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- ASTEROID 'OUMUAMUA' strangely named which means...
ASTEROID 'OUMUAMUA' strangely named which means...
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3395
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: ASTEROID 'OUMUAMUA' strangely named which means...
Now you could read things into this? NASA names for PROJECTS, SPACECRAFT & such things often AMUSES ME...
DO they have Hidden Meanings to them? many have EGYPTIAN or GREEK names.
This strange thing was curiously shaped...it was 10 times LONGER than it was WIDE...go on get a PIECE of PAPER measure & draw a 1 inch wide LINE & then join it up to a 10 inch long line...looks like a long cylinder shape or pencil shape...ELONGATED OBJECT? they weren't kidding about that!
DISCOVERED only recently on the 19th OCTOBER it entered OUR SYSTEM & is now on it's way out / HOME
This came from ANOTHER PLANETARY SYSTEM & STAR...interesting huh? how DO THEY KNOW This?
So the name may be perfectly INNOCENT a 1st such object to enter our system that we know about? or a prelude?
THE WORD "MESSENGER" is what's got me CURIOUS.
Might be perfectly NATURAL? but it's HIGHLY UNUSUAL...yup the brain gets ticking again...WHAT IF IT WAS NOT an 'asteroid' (hey I LOVE NATURAL SPACE, MOON & PLANETARY Stuff too) but ONLY the EXPERTS monitoring it will know if ANYTHING was UNUSUAL about it (ie ARTIFICAL in NATURE)
MOST PEOPLE wouldn't have even heard of this...I knew weeks ago...but I've seen NOTHING on TV or NEWS about it & THAT I do find a little curious!
PERHAPS if artificial in NATURE? (I know it probably isn't...NOT EVERYTHING is alien in nature
we do have NATURAL STUFF out there!) they sent this as a scouting mission to take a look at us...TOOK ONE LOOK at US on this PLANET...and THOUGHT...NOPE, we're OUTTA here, THEY'RE NUTS!
They'd be RIGHT TOO (sadly)
We DON'T EVEN find WONDERFUL, Unusual DISCOVERIES as something to SHOUT from the ROOFTOPS now.
BLESS 'EM, when did everything go all HUSH, HUSH ?
Now you could read things into this? NASA names for PROJECTS, SPACECRAFT & such things often AMUSES ME...
DO they have Hidden Meanings to them? many have EGYPTIAN or GREEK names.
This strange thing was curiously shaped...it was 10 times LONGER than it was WIDE...go on get a PIECE of PAPER measure & draw a 1 inch wide LINE & then join it up to a 10 inch long line...looks like a long cylinder shape or pencil shape...ELONGATED OBJECT? they weren't kidding about that!
DISCOVERED only recently on the 19th OCTOBER it entered OUR SYSTEM & is now on it's way out / HOME

This came from ANOTHER PLANETARY SYSTEM & STAR...interesting huh? how DO THEY KNOW This?
So the name may be perfectly INNOCENT a 1st such object to enter our system that we know about? or a prelude?
THE WORD "MESSENGER" is what's got me CURIOUS.
Might be perfectly NATURAL? but it's HIGHLY UNUSUAL...yup the brain gets ticking again...WHAT IF IT WAS NOT an 'asteroid' (hey I LOVE NATURAL SPACE, MOON & PLANETARY Stuff too) but ONLY the EXPERTS monitoring it will know if ANYTHING was UNUSUAL about it (ie ARTIFICAL in NATURE)
MOST PEOPLE wouldn't have even heard of this...I knew weeks ago...but I've seen NOTHING on TV or NEWS about it & THAT I do find a little curious!
PERHAPS if artificial in NATURE? (I know it probably isn't...NOT EVERYTHING is alien in nature

