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- 2015 UFO ISS Footage (new to me) SCREEN goes BLANK
2015 UFO ISS Footage (new to me) SCREEN goes BLANK
- Paul Conway
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1 year 3 months ago #3277
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: 2015 UFO ISS Footage (new to me) SCREEN goes BLANK
Just thought I would post this here as it's interesting.
The ISS does have reflections, it does have marks on the windows & so NOT everything can be said to be a UFO or ALIENS.
Hard to tell but after ALL I've seen, especially the one's in which they are MOVING AROUND (those pesky ice crystals
) you have to say it wouldn't surprise me.
What I found AMUSING about this is that it has a LOOK of the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE about it.
You can see the circular shape & possibly DOMED area at the centre of this (making it look a little like the STS-75 shuttle mission craft SWARMING around that broken tether) but if you look to the right of it you might also be able to make out what look like two long lines coming from it (TWO NACELLES attached)
So it has the look of the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE which amuses me no end, it's static & matching the ISS orbit so it could be a reflection or similar? but you know me
THAT looks like something
and it looks rather BIG & then the SCREEN goes BLUE BLANK...this ALWAYS amuses me on LIVE NASA Feeds, it just happens to go blank after a few seconds / minutes of something interesting coming into view.
THESE guys are hilarious...what would be hilarious would be if somehow they had created this to look like the ENTERPRISE
Well it fooled me because I for one think this is AGAIN one of their or OUR advanced Spacecraft / Station.
REMEMBER we (Humans) are only thousands of years old.
The DINOSAURS roamed this PLANET for some 125 million Years before being wiped out 75 million years ago so SERIOUSLY...
YOU don't think that OTHER intelligent CREATURES were around about the time of the DINOSUARS & they DIDN'T KNOW ALL ABOUT US when we showed up on THE PLANET?
I find THIS point of view rather AMUSING...especially when it comes from people I assume to be INTELLIGENT.
Check it out...
The ISS does have reflections, it does have marks on the windows & so NOT everything can be said to be a UFO or ALIENS.
Hard to tell but after ALL I've seen, especially the one's in which they are MOVING AROUND (those pesky ice crystals

What I found AMUSING about this is that it has a LOOK of the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE about it.
You can see the circular shape & possibly DOMED area at the centre of this (making it look a little like the STS-75 shuttle mission craft SWARMING around that broken tether) but if you look to the right of it you might also be able to make out what look like two long lines coming from it (TWO NACELLES attached)

So it has the look of the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE which amuses me no end, it's static & matching the ISS orbit so it could be a reflection or similar? but you know me

THAT looks like something

THESE guys are hilarious...what would be hilarious would be if somehow they had created this to look like the ENTERPRISE

