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- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3368
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: PROOF by NASA of UNDENIABLE PLUTO Structures!
Even though I GO ON & ON & ON about this ( A LOT )
These various ARTIFICAL Structures upon PLUTO.
I don't think I have ever actually LINKED to the NASA 'NEW HORIZONS' web site to show you it is actually them! THEY actually POSTED this ONE & ONLY CLOSE UP of this small AREA on PLUTO.
AMAZINGLY they are not even TRYING TO HIDE IT as such!
It's just that NO ONE seems INTERESTED? or for some reason CAN'T SEE IT?
For if they COULD surely they would be SHOUTING from the ROOF TOPS (as I've been doing) I STILL FIND THIS PLACE INCREDIBLE.
I may not look at this photo everyday now but I do view it 2 or 3 times a WEEK still.
Do people? DO YOU? simply look at this little AREA on PLUTO & just see the whole AREA as ROCK LIKE? is that what you see?
WHY can you folks NOT see ALL of these STRANGE shapes/objects/structures HERE?
BECAUSE surely if you get even CLOSER UP to THESE you WILL SEE THEM? No? it's not even as if it's in the balance, a 50 / 50 chance? I am 100% certain that what we are seeing albeit yes on PLUTO are ARTIFICALLY MADE Structures.
Speaking of 50 that's roughly how many different & varied structures, objects, shapes & sculpture types I counted up to & that is NOT even including the other things just a little way away from this place!
EVEN from this DISTANCE (as the page is) I CAN SEE things are simply NOT RIGHT.
I'm NO GEOLOGIST but I am fairly intelligent & those shapes down there without even ZOOMING IN anymore are clearly evident & UNDENIABLY ARTIFICAL in Nature?
Please PROVE ME WRONG if you KNOW different? I really don't have an ego, I have no motive, I am not looking for fame or money or any of that, I am simply in it for THE DISCOVERY, I LOVE this kind of thing & I don't understand WHY OTHERS AREN'T?
I won't LIE TO YOU i'll TAKE SOME CONVINCING...I mention that I am 100% certain that some of these things (if not all of them) down there HAVE NOT BEEN MADE by PLUTO's NATURAL EROSION...How Could It ?
From this DISTANCE you can CLEARLY SEE...starting over on the LEFT & working your way to the RIGHT...
1) A LARGE STRANGE DOMED AREA (from this far out you can't see the pathway & opening leading into this though) but yeah this DOMED AREA is STRANGE ENOUGH but then just before we leave this part there is something that LOOKS like...
And then can you see this THIN long section heading away from this bridge like object? well on this but close to it is...
3) A CIRCULAR OBJECT clearly projecting a SHADOW down onto this thin section (you may NOT be able to see the smaller domed section on this CIRCULAR OBJECT but it's there once you ZOOM in making it very MUCH SAUCER SHIP like?)
Follow this thin section & you'll come to something that looks like an UPSIDE DOWN 'V' well...
4) This first section of the V I can see an ENTRANCE TYPE there at the BOTTOM...you might think CAVE? OK fair do's.
And yes this is a CHEAT really because supposed to be listing things that you can ONLY SEE from THIS DISTANCE but actually you realise (OR YOU SHOULD) that this is NO ENTRANCE it LOOKS like a LARGE DISH with central point discovered by SHADOW!
5) From this distance the second upside down line of this V has something CLEARLY SLOPED upon it with a small Entrance...it's very reminiscent of EGPYTIAN structures we see here on EARTH...which is interesting right? considering those that say there could be a link?
6) OK now we come to this LARGER SECTION (shaped a little like a SKULL? can you see it?)
Well in the MIDDLE of THIS....is an AMAZING STRUCTURE I have referred to as the OMEGA STRUCTURE (or HORSESHOE or WISHBONE) & what's more it's hanging or appears to be from a BRACKETED SECTION but no one else on this PLANET but me can see this.
7) Just above this in a STRANGE almost HOLLOWED OUT SECTION?
Inside this AREA of it are 3 very strange shapes, STRUCTURES? SHIPS? that TRIANGULAR ONE (which surely you can see???) THAT DOES NOT LOOK RIGHT!!! it even has what appears to be a COCKPIT AREA? it may not be a SHIP but THIS IS NOT NATURAL.
So that's another THING you CAN SEE from this far back...WHAT ELSE? glad you asked Chris
WITHOUT A SHADOW (and it casts a BIG ONE
It's THE SCULPTURE, well to me even from here it looks like a HIGH STANDING STRUCTURE...you may not be able to make out it looks like a FACE from here but you surely can see it?