They'd be RIGHT TOO (sadly)
We DON'T EVEN find WONDERFUL, Unusual DISCOVERIES as something to SHOUT from the ROOFTOPS now.
BLESS 'EM, when did everything go all HUSH, HUSH ?
Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3396
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: ASTEROID 'OUMUAMUA' strangely named which means...
I find it very SAD that I cannot take this kind of DISCOVERY at FACE VALUE anymore & BELIEVE what NASA & the ESA have to say about such things now.
There goes my chances of ever working for them
They have BLURRED the WATERS for me so much I shall ALWAYS be SECOND GUESSING them.
Isn't that a shame for someone who LOVES the subject of SPACE?
NASA especially have clearly lied so often to us that when something like this WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC 'natural' EVENT takes place the first thing you think of (well I do) is well is this REALLY just an asteroid? (albeit a very strange, unique & curious one) could it be something else? & they're again just not telling us?
that is curious...probably completely innocent word play?
Reminded me of the PROBE Sent in STAR TREK 4 : THE VOYAGE HOME that of course was much larger than this which measures 400 meters LONG by 40 meters wide approx., still a large object, larger than ANY of our sea faring SHIPS
Wouldn't it be strange if it had come all this way to deliver a MESSAGE? hey folks we're ON OUR WAY to EARTH.
Like I said it's probably a totally innocent & CORRECT naturally occurring & WONDERFUL Discovery but as they've messed about with other things before I shall always be thinking was it? was it really?
Just by way of a bit of fun here is this asteroid? well these are the only pictures I've seen of it, artists impressions? & bit of both? who knows like I said!
And the one from STAR TREK 4 which was strange but looked just like a lump of rock until it started playing havoc with the ships in the film & our eco system.
You can see why NASA bug the hell out of me these days...IF ONLY I could GO BACK to TRUSTING THEM! then I could have enjoyed this moment more.
He's a web site with news of this...
Recommend you watch the EXCELLENT VIDEO but as for believing it? THAT's UPTO YOU, the story is probably correct??? then again...DAMN you NASA!
We need a NEW SPACE EXPLORATION COMPANY set up...ONE THAT will let us know EVERYTHING we find...now WHERE might we FIND ONE OF THOSE?
Don't go visiting the OLD Kickstarter FORUMS if I were you...there are still postings there from time to time but they're NOT HAPPY.
There goes my chances of ever working for them

They have BLURRED the WATERS for me so much I shall ALWAYS be SECOND GUESSING them.
Isn't that a shame for someone who LOVES the subject of SPACE?
NASA especially have clearly lied so often to us that when something like this WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC 'natural' EVENT takes place the first thing you think of (well I do) is well is this REALLY just an asteroid? (albeit a very strange, unique & curious one) could it be something else? & they're again just not telling us?

Reminded me of the PROBE Sent in STAR TREK 4 : THE VOYAGE HOME that of course was much larger than this which measures 400 meters LONG by 40 meters wide approx., still a large object, larger than ANY of our sea faring SHIPS

Wouldn't it be strange if it had come all this way to deliver a MESSAGE? hey folks we're ON OUR WAY to EARTH.
Like I said it's probably a totally innocent & CORRECT naturally occurring & WONDERFUL Discovery but as they've messed about with other things before I shall always be thinking was it? was it really?
Just by way of a bit of fun here is this asteroid? well these are the only pictures I've seen of it, artists impressions? & bit of both? who knows like I said!
And the one from STAR TREK 4 which was strange but looked just like a lump of rock until it started playing havoc with the ships in the film & our eco system.
You can see why NASA bug the hell out of me these days...IF ONLY I could GO BACK to TRUSTING THEM! then I could have enjoyed this moment more.
He's a web site with news of this...
Recommend you watch the EXCELLENT VIDEO but as for believing it? THAT's UPTO YOU, the story is probably correct??? then again...DAMN you NASA!
We need a NEW SPACE EXPLORATION COMPANY set up...ONE THAT will let us know EVERYTHING we find...now WHERE might we FIND ONE OF THOSE?

