!!

I don't know what they are?
But they do appear to be of a decent size, powered and there are many of them maneuvering all around this failed experiment (which was a curious one to start with)
15) WE SHALL FIND THINGS EVENTUALLY (so why cover it up? if there is one? it can't just be oh there are ALIENS out there! what else is new? is there something incredibly earth shattering that they're possibly not telling us?)
As we venture further away from our home planet is simply inevitable that we are going to find & discover strange, wonderful & even troubling things (if we haven't already)
CERES...a strange Dwarf Planet that has some really curious looking structures upon it (perhaps they are all naturally occurring?) but I am still intriguing by that strange almost moon rover looking object on there that appears to be moving around Ceres (if not some form of transport craft then it's a fault but on approx. 8 different photo's!!!! to me it appears to be moving around up there! and if the Dawn Mission folks know this or can prove it then it's either ours, alien or some form of huge lifeform that would make our Dinosaurs look like Ants!)
Not to mention the strange main crater and the curious pyramid looking structure that just looks so out of place with everything around it!
PLUTO...Again a strange look natural forming structure? or something else...I find this photograph a little strange and again intriguing.
EUROPA...I have no doubts whatsoever that there is a great chance of life on this Moon.
TITAN...Ok this methane world might seem highly unlikely to currently habor life you'd have thought? but I would not rule it out.
Again this 2nd photo I've including here has always intrigued me...if I didn't know any better i'd say it was a coastal shot of say California or Cornwall complete with river types (that almost look like pathways or roads!!! which of course is crazy right?)
Of course there are plenty of other stuff out there...stories of things on our own moon, rumours and encounters.
Some if not much of it may well be fake and incorrect and made up (sadly) but if we try and deal with the perhaps the more high profile subjects such as the above then perhaps if just one of these smoke plums leads us to the fire perhaps we'll final discover that we are not alone (and in fact perhaps have never ever been so!)
I know most of you (even here) forget Facebook, Instagram and Twitter the majority on there are only concerned with daily routines and silliness for the most part (nothing wrong with that...I like a bit of tittle tattle too) but I do look forward to the majority of us engaging our minds as to what's out there and what it is we shall discover.
I truly hope we have not yet discovered alien life and strange unexplainable craft and structures on distant worlds as the mystery of discovering them for the first time is still to happen...but somehow I don't think this is the case (could be wrong) but I think we've known for the best part of 70 years perhaps even more?
But I do believe there is No Smoke without Fire and right now in this day and age there appears to be an inferno heading our way!
I just ask that everyone that reads this now and in the future keeps an open mind...because if we survive past these next 50 or so years to insure we do survive as a species we shall eventually encounter truly AMAZING THINGS

Your time travelling pilot from the future signing off.
Last Edit: 2 years 5 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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2 years 5 months ago #1823
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
Please excuse my grammer & spelling which is not as it once was (I had an encounter...only joking
actually an incident which at times scrambles my thoughts and speech at times)
Anyway, forgot to include those 2 photographs which so intrigue me...
The 1st is of Pluto (the long shot showing the surrounding area) now I know there are natural formations such as this such as from Lava flows and Dried up Lake Beds and the like but I do find this shot curious...the pathways and structures encountered around them (I find the structure in the top right hand corner has somewhat of the same thing on Ceres! now wouldn't that be something!!! not only are we or something mining CERES but PLUTO also)
The structures towards the bottom of the photo and to the right have a pyramid looking shape to them (again)
And then there's that curious main structure (if natural occurring then it sure is one place i'd love to explore) but it does have a few strange things about it as I've stated previously...when you ZOOM in close to this structure it has very curiously shapes to it that almost appear not to be naturally occurring but man made!!! BUT THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT CAN IT?
There are what appear to be pipes to the rear of it, strange triangular shapes within what appears to be a hollowed out section and just before you get to the long almost neck like structure there appears to be a curved entrance like structure and then along that long thin structure leading and just before you get to the main bulbus looking shaped rock formation type to the left there appears to be a circular object or structure.
I know it's unlikely and many of you reading this will be thinking i'm just hoping and searching and hoping to find something and maybe I am but the first time I ever saw this photograph and then zoomed in on it, it just simply looked odd and a little unnatural to me and those almost pathway looking routes around it...Does anyone else find this strange and I know natural occurring rock formations can sometimes trick the mind into seeing things that aren't really there but upon this structure there appears to be not just one strange shape but numerous one's.
Photo 2 is of TITAN...a very exciting MOON I think.
Now don't that look like a coastal shot similar to that say in California or Cornwall (which of course it kinda is....curious)

Anyway, forgot to include those 2 photographs which so intrigue me...
The 1st is of Pluto (the long shot showing the surrounding area) now I know there are natural formations such as this such as from Lava flows and Dried up Lake Beds and the like but I do find this shot curious...the pathways and structures encountered around them (I find the structure in the top right hand corner has somewhat of the same thing on Ceres! now wouldn't that be something!!! not only are we or something mining CERES but PLUTO also)
The structures towards the bottom of the photo and to the right have a pyramid looking shape to them (again)
And then there's that curious main structure (if natural occurring then it sure is one place i'd love to explore) but it does have a few strange things about it as I've stated previously...when you ZOOM in close to this structure it has very curiously shapes to it that almost appear not to be naturally occurring but man made!!! BUT THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT CAN IT?
There are what appear to be pipes to the rear of it, strange triangular shapes within what appears to be a hollowed out section and just before you get to the long almost neck like structure there appears to be a curved entrance like structure and then along that long thin structure leading and just before you get to the main bulbus looking shaped rock formation type to the left there appears to be a circular object or structure.
I know it's unlikely and many of you reading this will be thinking i'm just hoping and searching and hoping to find something and maybe I am but the first time I ever saw this photograph and then zoomed in on it, it just simply looked odd and a little unnatural to me and those almost pathway looking routes around it...Does anyone else find this strange and I know natural occurring rock formations can sometimes trick the mind into seeing things that aren't really there but upon this structure there appears to be not just one strange shape but numerous one's.
Photo 2 is of TITAN...a very exciting MOON I think.
Now don't that look like a coastal shot similar to that say in California or Cornwall (which of course it kinda is....curious)
- Paul Conway
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2 years 5 months ago #1824
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: UFO's with newer technology we are getting CLOSER
Of course what I would really like to see are pictures taken of this region on Pluto now or taken after this one to see if any of those things on those pathways have gone or moved?
if they are still there well they're probably natural formations (rock or something like) but if they are missing or have moved well then it becomes interesting right?
if they are still there well they're probably natural formations (rock or something like) but if they are missing or have moved well then it becomes interesting right?