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DAWN 'Ceres' MISSION extended & a Lower ALTITUDE
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3399
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: DAWN 'Ceres' MISSION extended & a Lower ALTITUDE
No surprise here though.
DAWN was scheduled (if my memory serves?) to head off further into space to investigate another rock but they canned that in favour of staying put around CERES (wise choice)
It was moved into a higher orbit, clearly doing more scientific experiments but it seems to have not been taking (or at least) releasing
as many photographs whilst up there.
Reason for this? we've probably seen everything (or most of) the things we needed to see when down at that closer altitude of 240 miles above CERES...but THAT it appears is ABOUT to CHANGE!
The GOOD NEWS is they're taking it BACK DOWN
and GOING EVEN CLOSER than BEFORE...down to 120 miles off the surface of CERES (twice as close)
So (you would like to think) if there is SOMETHING STRANGE going on down there & within say the 'OCCATOR CRATER' or as we like to call it, the one lit up like a CHRISTMAS TREE & those other curious areas close to this (also lit up) then we SHOULD? find out! right?
This crater (OCCATOR) is the main interest for many & it interests me greatly too but i am also very curious about that connecting crater (often seen above it & slighty to the left) which appears to have something strange at the centre of it? CAN WE GET GOOD SHOTS of this too PLEASE? if only to clear up it's NOT a STRUCTURE but just something (ROCK) that looks like it?
My Main QUESTION & SOMETHING that interests me MORE is this...
Is there a SQUARE artifical BASE type STRUCTURE at the centre of this small crater? away from these two above.
I do not know what this crater is called? it's very difficult to find & to locate on CERES (especially with all the other craters here) BECAUSE I have NOT FOUND IT AGAIN since in ANY of the more recent photo's released but NASA will know it's whereabouts & any name given to it (eg : BIG BASE Crater
) for what good it was worth i e-mailed them about finding it all that time ago & I know! A WASTE of TIME.
SERIOUSLY photograph artefacts (errors) DO NOT SHOW UP LOOKING like THIS! a defined SQUARE BASE with other smaller sections branching off from it...if they do by all means SHOW ME & i shall happily consider it.
I do find it rather amusing that there is (or was) a similar shaped (SQUARE) & probably similar sized too? BASE on OUR very OWN MOON!!!
I know WHO KNEW? well NASA for one of course
they tried (so it seems) to BOMB IT out of EXISTANCE...Humans huh?
If you don't believe me you need to just go & check out that mission again...and what it was they were trying to do (well so they say)
And although i am not quiet so sure about this one? (although taking into account everything else up there it would make sense) it would appear that there might also be such a shaped base on PLUTO too...just behind my FAVOURITE FIND of ALL-TIME
well that is until NASA can show me new photo's of this 1-2 mile high approx ROCK that ONLY LOOKS LIKE A FACE (hey still a GREAT FIND if the case
Which means THESE THINGS (Square Shaped OUTPOSTS or BASES) might be a fairly common thing within our very own SOLAR SYSTEM ?
BASES? OUTPOSTS? MINING OPERATIONS or places for SCIENTIFIC Purposes? or dmm dmm derrr ALIEN in ORIGIN? who knows!
But you don't generally get 2 or 3 artefacts (Photographic Errors) LOOKING LIKE THIS...taken with different cameras, in different places, ALL LOOKING the SAME...but you folks knew that already right?
MY REQUEST (huh? what's that?) is this....GO LOOKING for that SMALL CRATER with that OBJECT? STRUCTURE? BASE at the centre of it & PHOTOGRAPH the hell out of it.
If it's there & Amazingly i think it is then this time LET'S HERE ABOUT IT? for heaven's sake BREAK with MILITARY PROTOCOL won't you??? or we'll never get to hear of such AMAZING EARTH SHATTERING 'Discoveries'
On the other side of this i would be very curious to see if they have AIRBRUSHED IT out of existence! IF ? we ever see it again ?
I'm also still CURIOUS about that ROVER type vehicle up there on CERES? does that exist? well if there's a BASE? it would follow right? they would need some form of TRANSPORTATION right?
LOOKING forward to these CLOSER SHOTS of CERES & let's just HOPE they are HONEST releases? not one's edited or hidden away because they are in brackets OH OK THEN
("Too Sensitive for HUMAN eyes")
BTW: DAWN will NOT CRASH onto CERES as did the ROSETTA MISSION...i bet that one RANG like a BELL for HOURS
It will stay in orbit once it runs out of power in late 2018, so until then keep WATCHING.
No surprise here though.
DAWN was scheduled (if my memory serves?) to head off further into space to investigate another rock but they canned that in favour of staying put around CERES (wise choice)
It was moved into a higher orbit, clearly doing more scientific experiments but it seems to have not been taking (or at least) releasing
as many photographs whilst up there.
Reason for this? we've probably seen everything (or most of) the things we needed to see when down at that closer altitude of 240 miles above CERES...but THAT it appears is ABOUT to CHANGE!