Well it fooled me because I for one think this is AGAIN one of their or OUR advanced Spacecraft / Station.
REMEMBER we (Humans) are only thousands of years old.
The DINOSAURS roamed this PLANET for some 125 million Years before being wiped out 75 million years ago so SERIOUSLY...
YOU don't think that OTHER intelligent CREATURES were around about the time of the DINOSUARS & they DIDN'T KNOW ALL ABOUT US when we showed up on THE PLANET?
I find THIS point of view rather AMUSING...especially when it comes from people I assume to be INTELLIGENT.
Check it out...
- Paul Conway
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1 year 3 months ago #3281
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: 2015 UFO ISS Footage (new to me) SCREEN goes BLANK
So I guess my point is...
We are but children in COSMIC TIME.
Humans have been around for ONLY few HUNDRED THOUSAND Years (give or take depending on what you read)
But it is ONLY in the past 100 Years or so that we have KICKED ON...this timing is INTERESTING I feel
So NOW we have REACHED the point after just a few hundred thousand years of evolution WHERE we can detect EARTH LIKE Planets heading around STARS & we will VERY SOON be able to detect the kind of things these planets have? such as Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Water & such like & this WILL IN TIME lead to us FINDING & KNOWING about INTELLIGENT LIFE on some of these PLANETS as it will become plainly obvious after targeting them to see if they have such things as DATA WAVES or SIGNALS (Radio & Other Types) that SOME of THEM will...and as we know ONLY Intelligent LIFE as we know it can do such things.
We already KNOW ABOUT THEM in all likelihood...as they have surely been visiting us for hundreds if not thousands of years...WHY? because UNLIKE Humans some of them have probably been around for MILLIONS of YEARS & yet we have reached THIS POINT now...So, SERIOUSLY...
WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY COULD DO Now ? After Millions!!! of Years of EVOULTION
Well I SURE would like to SEE? Wouldn't you? I think a good percentage of we HUMANS are very CURIOUS...I know I am! bit of a ROY NEARY (just awaiting the guided tour of one of these Alien Ships
This ARGUMENT of but it's simply too far for them to come & visit is (with respect) BULL & deep down the scientists & professors know this too! unless they really are deluded?
If they exist? I think they do & they are reasonably close by? as in within our GALAXY? which I am sure they are! (some probably can get to us in a FLASH
& are NOT even from OUR Time & Space you know what I mean?) with some being (if the calculations are proved to be correct? within just a few light years of us...well we recently found the TRAPPIST-1 System with ALL those EARTH LIKE PLANETS (many within the GOLDILOCKS ZONE) and this is only some 60 light years away was it? would have to check that figure! might be less? but it's ONLY double light year figures away (this means if we could TRAVEL at the SPEED of LIGHT we could get there in 60 YEARS!)
So you folks don't think these OTHER intelligent SPECIES out there HAVE NOT BEEN KEEPING AN EYE ON US & do NOT have the capability to get here pronto (as in AS QUICK AS A FLASH?)
Well I do & THAT's what we are seeing ALL AROUND US.
Are we going to be one of the A-HOLE's of The UNIVERSE & DESTROY OURSELVES over SILLY TRIVAL Things such as POWER & GREED?
I hope NOT but the ONLY ONE that seems to be showing GOOD RESTRAINT & SENSE at the MOMENT in the WORLD is CHINA.
If TRUMP was fully in charge he'd have probably NUKED North Korea already.
It's TRULY FRUSTRATING to live on a PLANET in which we have LEADERS who are DUMB ASSES.
PLUTO anyone?
As I said in my PLUTO COVER UP Posting...if that's NOT a SCULPTURE of a FACE ? it's SOMETHING but it's NOT Something that was created NATURALLY by PLUTO's ECO STRUCTURE but by all means EXPLAIN it to ME if you think it is? I LIKE a GOOD LAUGH
We are but children in COSMIC TIME.
Humans have been around for ONLY few HUNDRED THOUSAND Years (give or take depending on what you read)
But it is ONLY in the past 100 Years or so that we have KICKED ON...this timing is INTERESTING I feel

So NOW we have REACHED the point after just a few hundred thousand years of evolution WHERE we can detect EARTH LIKE Planets heading around STARS & we will VERY SOON be able to detect the kind of things these planets have? such as Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Water & such like & this WILL IN TIME lead to us FINDING & KNOWING about INTELLIGENT LIFE on some of these PLANETS as it will become plainly obvious after targeting them to see if they have such things as DATA WAVES or SIGNALS (Radio & Other Types) that SOME of THEM will...and as we know ONLY Intelligent LIFE as we know it can do such things.
We already KNOW ABOUT THEM in all likelihood...as they have surely been visiting us for hundreds if not thousands of years...WHY? because UNLIKE Humans some of them have probably been around for MILLIONS of YEARS & yet we have reached THIS POINT now...So, SERIOUSLY...
WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY COULD DO Now ? After Millions!!! of Years of EVOULTION

Well I SURE would like to SEE? Wouldn't you? I think a good percentage of we HUMANS are very CURIOUS...I know I am! bit of a ROY NEARY (just awaiting the guided tour of one of these Alien Ships

This ARGUMENT of but it's simply too far for them to come & visit is (with respect) BULL & deep down the scientists & professors know this too! unless they really are deluded?
If they exist? I think they do & they are reasonably close by? as in within our GALAXY? which I am sure they are! (some probably can get to us in a FLASH

So you folks don't think these OTHER intelligent SPECIES out there HAVE NOT BEEN KEEPING AN EYE ON US & do NOT have the capability to get here pronto (as in AS QUICK AS A FLASH?)
Well I do & THAT's what we are seeing ALL AROUND US.
Are we going to be one of the A-HOLE's of The UNIVERSE & DESTROY OURSELVES over SILLY TRIVAL Things such as POWER & GREED?
I hope NOT but the ONLY ONE that seems to be showing GOOD RESTRAINT & SENSE at the MOMENT in the WORLD is CHINA.
If TRUMP was fully in charge he'd have probably NUKED North Korea already.
It's TRULY FRUSTRATING to live on a PLANET in which we have LEADERS who are DUMB ASSES.
PLUTO anyone?
As I said in my PLUTO COVER UP Posting...if that's NOT a SCULPTURE of a FACE ? it's SOMETHING but it's NOT Something that was created NATURALLY by PLUTO's ECO STRUCTURE but by all means EXPLAIN it to ME if you think it is? I LIKE a GOOD LAUGH