EVEN if NOT a FACE? I think it is a HUGE (1-2 mile high) SCULPTURED FACE then it's SOMETHING but NATURE does NOT create things like this in places like this...it just doesn't...YOU CAN SEE THAT RIGHT?
9) For the MOMENT stay here close to this FACE SCULPTURE...Almost touching it & just to the right of it (as if it's looking over it?) is a kind of WALLED SECTION with a central FORECOURT Area...the walls (if they are that?) are made up of DONUT SHAPES & there even appears to be TOWER like structures at certain points...This is ASTOUNDING to ME.
BTW: To the TOP of this you should be able to see the LARGE SHADOW being CAST by this HUGE SCULPTURE close to it!
10) OK from this let's head right down to this bottom right hand corner...
Here I can see (so hopefully you can too?) an ENTRANCE with that pathway leading to it (it's NOT just natural settlement)
Once here just move ever so slightly above this entrance & head left & you might see a tube like section leading to what looks like a DOMED STRUCTURE.
Final THING you should be able to see JUST FROM THIS PHOTOGRAPH (without zooming in) can be found back close to this FACE SCULPTURE.
Find this again & then...
11) From the EYE of the NEEDLE section on this FACE? (I think it's a HEAD DRESS section on it?) you will see that there is another very thin long section that is ANGLED upwards (probably about 2 miles long) & it LOOKS for all the world like a BRIDGE? TUBE? WALK WAY like section?
JUST LOOK at THIS, INCREDIBLY STRANGE to ME...it's not something you expect to see on PLUTO, WHEN YOU TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ALL of these OTHER SHAPES, STRUCTURES & OBJECTS here then you can ONLY come to the CONCLUSION that they are CLEARLY LINKED ?
NOW 'SAVE' this IMAGE & ZOOM IN or USE YOUR TOOLS BUTTON up there on the top right of your BROWSER & set it to 400% & START COUNTING
These various ARTIFICAL Structures upon PLUTO.
I don't think I have ever actually LINKED to the NASA 'NEW HORIZONS' web site to show you it is actually them! THEY actually POSTED this ONE & ONLY CLOSE UP of this small AREA on PLUTO.
AMAZINGLY they are not even TRYING TO HIDE IT as such!
It's just that NO ONE seems INTERESTED? or for some reason CAN'T SEE IT?
For if they COULD surely they would be SHOUTING from the ROOF TOPS (as I've been doing) I STILL FIND THIS PLACE INCREDIBLE.
I may not look at this photo everyday now but I do view it 2 or 3 times a WEEK still.
Do people? DO YOU? simply look at this little AREA on PLUTO & just see the whole AREA as ROCK LIKE? is that what you see?
WHY can you folks NOT see ALL of these STRANGE shapes/objects/structures HERE?
BECAUSE surely if you get even CLOSER UP to THESE you WILL SEE THEM? No? it's not even as if it's in the balance, a 50 / 50 chance? I am 100% certain that what we are seeing albeit yes on PLUTO are ARTIFICALLY MADE Structures.
Speaking of 50 that's roughly how many different & varied structures, objects, shapes & sculpture types I counted up to & that is NOT even including the other things just a little way away from this place!
EVEN from this DISTANCE (as the page is) I CAN SEE things are simply NOT RIGHT.
I'm NO GEOLOGIST but I am fairly intelligent & those shapes down there without even ZOOMING IN anymore are clearly evident & UNDENIABLY ARTIFICAL in Nature?
Please PROVE ME WRONG if you KNOW different? I really don't have an ego, I have no motive, I am not looking for fame or money or any of that, I am simply in it for THE DISCOVERY, I LOVE this kind of thing & I don't understand WHY OTHERS AREN'T?
I won't LIE TO YOU i'll TAKE SOME CONVINCING...I mention that I am 100% certain that some of these things (if not all of them) down there HAVE NOT BEEN MADE by PLUTO's NATURAL EROSION...How Could It ?
From this DISTANCE you can CLEARLY SEE...starting over on the LEFT & working your way to the RIGHT...
1) A LARGE STRANGE DOMED AREA (from this far out you can't see the pathway & opening leading into this though) but yeah this DOMED AREA is STRANGE ENOUGH but then just before we leave this part there is something that LOOKS like...
And then can you see this THIN long section heading away from this bridge like object? well on this but close to it is...
3) A CIRCULAR OBJECT clearly projecting a SHADOW down onto this thin section (you may NOT be able to see the smaller domed section on this CIRCULAR OBJECT but it's there once you ZOOM in making it very MUCH SAUCER SHIP like?)