The GOOD NEWS is they're taking it BACK DOWN

So (you would like to think) if there is SOMETHING STRANGE going on down there & within say the 'OCCATOR CRATER' or as we like to call it, the one lit up like a CHRISTMAS TREE & those other curious areas close to this (also lit up) then we SHOULD? find out! right?

This crater (OCCATOR) is the main interest for many & it interests me greatly too but i am also very curious about that connecting crater (often seen above it & slighty to the left) which appears to have something strange at the centre of it? CAN WE GET GOOD SHOTS of this too PLEASE? if only to clear up it's NOT a STRUCTURE but just something (ROCK) that looks like it?
My Main QUESTION & SOMETHING that interests me MORE is this...
Is there a SQUARE artifical BASE type STRUCTURE at the centre of this small crater? away from these two above.
I do not know what this crater is called? it's very difficult to find & to locate on CERES (especially with all the other craters here) BECAUSE I have NOT FOUND IT AGAIN since in ANY of the more recent photo's released but NASA will know it's whereabouts & any name given to it (eg : BIG BASE Crater

SERIOUSLY photograph artefacts (errors) DO NOT SHOW UP LOOKING like THIS! a defined SQUARE BASE with other smaller sections branching off from it...if they do by all means SHOW ME & i shall happily consider it.
I do find it rather amusing that there is (or was) a similar shaped (SQUARE) & probably similar sized too? BASE on OUR very OWN MOON!!!
I know WHO KNEW? well NASA for one of course

If you don't believe me you need to just go & check out that mission again...and what it was they were trying to do (well so they say)
And although i am not quiet so sure about this one? (although taking into account everything else up there it would make sense) it would appear that there might also be such a shaped base on PLUTO too...just behind my FAVOURITE FIND of ALL-TIME

Which means THESE THINGS (Square Shaped OUTPOSTS or BASES) might be a fairly common thing within our very own SOLAR SYSTEM ?
BASES? OUTPOSTS? MINING OPERATIONS or places for SCIENTIFIC Purposes? or dmm dmm derrr ALIEN in ORIGIN? who knows!
But you don't generally get 2 or 3 artefacts (Photographic Errors) LOOKING LIKE THIS...taken with different cameras, in different places, ALL LOOKING the SAME...but you folks knew that already right?
MY REQUEST (huh? what's that?) is this....GO LOOKING for that SMALL CRATER with that OBJECT? STRUCTURE? BASE at the centre of it & PHOTOGRAPH the hell out of it.
If it's there & Amazingly i think it is then this time LET'S HERE ABOUT IT? for heaven's sake BREAK with MILITARY PROTOCOL won't you??? or we'll never get to hear of such AMAZING EARTH SHATTERING 'Discoveries'
On the other side of this i would be very curious to see if they have AIRBRUSHED IT out of existence! IF ? we ever see it again ?
I'm also still CURIOUS about that ROVER type vehicle up there on CERES? does that exist? well if there's a BASE? it would follow right? they would need some form of TRANSPORTATION right?
LOOKING forward to these CLOSER SHOTS of CERES & let's just HOPE they are HONEST releases? not one's edited or hidden away because they are in brackets OH OK THEN

BTW: DAWN will NOT CRASH onto CERES as did the ROSETTA MISSION...i bet that one RANG like a BELL for HOURS

