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- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3321
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: NEWSNIGHT BBC2 What is HARRASMENT
I find POLITICS very INTERESTING (as you know)
Especially when you feel that THE REAL PEOPLE in POWER are virtually UNTOUCHABLE? and are well away from we NORMAL (GOOD) FOLK.
It's probably WHY the WORLD is in such a STATE (my father is constantly shaking his head in disbelief) but this HARVEY WEINSTEIN fellow has really stirred the hornets nest with regards to the subject of HARRASMENT.
I am currently watching an interesting debate on Newsnight (BBC2) with a new survey done & it will make for CRAZY reading to many (perhaps older generations who were all touchy feely)
I would LIKE to think I know what HARRASMENT is & would NEVER do such a thing but this survey gets you wondering...
These stood out for me.,
I can't remember if it was women who were asked this? I think it was? but if women or men asked the RESULTS were SHOCKING to me.
so first up...
50% said looking at women's breasts was HARRASMENT.
It's clear as one fellow said that...if your a man & you were in a lift alone with a woman & you did this it might be described as harassment were you to continue for any length of time (but seriously ask any man if they have never at some time looked for a split second lift or no lift, especially if attractive & IF they said NO they are probably lying...it's a NATURAL THING)
so this to me was shocking 50% think it harassment...if constant then yeah I agree.
As another guy said...If your in a NIGHTCLUB say it could be for longer than this but at a distance, now is this WRONG?
WOMEN can OGLE me as much as they LIKE
just lightening the mood a little in what is a serious subject....CHANCE would be a FINE THING 
37% said putting a man's hand on a woman's back = HARRASMENT!
YIKES!!! now I understand personal space & it's not something anyone should do really without permission but my father's generation & even I at times have rested an arm on a female shoulder or arm...albeit briefly as friendship...IS THIS REALLY WRONG these days? if it's only fleeting? & vice versa.
YES if you were to leave it there for a length of time & I could see it might be UNCOMFORTABLE & would head to harassment.
I guess we are getting to the point where we simply KEEP OUR OWN SPACE to MAKE SURE...
At LEAST the LINES have been DRAWN.
And then we get to something I have mentioned before & I said as a JOKE...but here it was commenting on the ATTRACTIVENESS of someone.
I REALLY can't believe this one...
16% (so OK not that high but still 16%!!!! 16 out of 100) think that commenting on someone's ATTRACTIVENESS = HARRASMENT!!!! WHAT!!!
I'm SORRY but THIS is just CRAZY to my father & I who say such things regularly.
Not everyone is ATTRACTIVE but MOST PEOPLE surely (which judging by this is TRUE) would like to be told this? but to say it's HARRASMENT by 16% is TRULY SHOCKING to ME.
"Hey your really beautiful" = HARRASMENT.
I think this HARVEY WEINSTEIN story could be a BLESSING in disguise & we need to THANK these BRAVE WOMEN for coming forward.
That NEWS too of Female BBC workers that were being PAID LESS (much less) than their Male counterparts for doing the same job...IN THIS DAY & AGE IS SIMPLY CRAZY!!! how can this be?
WOMEN are AMAZING, yes like MALES there are some truly HORRIBLE one's & you don't have to be BEAUTIFUL to be AMAZING.
And i see no problem with BEAUTY & on commenting on it....but according to 16% they would see this as HARRASMENT & we must try to see their side of the story (it may well make them feel uncomfortable but i'm sure MOST saying it to them thought it would be the opposite)
WE ARE NO LONGER in the 1970's it's TRUE but COMMON SENSE PLEASE People!
To me we are BASICALLY the SAME...some physical differences for sure...I guess we need to RESPECT OTHERS MORE is the short of it (if you didn't already) ALL THESE WOMEN can't be lying (and it's very likely NONE of THEM are) so this once BIG SHOT HOLLYWOOD Guy will get whatever is coming to him? but at least this type of thing EVERYWHERE should be ELIMINATED or am I still naïve?
RESPECT people's PERSONAL SPACE but if you briefly touch someone on the hand, shoulder or back SURELY that's NOT HARRASMENT? leave it there & it IS.