Follow this thin section & you'll come to something that looks like an UPSIDE DOWN 'V' well...
4) This first section of the V I can see an ENTRANCE TYPE there at the BOTTOM...you might think CAVE? OK fair do's.
And yes this is a CHEAT really because supposed to be listing things that you can ONLY SEE from THIS DISTANCE but actually you realise (OR YOU SHOULD) that this is NO ENTRANCE it LOOKS like a LARGE DISH with central point discovered by SHADOW!
5) From this distance the second upside down line of this V has something CLEARLY SLOPED upon it with a small Entrance...it's very reminiscent of EGPYTIAN structures we see here on EARTH...which is interesting right? considering those that say there could be a link?
6) OK now we come to this LARGER SECTION (shaped a little like a SKULL? can you see it?)
Well in the MIDDLE of THIS....is an AMAZING STRUCTURE I have referred to as the OMEGA STRUCTURE (or HORSESHOE or WISHBONE) & what's more it's hanging or appears to be from a BRACKETED SECTION but no one else on this PLANET but me can see this.
7) Just above this in a STRANGE almost HOLLOWED OUT SECTION?
Inside this AREA of it are 3 very strange shapes, STRUCTURES? SHIPS? that TRIANGULAR ONE (which surely you can see???) THAT DOES NOT LOOK RIGHT!!! it even has what appears to be a COCKPIT AREA? it may not be a SHIP but THIS IS NOT NATURAL.
So that's another THING you CAN SEE from this far back...WHAT ELSE? glad you asked Chris

It's THE SCULPTURE, well to me even from here it looks like a HIGH STANDING STRUCTURE...you may not be able to make out it looks like a FACE from here but you surely can see it?
EVEN if NOT a FACE? I think it is a HUGE (1-2 mile high) SCULPTURED FACE then it's SOMETHING but NATURE does NOT create things like this in places like this...it just doesn't...YOU CAN SEE THAT RIGHT?
9) For the MOMENT stay here close to this FACE SCULPTURE...Almost touching it & just to the right of it (as if it's looking over it?) is a kind of WALLED SECTION with a central FORECOURT Area...the walls (if they are that?) are made up of DONUT SHAPES & there even appears to be TOWER like structures at certain points...This is ASTOUNDING to ME.
BTW: To the TOP of this you should be able to see the LARGE SHADOW being CAST by this HUGE SCULPTURE close to it!
10) OK from this let's head right down to this bottom right hand corner...
Here I can see (so hopefully you can too?) an ENTRANCE with that pathway leading to it (it's NOT just natural settlement)
Once here just move ever so slightly above this entrance & head left & you might see a tube like section leading to what looks like a DOMED STRUCTURE.
Final THING you should be able to see JUST FROM THIS PHOTOGRAPH (without zooming in) can be found back close to this FACE SCULPTURE.
Find this again & then...
11) From the EYE of the NEEDLE section on this FACE? (I think it's a HEAD DRESS section on it?) you will see that there is another very thin long section that is ANGLED upwards (probably about 2 miles long) & it LOOKS for all the world like a BRIDGE? TUBE? WALK WAY like section?
JUST LOOK at THIS, INCREDIBLY STRANGE to ME...it's not something you expect to see on PLUTO, WHEN YOU TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ALL of these OTHER SHAPES, STRUCTURES & OBJECTS here then you can ONLY come to the CONCLUSION that they are CLEARLY LINKED ?
NOW 'SAVE' this IMAGE & ZOOM IN or USE YOUR TOOLS BUTTON up there on the top right of your BROWSER & set it to 400% & START COUNTING

Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3372
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: PROOF by NASA of UNDENIABLE PLUTO Structures!
I do sometimes WONDER what you folks think of my postings?
Just an enthusiastic fella looking for HIDDEN truths (I am trying Mr Neil Armstrong...I really am!) OR a DELUDED one?
If I had to guess I am sure a HUGE percentage of you would go with the latter? & don't believe a word I am saying OR the things I have shown you & I do UNDERSTAND & won't judge you for this for as I say the INTERNET is made of unrealistic & unreliable characters (sadly) although I do HOPE I have tried to show you that I am NOT one of those types!
Could I be wrong? for sure BUT NOT on SOME...PLUTO has unnatural (ARTIFICAL) Structures down there & I am 100% sure of this (based on that one photo) & DEEP DOWN (I would like to feel) YOU KNOW IT TOO? please be someone out there who isn't taken in by the SILENCE of NASA on this matter!