- Paul Conway
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1 year 3 months ago #3288
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: 2015 UFO ISS Footage (new to me) SCREEN goes BLANK
BLESS HIM he's not quiet got the memory he used to have but my father & I had another very interesting discussion on PLUTO, Aliens, UFO's & the like today (a subject which is obviously & SADLY out of our control)
The likes of NASA & OTHERS it seems to us have been dropping BREAD CRUMBS for possibly as long as the last 50 YEARS but more recently we feel this has accelerated...THEY SHOW THINGS they really shouldn't.
Now that I am grown up (well to some degree) I have more negative thoughts to NASA than I ever dreamed I would & you must BELIEVE me when I say I REALLY DON'T WANT TO...I loved NASA growing up as a CHILD & TEENAGER but I suppose with the modern devices we have now & SECRETS being disclosed by one means or another & others being discovered (which would not have been so in the OLD WORLD) hell if I can do it then anyone can!
SADLY as I have said before PEOPLE are still not really interested in SPACE & EVERYTHING that's out there!
But those of us that are & that are OUT of the LOOP are frustrated because we would like to know what's OUT THERE, the bread crumbs offered pretty much ONLY lead to ONE THING...
THINGS are OUT THERE, NASA KNOWS IT, they even give some of us that are willing to look & see the KNOWLEDGE to CONFIRM it for ourselves & yet...THEY WILL NOT COME OUT WITH THE WHOLE Truth...it really is like 'THE X-FILES' which BTW some of you folks out there will be delighted to hear will be RETURNING next year 2018
WHEN WILL THEY confirm the BIG TRUTH kept hidden for SOOOO MANY YEARS.
Let's say we were to gather up a cross section of people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE & put them in a ROOM to make it simple to deal with the percentages let's say 100 People in 1 Room...and THESE people had not seen ANY of the FOOTAGE or PHOTO's I have shown you but WE SHOWED THEM TO THIS GROUP of 100 folks.
Would some think it's FAKED ? even though much of the footage comes from NASA itself.
Would some SIT ON THE FENCE not knowing what to think?
Would some FIGURE OUT these things are NOT RIGHT?
WHAT do you think the PERCENTAGES would be?
I think this would make for an INTERESTING One-Off Programme...
The Information with regards to the SQUARE MOON BASE, something confirmed by a PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER who took a photograph of such a thing sitting on the lead investigators desk which had very strange doodles of structures around it
This mission went under the guise of one in which they dropped a large spacecraft (I think some say with an explosive? sure I read that somewhere? but explosive or not this craft TARGETTED the EXACT hidden away CRATER in which this BASE was discovered & they were dropping it HERE!)
How would these folks that know NOTHING of this react to this?
A GENUINE MISSION or one that was under disguise?
Even if they thought it was a genuine experiment to try & find water on our MOON it's funny how they were dropping it on EXACTLY the same SPOT this SQUARE BASE was.
I STILL FIND THIS AMAZING to this day...NO MENTION of such a thing on THE SKY AT NIGHT, the BBC or ITV or SKY NEWS, no investigation at all away from NASA & yet there it was....when BLOWN UP it is a SQUARE BASE!!! on OUR MOON, how? why? whose? why & we bombing it?
THEN show them the REMARKABLE STS-75 SHUTTLE Footage & PLEASE do show it with the VOLUME TURNED UP FOR THEM...
We have an ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENT in SPACE (which is very curious anyway when you read a little more about it) but one which BROKE.
The TETHER drifted off many, many miles away from this SHUTTLE & then using INFRA RED camera's (DON'T FORGET NOW...many of these craft & ships CANNOT BE SEEN by the NAKED HUMAN EYE without such OPTICS) it picks up possibly up to a HUNDRED (100) or MORE let's say THINGS (for now) that show up close to this TETHER which has drifted well away from the Shuttle.
It's been said that these were ICE CRYTALS one of the MOST DumbAss responses by NASA ever!
Show these 100 people this footage & I would be VERY surprised if even one (1) thought this was the case.
You would be ABLE to see ice crystals with normal camera's NOT SURE they would show up on Infra Red or ULTRA VIOLET camera's so much?
But when you add in the SIZE of them! the NUMBER of them! the plain fact that they ARE under POWER! you can see the way they seem to generate the power from the video & also the clear fact that many of them are CHANGING DIRECTION around this tether (CURIOUS about it) many miles away from the SHUTTLE's jets, engines influence & so SURELY the majority of people seeing this WOULD CONCLUDE...
Yes THOSE are more than likely HUGE SHIPS captured by IR camera's...BUT DO WE GET THIS CONFIRMED by NASA?
Nope we get the ICE CRYSTALS comment.
Same goes for the SHUTTLE mission in which they were looking for the RUSSIAN Spacecraft MIR was it?
From OUT OF NOWHERE something appears & then moves off to take up a position around our planet, this happens a number of times!
There are other things up there seen moving around, some are called SHOOTING STARS
by the female NASA voice over (YOU CAN TELL in her VOICE even SHE DOES NOT BELIEVE THIS...it might be interesting to have her voice analysed to see if she appears to be UNTRUTHFUL
Then SHOW them...
IMAGES from the APOLLO Missions.
MANY have strange objects in SPACE but which are CLOSE to the MOON as our astronauts were up there.
YES it is TRUE some of them will be & I am sure are what NASA would deem ARTEFACTS (what THEY mean by this are ERRORS either in the film or processing BUT the word clever kind of COVERS THEM...go check out the meaning)