WOMEN can DO ANYTHING a MAN can...they should be EQUAL in EVERY RESPECT, I still think if anything they're PROBABLY the BETTER of the two ALL THINGS TAKEN into ACCOUNT.
The types of things HARVEY WEINSTEIN is REPORTED to have done or requested THAT IS HARRASMENT on a HUGE SCALE, a quick pat on the back NAH, sorry not having it!
A BIT DIFFERENT I KNOW but such things NEED DISCUSSING & hopefully like I said THIS might bring about MORE RESPECT for WOMEN (something I have always had but then again I was brought up well & by a WONDERFUL Woman...MY MOTHER...God Bless her Soul)
BTW It was interesting to see a news story recently about SAUDI ARABIA's WOMEN who have FINALLY been allowed to DRIVE there!
PERHAPS the TIMES THEY ARE a CHANGING & Dylan was right?
Especially when you feel that THE REAL PEOPLE in POWER are virtually UNTOUCHABLE? and are well away from we NORMAL (GOOD) FOLK.
It's probably WHY the WORLD is in such a STATE (my father is constantly shaking his head in disbelief) but this HARVEY WEINSTEIN fellow has really stirred the hornets nest with regards to the subject of HARRASMENT.
I am currently watching an interesting debate on Newsnight (BBC2) with a new survey done & it will make for CRAZY reading to many (perhaps older generations who were all touchy feely)
I would LIKE to think I know what HARRASMENT is & would NEVER do such a thing but this survey gets you wondering...
These stood out for me.,
I can't remember if it was women who were asked this? I think it was? but if women or men asked the RESULTS were SHOCKING to me.
so first up...
50% said looking at women's breasts was HARRASMENT.
It's clear as one fellow said that...if your a man & you were in a lift alone with a woman & you did this it might be described as harassment were you to continue for any length of time (but seriously ask any man if they have never at some time looked for a split second lift or no lift, especially if attractive & IF they said NO they are probably lying...it's a NATURAL THING)
so this to me was shocking 50% think it harassment...if constant then yeah I agree.
As another guy said...If your in a NIGHTCLUB say it could be for longer than this but at a distance, now is this WRONG?
WOMEN can OGLE me as much as they LIKE

37% said putting a man's hand on a woman's back = HARRASMENT!
YIKES!!! now I understand personal space & it's not something anyone should do really without permission but my father's generation & even I at times have rested an arm on a female shoulder or arm...albeit briefly as friendship...IS THIS REALLY WRONG these days? if it's only fleeting? & vice versa.
YES if you were to leave it there for a length of time & I could see it might be UNCOMFORTABLE & would head to harassment.
I guess we are getting to the point where we simply KEEP OUR OWN SPACE to MAKE SURE...
At LEAST the LINES have been DRAWN.
And then we get to something I have mentioned before & I said as a JOKE...but here it was commenting on the ATTRACTIVENESS of someone.
I REALLY can't believe this one...
16% (so OK not that high but still 16%!!!! 16 out of 100) think that commenting on someone's ATTRACTIVENESS = HARRASMENT!!!! WHAT!!!
I'm SORRY but THIS is just CRAZY to my father & I who say such things regularly.
Not everyone is ATTRACTIVE but MOST PEOPLE surely (which judging by this is TRUE) would like to be told this? but to say it's HARRASMENT by 16% is TRULY SHOCKING to ME.
"Hey your really beautiful" = HARRASMENT.
I think this HARVEY WEINSTEIN story could be a BLESSING in disguise & we need to THANK these BRAVE WOMEN for coming forward.
That NEWS too of Female BBC workers that were being PAID LESS (much less) than their Male counterparts for doing the same job...IN THIS DAY & AGE IS SIMPLY CRAZY!!! how can this be?
WOMEN are AMAZING, yes like MALES there are some truly HORRIBLE one's & you don't have to be BEAUTIFUL to be AMAZING.
And i see no problem with BEAUTY & on commenting on it....but according to 16% they would see this as HARRASMENT & we must try to see their side of the story (it may well make them feel uncomfortable but i'm sure MOST saying it to them thought it would be the opposite)
WE ARE NO LONGER in the 1970's it's TRUE but COMMON SENSE PLEASE People!