YOU don't need NASA to confirm for it for you...LOOK at THEM! look at the amount of them, the shapes!
These have not been uniformly made by PLUTO's EROSIONAL Past...They're ALL DIFFERENT (not uniform) & most are COMPLEX shapes & one's we RECOGNISE.
It so CLEAR to see that on this small (approx. 22-24 miles wide Rocky Outcrop) are NUMEROUS artificial structures...TO ME THIS is HUGE NEWS!
But there are other sections & objects close to this rocky outcrop which to me suggest there is even more going on...THAT TRANSPORT OBJECT!!!
Yeah ICE!!! really NASA
it's nearly CHRISTMAS...so pull the other one, it's got BELLS ON.
Or what about this?
NO I have no idea about this one either...but it is STRANGE & looks like an ARTIFICAL OBJECT to me, it's been suggested it's a CREATURE of some kind by some...I have to say if so it's ONE HUGE ONE! not impossible! I am sure there are HUGE CREATURES out there (WE HAD THE DINOSAURS & THE BLUE WHALE, they'll be creatures out there somewhere that are MANY TIMES LARGER THAN THESE Even) but I am not so sure this is one of them, again this to me looks like some form of TRANSPORT? are those DIALS at the front?
Well again it's CURIOUS & something NASA does NOT SPEAK of (nothing NEW there then!)
Just an enthusiastic fella looking for HIDDEN truths (I am trying Mr Neil Armstrong...I really am!) OR a DELUDED one?
If I had to guess I am sure a HUGE percentage of you would go with the latter? & don't believe a word I am saying OR the things I have shown you & I do UNDERSTAND & won't judge you for this for as I say the INTERNET is made of unrealistic & unreliable characters (sadly) although I do HOPE I have tried to show you that I am NOT one of those types!
Could I be wrong? for sure BUT NOT on SOME...PLUTO has unnatural (ARTIFICAL) Structures down there & I am 100% sure of this (based on that one photo) & DEEP DOWN (I would like to feel) YOU KNOW IT TOO? please be someone out there who isn't taken in by the SILENCE of NASA on this matter!
YOU don't need NASA to confirm for it for you...LOOK at THEM! look at the amount of them, the shapes!
These have not been uniformly made by PLUTO's EROSIONAL Past...They're ALL DIFFERENT (not uniform) & most are COMPLEX shapes & one's we RECOGNISE.
It so CLEAR to see that on this small (approx. 22-24 miles wide Rocky Outcrop) are NUMEROUS artificial structures...TO ME THIS is HUGE NEWS!
But there are other sections & objects close to this rocky outcrop which to me suggest there is even more going on...THAT TRANSPORT OBJECT!!!
Yeah ICE!!! really NASA

Or what about this?
NO I have no idea about this one either...but it is STRANGE & looks like an ARTIFICAL OBJECT to me, it's been suggested it's a CREATURE of some kind by some...I have to say if so it's ONE HUGE ONE! not impossible! I am sure there are HUGE CREATURES out there (WE HAD THE DINOSAURS & THE BLUE WHALE, they'll be creatures out there somewhere that are MANY TIMES LARGER THAN THESE Even) but I am not so sure this is one of them, again this to me looks like some form of TRANSPORT? are those DIALS at the front?
Well again it's CURIOUS & something NASA does NOT SPEAK of (nothing NEW there then!)
Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago #3373
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: PROOF by NASA of UNDENIABLE PLUTO Structures!
Well what I mean by dials was DISKS / DOMES habitat's perhaps? difficult to figure this one out...but that first TRANSPORT like OBJECT on PLUTO that does have something of a HOVERCRAFT SHAPE to it complete with circular exhaust shape at the back there on that curved spoiler type section, just in front of this occupying a central position is something dark & long SO ? a COCKPIT area? or as I've said before is this a DEFENSIVE MACHINE? Missile launch type?
And then we come to something again close to this small rocky outcrop but to the SOUTH & it's THIS...
There up in the TOP right is our little rocky outcrop (shaped funnily enough like BRITAIN) but to the left of this is another curious rocky formation with numerous things to interest you...here there is an oblong structure with a domed like top (you can probably see the shadow being cast from this just to the right of this on PLUTO's surface, this structure? also has a pathway like area or tunnel? you can see it here at the front pointing towards you (looking a bit like a TANK)
But I want to focus on THAT down there at the bottom of the screen...NOW IMAGINE you were at the BASE of this thing right down at the BOTTOM of this picture LOOKING UP AT IT...for it stands HIGH off PLUTO's surface, how HIGH it's difficult to fathom but if that SCUPTURE like OBJECT on that rocky outcrop is 1-2 miles HIGH? then the top of this thing could be? well it could be double? triple? quadruple this?