BUT there are a GOOD MANY of these photographs which DO SHOW clearly strange OBJECTS up there with them...the obvious one for those of you that read my postings here is that THING that appears to show up in pieces & appears to come together to form an AMAZING, well defined, Large Triangular object mostly looking like SWISS CHEESE but at the bottom of this thing is a section with curious shapes (A PYRAMID like object & that similar looking SCULPTURE like object seen on PLUTO)
THEN SHOW THEM...the number of VERY STRANGE Apollo Mission REFLECTIONS (I almost think this has been done deliberately to drop bread crumbs! it's just that the majority have never been picked up)
THAT ONE SHOWING the LARGE OBJECT sticking up from the MOON with a possible ALIEN with ELONGATED HEAD to this other side is OUTRAGEOUS I give you! but it's THERE! it's a reflection! but it's a reflection of something that was UP THERE on THE MOON with THEM!
The ONE showing a reflection that many would have MISTAKEN for showing OUR SUN...it wasn't, SO WHAT IS IT?
Another showing what appears to be a TRIANGULAR / PYRAMID shape which is very curious BECAUSE we get to see such a shape in a CLOSE-UP but over-exposed NASA ROVER Trip shot (there is also a photograph showing a triangular object hovering over the MOON) so all those would appear to have connections right?
NOW EXPLAIN THAT & ASK these 100 people if THEY think this is an ARTEFACT (to help them...show them what a photographic or developing artefact looks like BECAUSE THEY DO NOT LOOK LIKE THIS!!!)
What next...
SHOW THEM the SQUARE SHAPED OBJECT on CERES which is similar shaped & sized to the ONE NASA tried to BOMB.
Ask them to compare the photographs (Genuine photographs) showing such things...this BASE is also at the centre of a CRATER but instead of OUR MOON it's on CERES & has other structures coming from it!
Whilst at it they could also be SHOWN that object at the centre of one of our MOON's crater's looking like a building like structure & a similar one on CERES I showed you.
SHOW THEM that photograph of something lit up in BLUE that passed by the HUBBLE TELESCOPE & ask them WHAT do you THINK that is?
I showed you folks CLOSE UP images of that thing...and it was MACHINE TOOLED with edges, curved & straight lines.
MAKES me WANT to LAUGH OUT LOUD really so here's one for YA
YES SHOW THEM my favourite...
The Photograph of PLUTO & the small ROCKY OUTCROP shaped like Great Britain.
Show them the close up's on the SCULTURE (face like) the 3 pointed object, THE BRIDGES, THE Saucer with a DOME, show them that other DOME like structure (looking like the EDEN PROJECT) the ENTRANCE (bottom right hand corner) the OMEGA shaped object hanging from a BRACKET, the almost CASTLE like AREA which appears to have a FORECOURT, the ENTRANCE into the large bulbus DOMED like area, the EGYPTIAN like structure with what looks like an entrance at the base (this thing even appears to slope back like those seen in EGYPT), show these 100 folks that TRANSOPRT / MISSILE / ROCKET Defensive system away from this on the PATH.
SHOW THEM ALL of THIS & just HOW many would think ALL OF THIS WAS NATURAL?
I have mentioned if this might be a DOOMSDAY GETAWAY for the POWERFUL, RICH ELITE...well if such a thing ever happens & this is such a place WHAT FUN THEY'LL HAVE LIVING TOGETHER
ADD to the ROSTER bankers, military men (WHO ONLY LIVE for the FIGHT...aggressive types), DICTATORS & POLITICANS and there you have HELL on PLUTO.
What a nice section of HUMAN KIND that will survive
BRING the 100 back to EARTH...
Show them that thing that showed up in CORNWALL changing shape & hovering above the motorway, town & beach.
What do they think that was?
Same for that OBJECT captured on VIDEO in which it hovered...sent out 3 smaller probes/ships/drones away from it that appeared to generate a FIELD of some kind? for after a brief spell ALL 3 probes along with this LARGER CRAFT disappeared.
AGAIN we hear nothing from MAJOR MEDIA on such things & THAT I FIND truly AMAZING.
Is the MEDIA owned & controlled by THOSE that KNOW about SUCH THINGS...it's been suggested this is the case & as we don't seem to get these kind of things discussed or shown on SO CALLE serious programmes, documentaries or main news channels it might suggest such.
SO AFTER ALL THIS & MORE what do YOU think the 100 would MAKE of it ALL ?
Brian Cox (who I like a great deal) is the BIG SURPRISE to me, clearly intelligent with some wit & yet he does NOT believe they are here & actually believes they may not even be within our own GALAXY.
Someone REALLY should show him ALL of THESE things & ASK HIM seriously (NO JOKES) WHAT DO YOU THINK THESE ARE? because he cannot have seen them for had he done so & being from my neck of the woods (a NO NONSENSE Northerner) I am sure he would AGREE that these are just NOT right!
Maybe that TRIP up to the RIBBLEHEAD VIADUCT that started ALL this OFF for me is WHY I CAN SEE THIS & NO ONE ELSE (for the most part) CAN.
I use the word a lot I know but it truly is STRANGE.
The likes of NASA & OTHERS it seems to us have been dropping BREAD CRUMBS for possibly as long as the last 50 YEARS but more recently we feel this has accelerated...THEY SHOW THINGS they really shouldn't.
Now that I am grown up (well to some degree) I have more negative thoughts to NASA than I ever dreamed I would & you must BELIEVE me when I say I REALLY DON'T WANT TO...I loved NASA growing up as a CHILD & TEENAGER but I suppose with the modern devices we have now & SECRETS being disclosed by one means or another & others being discovered (which would not have been so in the OLD WORLD) hell if I can do it then anyone can!
SADLY as I have said before PEOPLE are still not really interested in SPACE & EVERYTHING that's out there!
But those of us that are & that are OUT of the LOOP are frustrated because we would like to know what's OUT THERE, the bread crumbs offered pretty much ONLY lead to ONE THING...
THINGS are OUT THERE, NASA KNOWS IT, they even give some of us that are willing to look & see the KNOWLEDGE to CONFIRM it for ourselves & yet...THEY WILL NOT COME OUT WITH THE WHOLE Truth...it really is like 'THE X-FILES' which BTW some of you folks out there will be delighted to hear will be RETURNING next year 2018