To me we are BASICALLY the SAME...some physical differences for sure...I guess we need to RESPECT OTHERS MORE is the short of it (if you didn't already) ALL THESE WOMEN can't be lying (and it's very likely NONE of THEM are) so this once BIG SHOT HOLLYWOOD Guy will get whatever is coming to him? but at least this type of thing EVERYWHERE should be ELIMINATED or am I still naïve?
RESPECT people's PERSONAL SPACE but if you briefly touch someone on the hand, shoulder or back SURELY that's NOT HARRASMENT? leave it there & it IS.
WOMEN can DO ANYTHING a MAN can...they should be EQUAL in EVERY RESPECT, I still think if anything they're PROBABLY the BETTER of the two ALL THINGS TAKEN into ACCOUNT.
The types of things HARVEY WEINSTEIN is REPORTED to have done or requested THAT IS HARRASMENT on a HUGE SCALE, a quick pat on the back NAH, sorry not having it!
A BIT DIFFERENT I KNOW but such things NEED DISCUSSING & hopefully like I said THIS might bring about MORE RESPECT for WOMEN (something I have always had but then again I was brought up well & by a WONDERFUL Woman...MY MOTHER...God Bless her Soul)
BTW It was interesting to see a news story recently about SAUDI ARABIA's WOMEN who have FINALLY been allowed to DRIVE there!
PERHAPS the TIMES THEY ARE a CHANGING & Dylan was right?
Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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- Posts: 2079
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1 year 2 months ago #3329
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: NEWSNIGHT BBC2 What is HARRASMENT
Since I wrote this it seems (some) POLITICANS have come under the microscope!
WOW! really! i NEVER saw thought coming!
seriously with many male Politicans these days & ARROGANCE & with POWER (well so they would like to think) is it a SURPRISE that some have been accused of various things?
Really hope BOSSES out there that have used their power & position to HARRASS others ARE now SCARED to DEATH.
WEINSTEIN will be the FACE of change FOREVER.
Someone harassing you at WORK or even a FRIEND...get them SACKED & / or END YOUR FRIENDSHIP...Friends don't do this!
I have always been a friendly, nice, kind soul i think but as people have noted on occasions i DO have a DARK SIDE & an anger inside me that very RARELY surfaces, asked my sister if she had EVER been harassed at work & never told us & she said NO! which of course i was DELIGHTED to hear & although i would like to be a reasoning, thinking man (for the most part) i am the sort (who in the past) had i heard about such a thing would have marched right into her place of work & ? well i fear to think what i might have done to them.
I have thankfully mellowed so i probably wouldn't do so today but it would depend on the circumstances.
Although not a pleasant thing to write about, hear or read i think THIS might be a BLESSING for EVERYONE.
I can ONLY help this is one of those things ticked off the HUMAN RACE that will no longer occur (i know naïve thought, it will still happen of course but MAYBE, just MAYBE it will make mainly MEN think about such a thing, report them, get them OUT, you'll be doing everyone a favour)
Hoping none of you folks have ever had to go through such a thing.
WOW! really! i NEVER saw thought coming!

Really hope BOSSES out there that have used their power & position to HARRASS others ARE now SCARED to DEATH.
WEINSTEIN will be the FACE of change FOREVER.
Someone harassing you at WORK or even a FRIEND...get them SACKED & / or END YOUR FRIENDSHIP...Friends don't do this!
I have always been a friendly, nice, kind soul i think but as people have noted on occasions i DO have a DARK SIDE & an anger inside me that very RARELY surfaces, asked my sister if she had EVER been harassed at work & never told us & she said NO! which of course i was DELIGHTED to hear & although i would like to be a reasoning, thinking man (for the most part) i am the sort (who in the past) had i heard about such a thing would have marched right into her place of work & ? well i fear to think what i might have done to them.
I have thankfully mellowed so i probably wouldn't do so today but it would depend on the circumstances.
Although not a pleasant thing to write about, hear or read i think THIS might be a BLESSING for EVERYONE.
I can ONLY help this is one of those things ticked off the HUMAN RACE that will no longer occur (i know naïve thought, it will still happen of course but MAYBE, just MAYBE it will make mainly MEN think about such a thing, report them, get them OUT, you'll be doing everyone a favour)
Hoping none of you folks have ever had to go through such a thing.