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INTERSTELLAR vs AVATAR which will be remembered ?
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3331
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: INTERSTELLAR vs AVATAR which will be remembered ?
So HALLOWEEN is OVER & the HORROR movies have been put to the back of the shelf for another year (damn THE FOG is wonderfully atmospheric, FRIGHT NIGHT amusingly chilling & HANSEL & GRETEL : Witch Hunters super FUN) time for some science fiction films to be revisited.
It's not too long ago that i watched AVATAR in 3D.
It's a film that LOOKS truly AMAZING & yes it's true the 3D gives a wonderful experience but i have now seen this film three times & although the first time BLEW ME AWAY, by the second i was still enjoying it (especially the vistas & creatures of PANDORIA) but after this recent third time i was thinking to myself this is all well & good but the story is a bit BLAH & the acting/script also.
Compare this to INTERSTELLAR....Christopher Nolan's extraordinary piece of work, written with the help of his brother.
This is a terrifically directed picture (like Cameron's AVATAR) but having also seen this film yesterday for the third time i know which will be most fondly & BEST REMEMBERED & it is this EPIC work.
"INTERSTELLAR" does have some similarities with 2001 (clearly) & yet there are some WONDERFUL differences...
It is a FAR more EMOTIONAL film than 2001...hands up? those of you out there that can watch at the point in which COOPER (a truly BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE from Matthew McConaughey) finally sees his grown up daughter MURPH (the wonderful JESSICA CHASTAIN) & NOT CRY?
The LOVE for her & MISSING her is clearly & brilliantly portrayed here.
Although a MAGNIFICENT & EPIC Science Fiction picture it is SO MUCH MORE & i have DISCOVERED this more with each passing viewing.
It is one of the strangest, loveliest LOVE STORIES for the HUMAN RACE you can probably find? i do like SPEILBERG's vastly underrated "ALWAYS"
The way this is put together is remarkable & unlike AVATAR i find it GETS BETTER WITH EACH VIEWING...destined to be a CLASSIC i think.
The WORLD is in trouble, DUST STORMS, Crops wrecked & food lacking MISSIONS were sent out into a curious WORM HOLE that shows up from out of nowhere...somehow? COOPER & his DAUGHTER (Murph) figure out through Gravity some co-oridnates to a place which NASA
still exists despite it supposedly NOT having money for such projects.
COOPER having been an ex NASA Astronaut who was unable to attain his DREAM of getting out there is OFFERED that DREAM
but it would mean leaving his daughter, his son & his father...this family situation plays out almost as wonderfully as the SPACE ADVENTURE.
He decides to go...to TRY & SAVE the WORLD with a BACK UP PLAN (or so he thinks?) i used to think that the MATT DAMON character was a bit meh but actually it makes more sense now to me, yes a bit of dramatic license but it works.
Heading through the worm hole they encounter something
it's fun to find out WHAT or WHO it was?
The PLANET upon which MATT DAMON's character is found reminded me a little of perhaps how PLUTO might look? a cold, ice world...YES i am resisting mentioning those things there....NOPE CAN'T DO IT....Face Sculpture
couldn't help myself.
DECISIONS are taken which are CRUCIAL here.
There is MUCH to LOVE here but what makes it an even MORE interesting science fiction film is the TIME ASPECT which adds (coughs) another LEVEL
to this film...
THE TESSERACT found within the BLACK HOLE is thrilling & YES there are things I MISSED & i BET you did too which upon later discovery is joyful.
This place has been crafted in the 3rd dimension for him to interact with from so he mentions beings / a species that is in the 5th dimension (yup got that wrong i thought 4th dimension although what the difference between 4th & 5th is ??? not too sure)
CARL SAGAN wonderfully DESCRIBED such a thing (THE TESSERACT) in the fantastic 1970's epic Tv series "COSMOS" he explains that we are more than flat (2D) we are 3D but that AMAZINGLY there is a 4th / 5th dimension THAT WE CAN NOT SEE or INTERACT with...to many people not interested in such things they will have no idea such things might exist (BUT I THINK THEY DO)
They might exist like us but in another inter dimensional world.
But here this TESSERACT was NOT a whole LIBRARY of EARTH's HISTORY (as i first thought upon it's 1st viewing) but that it had been DELIBERATELY paced here where they could position it for him (COOPER) to interact with but that it was specific too him & his time with his daughter & her bedroom.
It is a CLEVER film but then again CHRISTOPHER NOLAN & his brother are CLEARLY very clever people & filmmakers.
I think this film will take some beating by him, it's a WOW of a film, a real BEAUTY & in my eyes is ALREADY a MODERN CLASSIC that comes very close to 2001...from START to FINISH it is enthralling, it's NOT an ACTION BLOCKBUSTER it is a THINKING science fiction film & bringing aspects of TIME into this equation makes it all the more thoughtful.
WHO created this TESSARACT ?
I think we know...HOW FAR MIGHT WE PROGRESS as a RACE if the IDIOTS running this PLANET don't DESTROY it with their WARS & MONEY MAKING Schemes.
A BEAUTIFUL 'LOVE' Film with Science Fiction elements.
I hope you folks will revisit it again (as i will do so many times more)
It's not too long ago that i watched AVATAR in 3D.
It's a film that LOOKS truly AMAZING & yes it's true the 3D gives a wonderful experience but i have now seen this film three times & although the first time BLEW ME AWAY, by the second i was still enjoying it (especially the vistas & creatures of PANDORIA) but after this recent third time i was thinking to myself this is all well & good but the story is a bit BLAH & the acting/script also.
Compare this to INTERSTELLAR....Christopher Nolan's extraordinary piece of work, written with the help of his brother.
This is a terrifically directed picture (like Cameron's AVATAR) but having also seen this film yesterday for the third time i know which will be most fondly & BEST REMEMBERED & it is this EPIC work.
"INTERSTELLAR" does have some similarities with 2001 (clearly) & yet there are some WONDERFUL differences...
It is a FAR more EMOTIONAL film than 2001...hands up? those of you out there that can watch at the point in which COOPER (a truly BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE from Matthew McConaughey) finally sees his grown up daughter MURPH (the wonderful JESSICA CHASTAIN) & NOT CRY?
The LOVE for her & MISSING her is clearly & brilliantly portrayed here.
Although a MAGNIFICENT & EPIC Science Fiction picture it is SO MUCH MORE & i have DISCOVERED this more with each passing viewing.
It is one of the strangest, loveliest LOVE STORIES for the HUMAN RACE you can probably find? i do like SPEILBERG's vastly underrated "ALWAYS"
The way this is put together is remarkable & unlike AVATAR i find it GETS BETTER WITH EACH VIEWING...destined to be a CLASSIC i think.
The WORLD is in trouble, DUST STORMS, Crops wrecked & food lacking MISSIONS were sent out into a curious WORM HOLE that shows up from out of nowhere...somehow? COOPER & his DAUGHTER (Murph) figure out through Gravity some co-oridnates to a place which NASA