WHEN WILL THEY confirm the BIG TRUTH kept hidden for SOOOO MANY YEARS.
Let's say we were to gather up a cross section of people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE & put them in a ROOM to make it simple to deal with the percentages let's say 100 People in 1 Room...and THESE people had not seen ANY of the FOOTAGE or PHOTO's I have shown you but WE SHOWED THEM TO THIS GROUP of 100 folks.
Would some think it's FAKED ? even though much of the footage comes from NASA itself.
Would some SIT ON THE FENCE not knowing what to think?
Would some FIGURE OUT these things are NOT RIGHT?
WHAT do you think the PERCENTAGES would be?
I think this would make for an INTERESTING One-Off Programme...
The Information with regards to the SQUARE MOON BASE, something confirmed by a PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER who took a photograph of such a thing sitting on the lead investigators desk which had very strange doodles of structures around it

This mission went under the guise of one in which they dropped a large spacecraft (I think some say with an explosive? sure I read that somewhere? but explosive or not this craft TARGETTED the EXACT hidden away CRATER in which this BASE was discovered & they were dropping it HERE!)
How would these folks that know NOTHING of this react to this?
A GENUINE MISSION or one that was under disguise?
Even if they thought it was a genuine experiment to try & find water on our MOON it's funny how they were dropping it on EXACTLY the same SPOT this SQUARE BASE was.
I STILL FIND THIS AMAZING to this day...NO MENTION of such a thing on THE SKY AT NIGHT, the BBC or ITV or SKY NEWS, no investigation at all away from NASA & yet there it was....when BLOWN UP it is a SQUARE BASE!!! on OUR MOON, how? why? whose? why & we bombing it?
THEN show them the REMARKABLE STS-75 SHUTTLE Footage & PLEASE do show it with the VOLUME TURNED UP FOR THEM...
We have an ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENT in SPACE (which is very curious anyway when you read a little more about it) but one which BROKE.
The TETHER drifted off many, many miles away from this SHUTTLE & then using INFRA RED camera's (DON'T FORGET NOW...many of these craft & ships CANNOT BE SEEN by the NAKED HUMAN EYE without such OPTICS) it picks up possibly up to a HUNDRED (100) or MORE let's say THINGS (for now) that show up close to this TETHER which has drifted well away from the Shuttle.
It's been said that these were ICE CRYTALS one of the MOST DumbAss responses by NASA ever!
Show these 100 people this footage & I would be VERY surprised if even one (1) thought this was the case.
You would be ABLE to see ice crystals with normal camera's NOT SURE they would show up on Infra Red or ULTRA VIOLET camera's so much?
But when you add in the SIZE of them! the NUMBER of them! the plain fact that they ARE under POWER! you can see the way they seem to generate the power from the video & also the clear fact that many of them are CHANGING DIRECTION around this tether (CURIOUS about it) many miles away from the SHUTTLE's jets, engines influence & so SURELY the majority of people seeing this WOULD CONCLUDE...
Yes THOSE are more than likely HUGE SHIPS captured by IR camera's...BUT DO WE GET THIS CONFIRMED by NASA?
Nope we get the ICE CRYSTALS comment.
Same goes for the SHUTTLE mission in which they were looking for the RUSSIAN Spacecraft MIR was it?
From OUT OF NOWHERE something appears & then moves off to take up a position around our planet, this happens a number of times!
There are other things up there seen moving around, some are called SHOOTING STARS