But don't you think THIS rocky outcrop LOOKS UNUSUAL ? it's tiered / layered with something of a SHELL around it, at the TOP there is a very strange object & then to the left well that's where it perhaps gives up it's SECRETS because the shapes & the shadows cast from these? well if natural they would prove highly UNUSUAL.
To the LEFT of this LAYERED system is an ANGLED STRUCTURE that comes close to that surrounding SHELL housing these different layered areas but surely you can see that it has a CIRCULAR SHAPE to it heading closer to this? & a shadow is being cast down below to CONFIRM this!
This ANGLED STRUCTURE btw seems to head up to the side of this SHELL STRUCTURE to the TOP of IT where it joins up to that object? structure right at the TOP there which is oblong, long & circled in RED.
And then we come to something again close to this small rocky outcrop but to the SOUTH & it's THIS...
There up in the TOP right is our little rocky outcrop (shaped funnily enough like BRITAIN) but to the left of this is another curious rocky formation with numerous things to interest you...here there is an oblong structure with a domed like top (you can probably see the shadow being cast from this just to the right of this on PLUTO's surface, this structure? also has a pathway like area or tunnel? you can see it here at the front pointing towards you (looking a bit like a TANK)
But I want to focus on THAT down there at the bottom of the screen...NOW IMAGINE you were at the BASE of this thing right down at the BOTTOM of this picture LOOKING UP AT IT...for it stands HIGH off PLUTO's surface, how HIGH it's difficult to fathom but if that SCUPTURE like OBJECT on that rocky outcrop is 1-2 miles HIGH? then the top of this thing could be? well it could be double? triple? quadruple this?
But don't you think THIS rocky outcrop LOOKS UNUSUAL ? it's tiered / layered with something of a SHELL around it, at the TOP there is a very strange object & then to the left well that's where it perhaps gives up it's SECRETS because the shapes & the shadows cast from these? well if natural they would prove highly UNUSUAL.
To the LEFT of this LAYERED system is an ANGLED STRUCTURE that comes close to that surrounding SHELL housing these different layered areas but surely you can see that it has a CIRCULAR SHAPE to it heading closer to this? & a shadow is being cast down below to CONFIRM this!

This ANGLED STRUCTURE btw seems to head up to the side of this SHELL STRUCTURE to the TOP of IT where it joins up to that object? structure right at the TOP there which is oblong, long & circled in RED.
- Paul Conway
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- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago #3375
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: PROOF by NASA of UNDENIABLE PLUTO Structures!
NATURAL? really? you think NATURE created such a THING ? and that up there above it ? the small ROCKY OUTCROP ? with all those different structures UPON it ?
Well for a PLACE that was DOWNGRADED to that of a 'DWARF PLANET' it sure is interesting NASA now!
Up to 2 more MISSIONS are PLANNED for PLUTO!
For a place regarded as interesting but probably not of any real interest...and get this BOTH MISSIONS will touch down on PLUTO's SURFACE.
Hmm I think NASA saw something that got them CURIOUS wouldn't you say?

Here's another CLOSE UP of that other Rocky Area out there to the WEST...TANK like except it's a BUILDING I think?
Still think this is NATURAL also? really? YOU don't think it's a FUNNY SHAPE? and taken with EVERYTHING ELSE close to this it don't make you think?
WHY ARE NASA HEADING BACK HERE so SOON with 2 more MISSIONS...you'll figure it out
NATURAL? really? you think NATURE created such a THING ? and that up there above it ? the small ROCKY OUTCROP ? with all those different structures UPON it ?
Well for a PLACE that was DOWNGRADED to that of a 'DWARF PLANET' it sure is interesting NASA now!
Up to 2 more MISSIONS are PLANNED for PLUTO!
For a place regarded as interesting but probably not of any real interest...and get this BOTH MISSIONS will touch down on PLUTO's SURFACE.
Hmm I think NASA saw something that got them CURIOUS wouldn't you say?

Here's another CLOSE UP of that other Rocky Area out there to the WEST...TANK like except it's a BUILDING I think?
Still think this is NATURAL also? really? YOU don't think it's a FUNNY SHAPE? and taken with EVERYTHING ELSE close to this it don't make you think?
WHY ARE NASA HEADING BACK HERE so SOON with 2 more MISSIONS...you'll figure it out