It will stay in orbit once it runs out of power in late 2018, so until then keep WATCHING.
Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago - 1 year 2 months ago #3400
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: DAWN 'Ceres' MISSION extended & a Lower ALTITUDE
So MY WISH LIST for CLOSER hopefully more INFORMATIVE Shots are for...
Well i find this AREA interesting & YES i still think that within that walled looking area? looks like a HANGAR? or CARGO CONTAINER type with the DOOR OPENING & facing us but of course it can't be it's OFF PLANET EARTH
NOTHING else exists off PLANET EARTH that hasn't been made by NATURE! 
Same as the ABOVE SHOT but CLOSER
I KNOW WHERE YOUR LOOKING ? It's DEAD CENTRE isn't it ? I'm with you...THAT IS ?
NOT FINISHED just yet with my WISH LIST as this was ALL WITHIN this MAIN CRATER upon CERES.
Well i find this AREA interesting & YES i still think that within that walled looking area? looks like a HANGAR? or CARGO CONTAINER type with the DOOR OPENING & facing us but of course it can't be it's OFF PLANET EARTH

Same as the ABOVE SHOT but CLOSER
I KNOW WHERE YOUR LOOKING ? It's DEAD CENTRE isn't it ? I'm with you...THAT IS ?
NOT FINISHED just yet with my WISH LIST as this was ALL WITHIN this MAIN CRATER upon CERES.
Last Edit: 1 year 2 months ago by Paul Conway.
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago #3401
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: DAWN 'Ceres' MISSION extended & a Lower ALTITUDE
An ARTEFACT ? in other words (according to NASA) a PHOTOGRAPHIC or CAMERA Error ?
Well what's FUNNY is...IT ACTUALLY LOOKS like a ROVER (Transport) now if i had not found that SQUARE BASE like object at the CENTRE of that small CRATER (we're coming to this) then some might have thought NOPE but then there are these shots which APPEAR to actually show this thing MOVING AROUND UPON CERES but also...
Do Artefacts cast shadows ? REALLY ? Do tell
An ARTEFACT ? in other words (according to NASA) a PHOTOGRAPHIC or CAMERA Error ?
Well what's FUNNY is...IT ACTUALLY LOOKS like a ROVER (Transport) now if i had not found that SQUARE BASE like object at the CENTRE of that small CRATER (we're coming to this) then some might have thought NOPE but then there are these shots which APPEAR to actually show this thing MOVING AROUND UPON CERES but also...
Do Artefacts cast shadows ? REALLY ? Do tell

- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago #3402
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: DAWN 'Ceres' MISSION extended & a Lower ALTITUDE
And then we have a shot of this ROVER ? inside of the main CERES crater (OCCATOR)
And it looks like it's heading up towards this MAIN light up section (which it is believed to be SALT...not ICE because it's even MORE reflective apparently? so much so that in one of NASA's shots of CERES this CRATER is GLOWING whilst the SUN is on the opposite side) hmm
Now looking at these if you take a CLOSE LOOK at the front of this ROVER? well i think it's an actual object rather than the same looking artefact every time! heading up towards this (WHITE) salt? you may notice in these shots there appears to be something? a cable? wires? are there to help it up a STEEP INCLINE ? well they don't appear to be seen on those other photo's of it?
Just thinking out loud.
TAKE A LOOK PLEASE, comment if you like?
And it looks like it's heading up towards this MAIN light up section (which it is believed to be SALT...not ICE because it's even MORE reflective apparently? so much so that in one of NASA's shots of CERES this CRATER is GLOWING whilst the SUN is on the opposite side) hmm
Now looking at these if you take a CLOSE LOOK at the front of this ROVER? well i think it's an actual object rather than the same looking artefact every time! heading up towards this (WHITE) salt? you may notice in these shots there appears to be something? a cable? wires? are there to help it up a STEEP INCLINE ? well they don't appear to be seen on those other photo's of it?
Just thinking out loud.
TAKE A LOOK PLEASE, comment if you like?
- Paul Conway
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1 year 2 months ago #3403
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: DAWN 'Ceres' MISSION extended & a Lower ALTITUDE
FINAL CLOSE up of it HEADING apparently up to this PLACE...if such a thing? (A ROVER) WHY? MINING OPERATION would be FAVOURITE wouldn't you say?
ANOTHER of it in a DIIFFERENT PLACE on CERES? unless it is an ARTEFACT that has somehow managed to come out on camera looking like a ROVER TRANSPORT down on the PLANET...what are the ODDS
ANOTHER of it in a DIIFFERENT PLACE on CERES? unless it is an ARTEFACT that has somehow managed to come out on camera looking like a ROVER TRANSPORT down on the PLANET...what are the ODDS

- Paul Conway
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