Then SHOW them...
IMAGES from the APOLLO Missions.
MANY have strange objects in SPACE but which are CLOSE to the MOON as our astronauts were up there.
YES it is TRUE some of them will be & I am sure are what NASA would deem ARTEFACTS (what THEY mean by this are ERRORS either in the film or processing BUT the word clever kind of COVERS THEM...go check out the meaning)
BUT there are a GOOD MANY of these photographs which DO SHOW clearly strange OBJECTS up there with them...the obvious one for those of you that read my postings here is that THING that appears to show up in pieces & appears to come together to form an AMAZING, well defined, Large Triangular object mostly looking like SWISS CHEESE but at the bottom of this thing is a section with curious shapes (A PYRAMID like object & that similar looking SCULPTURE like object seen on PLUTO)
THEN SHOW THEM...the number of VERY STRANGE Apollo Mission REFLECTIONS (I almost think this has been done deliberately to drop bread crumbs! it's just that the majority have never been picked up)
THAT ONE SHOWING the LARGE OBJECT sticking up from the MOON with a possible ALIEN with ELONGATED HEAD to this other side is OUTRAGEOUS I give you! but it's THERE! it's a reflection! but it's a reflection of something that was UP THERE on THE MOON with THEM!
The ONE showing a reflection that many would have MISTAKEN for showing OUR SUN...it wasn't, SO WHAT IS IT?
Another showing what appears to be a TRIANGULAR / PYRAMID shape which is very curious BECAUSE we get to see such a shape in a CLOSE-UP but over-exposed NASA ROVER Trip shot (there is also a photograph showing a triangular object hovering over the MOON) so all those would appear to have connections right?
NOW EXPLAIN THAT & ASK these 100 people if THEY think this is an ARTEFACT (to help them...show them what a photographic or developing artefact looks like BECAUSE THEY DO NOT LOOK LIKE THIS!!!)
What next...
SHOW THEM the SQUARE SHAPED OBJECT on CERES which is similar shaped & sized to the ONE NASA tried to BOMB.
Ask them to compare the photographs (Genuine photographs) showing such things...this BASE is also at the centre of a CRATER but instead of OUR MOON it's on CERES & has other structures coming from it!
Whilst at it they could also be SHOWN that object at the centre of one of our MOON's crater's looking like a building like structure & a similar one on CERES I showed you.
SHOW THEM that photograph of something lit up in BLUE that passed by the HUBBLE TELESCOPE & ask them WHAT do you THINK that is?
I showed you folks CLOSE UP images of that thing...and it was MACHINE TOOLED with edges, curved & straight lines.
MAKES me WANT to LAUGH OUT LOUD really so here's one for YA