COOPER having been an ex NASA Astronaut who was unable to attain his DREAM of getting out there is OFFERED that DREAM

He decides to go...to TRY & SAVE the WORLD with a BACK UP PLAN (or so he thinks?) i used to think that the MATT DAMON character was a bit meh but actually it makes more sense now to me, yes a bit of dramatic license but it works.
Heading through the worm hole they encounter something

The PLANET upon which MATT DAMON's character is found reminded me a little of perhaps how PLUTO might look? a cold, ice world...YES i am resisting mentioning those things there....NOPE CAN'T DO IT....Face Sculpture

DECISIONS are taken which are CRUCIAL here.
There is MUCH to LOVE here but what makes it an even MORE interesting science fiction film is the TIME ASPECT which adds (coughs) another LEVEL

THE TESSERACT found within the BLACK HOLE is thrilling & YES there are things I MISSED & i BET you did too which upon later discovery is joyful.
This place has been crafted in the 3rd dimension for him to interact with from so he mentions beings / a species that is in the 5th dimension (yup got that wrong i thought 4th dimension although what the difference between 4th & 5th is ??? not too sure)
CARL SAGAN wonderfully DESCRIBED such a thing (THE TESSERACT) in the fantastic 1970's epic Tv series "COSMOS" he explains that we are more than flat (2D) we are 3D but that AMAZINGLY there is a 4th / 5th dimension THAT WE CAN NOT SEE or INTERACT with...to many people not interested in such things they will have no idea such things might exist (BUT I THINK THEY DO)
They might exist like us but in another inter dimensional world.
But here this TESSERACT was NOT a whole LIBRARY of EARTH's HISTORY (as i first thought upon it's 1st viewing) but that it had been DELIBERATELY paced here where they could position it for him (COOPER) to interact with but that it was specific too him & his time with his daughter & her bedroom.
It is a CLEVER film but then again CHRISTOPHER NOLAN & his brother are CLEARLY very clever people & filmmakers.
I think this film will take some beating by him, it's a WOW of a film, a real BEAUTY & in my eyes is ALREADY a MODERN CLASSIC that comes very close to 2001...from START to FINISH it is enthralling, it's NOT an ACTION BLOCKBUSTER it is a THINKING science fiction film & bringing aspects of TIME into this equation makes it all the more thoughtful.
WHO created this TESSARACT ?
I think we know...HOW FAR MIGHT WE PROGRESS as a RACE if the IDIOTS running this PLANET don't DESTROY it with their WARS & MONEY MAKING Schemes.
A BEAUTIFUL 'LOVE' Film with Science Fiction elements.
I hope you folks will revisit it again (as i will do so many times more)
Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.