Don't go visiting the OLD Kickstarter FORUMS if I were you...there are still postings there from time to time but they're NOT HAPPY.
Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3428
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: ASTEROID 'OUMUAMUA' strangely named which means...
More on OUMUAMUA...
Which apparently means...
And YET didn't NASA already tell us that these things DO ENTER our SYSTEM fairly regularly! but that it's the first they have managed to OBSERVE ONE? but with NO REAL Photo's!!!
Just Computer Animations.
Even they say it's DIMENSIONS were VERY STRANGE measuring some 10 times LONGER than it was WIDE....MOST CURIOUS!
Even PROPER Astronomers have come out of the woodwork to at least PONDER...COULD IT HAVE BEEN A SPACECRAFT ? well GOOD on them for doing so & at least considering the possibility...it's those folks that RULE SUCH THINGS OUT because? WELL just BECAUSE they don't know any better & that really BUGS the hell outta me.
It's been a GOOD & INTERESTING Week on SECURETEAM10 & this again is interesting & well done I think...
TYLER is trying to compare this object to one discovered possibly on OUR MOON by APOLLO 15.
A CRASHED Ancient SHIP? I've always said NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE, I don't really see ANY CRASH MARKS though close to this OBECT on the MOON but that's NOT to say it isn't a HUGE ROCK from out there that has hit it OR even a SHIP...he goes on to suggest APOLLO 20 & very likely the canned 18 & 19 took place & I have to AGREE WITH HIM.
WHAT you surely must ADMIT? is interesting is that this ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH from APOLLO 15 still exists but which at one time had been CHANGED to show it blending in with the MOON's SURFACE (as in this VIDEO FOOTAGE above) WHAT!!! are YOU KIDDING ME!!!
NASA would have been BETTER OFF leaving it as was for folks to ponder IS IT? ISN'T IT? changing it to blend in with the MOON's SURFACE is just SILLY & will clearly get people thinking so WHY ARE THEY TRYING to HIDE SUCH A THING?
Here is that link to this OBJECT on the MOON.
So is THAT an ANCIENT SPACECRAFT? I've already shown you a SQUARE BASE on the MOON on NASA's DESK!!! if that's there it's NOT much of a jump to consider the possibility of other structures or even SPACECRAFT up there.
As for did they go on a MISSION to TAKE a LOOK if such a thing existed? I would say they did (it would make perfect sense, can you imagine what they might have seen? & to keep such a thing SECRET from the GENERAL PUBLIC at THAT TIME) did they witness this FEMALE up there? is THAT footage genuine? not so sure about that one but clearly if there was a ship or structures UP THERE & they went to EXPLORE they'll HAVE THE FOOTAGE somewhere?
So MANY truly, really, honest to god GOOD & VERY CLEVER FOLKS at NASA & the ESA but seriously some times the decisions they make are those of a CHILD!!!
The APOLLO - SOYUZ Mission (DURING the COLD WAR!) is one hell of a STRANGE PAIRING...WHY? I was ALWAYS CURIOUS about that one!
Was it a TEST? well YES apparently it was! did they partner up for these CANCELLED Secretive APOLLO MISSIONS? well I think so BECAUSE I have already SHOWN you WHAT MANY of these APOLLO MISSIONS DISCOVERED 'UP THERE on OUR MOON' & it wasn't simply MOON ROCKS (you can see why LUNAR MISSION ONE took my interest now can't you? I was told the stories by my father of these ENCOUNTERS on the MOON, ships watching ALDWIN & ARMSTRONG) RUMOURS that 2 minutes of TRANSMISSIONS went SILENT because of what it was they were WITNESSING.
ADD in the AMAZING FACT that the ORIGINAL 'APOLLO 11' 1st MOON LANDING FOOTAGE has apparently GONE MISSING or was DESTROYED & if that don't have you thinking CONSPIRACY then I don't know what does...SOMETHING 'THIS' Important & they lost, damaged or destroyed the ORIGINAL FOOTAGE...are you KIDDING ME!!!
Maurice Chatalain (the HEAD COMMUNICATIONS Guy at NASA during this MISSION) came forward & said there were SECRET COMMUNICATIONS on a different EMERGENCY CHANNEL (switched to by NASA) when ALDWIN & ARMSTRONG confirmed reports of UFO's close to them!
Which is probably what cheesed off NEIL ARMSTRONG big time & probably WHY he never spoke much after this MISSION (he tried to keep quiet rather than lie to the public) & then upon the 25th ANNIVERSARY of this HISTORIC MISSSION (1st MEN on the MOON for which NASA no LONGER have the ORIGINAL CAMERA FOOTAGE