YES SHOW THEM my favourite...
The Photograph of PLUTO & the small ROCKY OUTCROP shaped like Great Britain.
Show them the close up's on the SCULTURE (face like) the 3 pointed object, THE BRIDGES, THE Saucer with a DOME, show them that other DOME like structure (looking like the EDEN PROJECT) the ENTRANCE (bottom right hand corner) the OMEGA shaped object hanging from a BRACKET, the almost CASTLE like AREA which appears to have a FORECOURT, the ENTRANCE into the large bulbus DOMED like area, the EGYPTIAN like structure with what looks like an entrance at the base (this thing even appears to slope back like those seen in EGYPT), show these 100 folks that TRANSOPRT / MISSILE / ROCKET Defensive system away from this on the PATH.
SHOW THEM ALL of THIS & just HOW many would think ALL OF THIS WAS NATURAL?
I have mentioned if this might be a DOOMSDAY GETAWAY for the POWERFUL, RICH ELITE...well if such a thing ever happens & this is such a place WHAT FUN THEY'LL HAVE LIVING TOGETHER

What a nice section of HUMAN KIND that will survive

BRING the 100 back to EARTH...
Show them that thing that showed up in CORNWALL changing shape & hovering above the motorway, town & beach.
What do they think that was?
Same for that OBJECT captured on VIDEO in which it hovered...sent out 3 smaller probes/ships/drones away from it that appeared to generate a FIELD of some kind? for after a brief spell ALL 3 probes along with this LARGER CRAFT disappeared.
AGAIN we hear nothing from MAJOR MEDIA on such things & THAT I FIND truly AMAZING.
Is the MEDIA owned & controlled by THOSE that KNOW about SUCH THINGS...it's been suggested this is the case & as we don't seem to get these kind of things discussed or shown on SO CALLE serious programmes, documentaries or main news channels it might suggest such.
SO AFTER ALL THIS & MORE what do YOU think the 100 would MAKE of it ALL ?
Brian Cox (who I like a great deal) is the BIG SURPRISE to me, clearly intelligent with some wit & yet he does NOT believe they are here & actually believes they may not even be within our own GALAXY.
Someone REALLY should show him ALL of THESE things & ASK HIM seriously (NO JOKES) WHAT DO YOU THINK THESE ARE? because he cannot have seen them for had he done so & being from my neck of the woods (a NO NONSENSE Northerner) I am sure he would AGREE that these are just NOT right!
Maybe that TRIP up to the RIBBLEHEAD VIADUCT that started ALL this OFF for me is WHY I CAN SEE THIS & NO ONE ELSE (for the most part) CAN.
I use the word a lot I know but it truly is STRANGE.
- Paul Conway
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1 year 3 months ago #3302
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: 2015 UFO ISS Footage (new to me) SCREEN goes BLANK
You FOLKS won't BELIEVE this but it's TRUE...I really don't lie (i would like to think I am about as HONEST as they come)
So my sister will be having time off soon & I thought I would review some of our past trip pictures to create a picture show on the BIG SCREEN for her & my dad when I noticed something in one of the SCOTLAND pics from around 2 years ago (the SUMMER of 2015) which is a little earlier than this VIDEO I want to compare it to was posted (above) & here...
I noticed something shining in the Dusk Sky out over the sea (above Scotland)
When ZOOMED IN it looks IDENTICAL to this ORB in DISTANCE Video here...although like I said previously it seems to have something behind or close to this sphere like object giving it A LOOK of the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE.
So what this photograph I took seems to confirm is that SURE ENOUGH...THIS THING? CRAFT? SPACE STATION? LARGE ORBITING SATELLITE? is up there in EARTH ORBIT but is SOMETHING NASA does not want us to see (HAVING BLUE BLANKED the SCREEN)
Compare that you see in this video to this object in the photograph I took...(you may need to SAVE IT & then ZOOM IN)
Above is a LONGER SHOT showing the SEA, EDINBURGH in the distance & THE MOON with just a little lower than it & to our left a BRIGHT OBJECT in the SKY (I actually remember commenting on it at the time) could be MISTAKEN for a STAR but it is is NOT a star it's an OBJECT in EARTH ORBIT like the one seen in this YOUTUBE Video.
AMAZING really!
So my sister will be having time off soon & I thought I would review some of our past trip pictures to create a picture show on the BIG SCREEN for her & my dad when I noticed something in one of the SCOTLAND pics from around 2 years ago (the SUMMER of 2015) which is a little earlier than this VIDEO I want to compare it to was posted (above) & here...
I noticed something shining in the Dusk Sky out over the sea (above Scotland)
When ZOOMED IN it looks IDENTICAL to this ORB in DISTANCE Video here...although like I said previously it seems to have something behind or close to this sphere like object giving it A LOOK of the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE.
So what this photograph I took seems to confirm is that SURE ENOUGH...THIS THING? CRAFT? SPACE STATION? LARGE ORBITING SATELLITE? is up there in EARTH ORBIT but is SOMETHING NASA does not want us to see (HAVING BLUE BLANKED the SCREEN)
Compare that you see in this video to this object in the photograph I took...(you may need to SAVE IT & then ZOOM IN)
Attachment DSCN0135.JPG not found
Above is a LONGER SHOT showing the SEA, EDINBURGH in the distance & THE MOON with just a little lower than it & to our left a BRIGHT OBJECT in the SKY (I actually remember commenting on it at the time) could be MISTAKEN for a STAR but it is is NOT a star it's an OBJECT in EARTH ORBIT like the one seen in this YOUTUBE Video.
AMAZING really!
- Paul Conway
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- Paul Conway
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1 year 3 months ago #3304
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: 2015 UFO ISS Footage (new to me) SCREEN goes BLANK
And my FINAL CLOSE UP SHOT of this thing up there which NASA in the video feed were so keen to CUT SHORT.
They really do make me LAUGH (NASA) & such folks like ex President GEORGE BUSH who recently hit out at the conspiracy theorists (I NEVER considered myself one until a few years ago but the TRIGGER for me was DISCOVERING there were ALL KINDS of UNSEEN CRAFT (captured to my surprise by our photographic & video camera's) up there at the YORKSHIRE Ribblehead Viaduct.
All kinds of rumours & conspiracies behind Mr Bush which he RUBBISHES because SOME are probably TRUE.
It's LONG been rumoured that the BUSH FAMILY has known about such things like this!
I will say after reviewing these photographs again & ZOOMING in on them that THIS is the SAME as THAT in this VIDEO (both captured in 2015)
Your here on EARTH, it's not FLAT, it's NOT perfectly spherical either which might surprise some of you folks reading this?
If it is FLAT then I would be SHOCKED!
But after this...you really know very little about who REALLY controls WHAT on this PLANET & as for WHAT's OUT THERE
wholly mooly YOU REALLY HAVE NO IDEA but I would like to think I've OPENED UP SOME OF YOUR EYES, even I've been SURPRISED by some of the DISCOVERIES I've made.
I swear it's like someone or something TRIGGERED me into FINDING ALL OF THIS STUFF...just too WEIRD for WORDS, there's more, I've dropped my own BREADCRUMBS here on these FORUMS which if you were being observant you may have picked up on?
They really do make me LAUGH (NASA) & such folks like ex President GEORGE BUSH who recently hit out at the conspiracy theorists (I NEVER considered myself one until a few years ago but the TRIGGER for me was DISCOVERING there were ALL KINDS of UNSEEN CRAFT (captured to my surprise by our photographic & video camera's) up there at the YORKSHIRE Ribblehead Viaduct.
All kinds of rumours & conspiracies behind Mr Bush which he RUBBISHES because SOME are probably TRUE.
It's LONG been rumoured that the BUSH FAMILY has known about such things like this!
I will say after reviewing these photographs again & ZOOMING in on them that THIS is the SAME as THAT in this VIDEO (both captured in 2015)
Your here on EARTH, it's not FLAT, it's NOT perfectly spherical either which might surprise some of you folks reading this?
If it is FLAT then I would be SHOCKED!
But after this...you really know very little about who REALLY controls WHAT on this PLANET & as for WHAT's OUT THERE

I swear it's like someone or something TRIGGERED me into FINDING ALL OF THIS STUFF...just too WEIRD for WORDS, there's more, I've dropped my own BREADCRUMBS here on these FORUMS which if you were being observant you may have picked up on?