) at a SPECIAL WASHINGTON WHITE HOUSE SPEECH with President Clinton sat right next to him along with numerous other astronauts from these APOLLO MISSIONS in the room Mr ARMSTRONG gave what is CLEARLY a 'CRYPTIC' & rather CLEVER SPEECH (I thought)
I am now convinced of this.
Which apparently means...
And YET didn't NASA already tell us that these things DO ENTER our SYSTEM fairly regularly! but that it's the first they have managed to OBSERVE ONE? but with NO REAL Photo's!!!
Just Computer Animations.
Even they say it's DIMENSIONS were VERY STRANGE measuring some 10 times LONGER than it was WIDE....MOST CURIOUS!
Even PROPER Astronomers have come out of the woodwork to at least PONDER...COULD IT HAVE BEEN A SPACECRAFT ? well GOOD on them for doing so & at least considering the possibility...it's those folks that RULE SUCH THINGS OUT because? WELL just BECAUSE they don't know any better & that really BUGS the hell outta me.
It's been a GOOD & INTERESTING Week on SECURETEAM10 & this again is interesting & well done I think...
TYLER is trying to compare this object to one discovered possibly on OUR MOON by APOLLO 15.
A CRASHED Ancient SHIP? I've always said NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE, I don't really see ANY CRASH MARKS though close to this OBECT on the MOON but that's NOT to say it isn't a HUGE ROCK from out there that has hit it OR even a SHIP...he goes on to suggest APOLLO 20 & very likely the canned 18 & 19 took place & I have to AGREE WITH HIM.
WHAT you surely must ADMIT? is interesting is that this ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH from APOLLO 15 still exists but which at one time had been CHANGED to show it blending in with the MOON's SURFACE (as in this VIDEO FOOTAGE above) WHAT!!! are YOU KIDDING ME!!!
NASA would have been BETTER OFF leaving it as was for folks to ponder IS IT? ISN'T IT? changing it to blend in with the MOON's SURFACE is just SILLY & will clearly get people thinking so WHY ARE THEY TRYING to HIDE SUCH A THING?
Here is that link to this OBJECT on the MOON.
So is THAT an ANCIENT SPACECRAFT? I've already shown you a SQUARE BASE on the MOON on NASA's DESK!!! if that's there it's NOT much of a jump to consider the possibility of other structures or even SPACECRAFT up there.
As for did they go on a MISSION to TAKE a LOOK if such a thing existed? I would say they did (it would make perfect sense, can you imagine what they might have seen? & to keep such a thing SECRET from the GENERAL PUBLIC at THAT TIME) did they witness this FEMALE up there? is THAT footage genuine? not so sure about that one but clearly if there was a ship or structures UP THERE & they went to EXPLORE they'll HAVE THE FOOTAGE somewhere?
So MANY truly, really, honest to god GOOD & VERY CLEVER FOLKS at NASA & the ESA but seriously some times the decisions they make are those of a CHILD!!!
The APOLLO - SOYUZ Mission (DURING the COLD WAR!) is one hell of a STRANGE PAIRING...WHY? I was ALWAYS CURIOUS about that one!
Was it a TEST? well YES apparently it was! did they partner up for these CANCELLED Secretive APOLLO MISSIONS? well I think so BECAUSE I have already SHOWN you WHAT MANY of these APOLLO MISSIONS DISCOVERED 'UP THERE on OUR MOON' & it wasn't simply MOON ROCKS (you can see why LUNAR MISSION ONE took my interest now can't you? I was told the stories by my father of these ENCOUNTERS on the MOON, ships watching ALDWIN & ARMSTRONG) RUMOURS that 2 minutes of TRANSMISSIONS went SILENT because of what it was they were WITNESSING.
ADD in the AMAZING FACT that the ORIGINAL 'APOLLO 11' 1st MOON LANDING FOOTAGE has apparently GONE MISSING or was DESTROYED & if that don't have you thinking CONSPIRACY then I don't know what does...SOMETHING 'THIS' Important & they lost, damaged or destroyed the ORIGINAL FOOTAGE...are you KIDDING ME!!!
Maurice Chatalain (the HEAD COMMUNICATIONS Guy at NASA during this MISSION) came forward & said there were SECRET COMMUNICATIONS on a different EMERGENCY CHANNEL (switched to by NASA) when ALDWIN & ARMSTRONG confirmed reports of UFO's close to them!
Which is probably what cheesed off NEIL ARMSTRONG big time & probably WHY he never spoke much after this MISSION (he tried to keep quiet rather than lie to the public) & then upon the 25th ANNIVERSARY of this HISTORIC MISSSION (1st MEN on the MOON for which NASA no LONGER have the ORIGINAL CAMERA FOOTAGE

I am now convinced of this.
Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.