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And the BEST UK CHRISTMAS TV AD Award goes to...
- Paul Conway
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1 year 1 month ago - 1 year 1 month ago #3433
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: And the BEST UK CHRISTMAS TV AD Award goes to...
Well in Days of OLD no CHRISTMAS TV Advertisements would have even aired yet, perhaps the first one's were just about to AIR about now on TV as the 1st of December approached.
Sadly those DAYS are GONE.
It was FUN to LIVE during CHRISTMASES of OLD back in the 1970's when I was but a child in single figures it genuinely did seem MAGICAL, then came the teenage years in the 1980's & even up to the 90's things weren't quiet so...
Well you know
We still ENJOY CHRISTMAS...it's still my FAVOURITE TIME OF THE YEAR because it does seem to make PEOPLE (for the most part) more KIND, HAPPY, WILLING to HELP OTHERS & so we just are more FRIENDLY.
It's a time for NOSTALGIA of course & then we have EVERYTHING associated with CHRISTMAS even...let's not forget the STORY of JESUS born in a STABLE with a STAR lighting the way...A CHARMING STORY & even if you don't believe this?
Well even those that don't believe such things can still enjoy the goodness CHRISTMAS TIME seems to bring.
) have a GOOD ONE.
I've EMBRACED the early TV ADS & by this TIME I think we've seen them ALL here in the UK now, none have been left back...so I imagine NO NEW CHRISTMAS AD's for DECEMBER
COCA COLA continues to trundle out the same one (with the Truck) that they have ever since? the early 90's
But WHICH of them were THE BEST ?
JOHN LEWIS is normally the one to beat BUT NOT THIS YEAR, not for me, it's OK but there is very little magic here for me.
The VERY one was nice, a bit FROZEN inspired perhaps but again not for me.
ASDA, MORRISONS, TESCO? nothing special.
For me it came down to 2 & I can hardly split them they are so CLOSE but I will choose a WINNER, so in 2nd Place (but only just) was...
2nd) SKY CINEMA...Down the AGES...Watching THE SOUND OF MUSIC.
Beautifully done I think.
I shall let you in on a little secret (MY REALLY BIG ONE is a DOZY but I am still wondering if I shall ever spill that one....geezzz I am sounding like NASA) when I was younger I DID NOT LIKE or ENJOY this film (THE SOUND of MUSIC) I was the biking, football type of kid & I found it very mushy & at that time I HATED Musicals.
As the time has passed I have come to realise it's a touch of genius, JULIE ANDREWS performance is EXTRAORDINARY & it is of course a PERFECT CHRISTMAS FILM, the trouble I have now is I have changed & I do get a little teary eyed (MAN UP CHRIS...it's OK to get teary eyed
), time changes you & others I am seeing this all too clearly these days & perhaps that is why I / we feel them more.
A Wonderful FEEL GOOD AD this even if it is trying to sell you SKY CINEMA.
And at
M&S have done some good CHRISTMAS ADS in the past but this time they got PADDINGTON to do it!!!
I actually used to rush home from school sometimes to catch them on BBC1 when I was younger.
The episodes were short (I think 5-10 minutes) & done in a curious style...mainly animated but with PADDINGTON himself almost a 3D figure STOP MOTION Model & yet it worked brilliantly...I later found out it was due to BUDGET RESTRICTIONS...making everything as stop motion models would have COST far more & taken much more TIME.
I have a few Paddington Books also & then the 1st MOVIE came along, I wasn't sure about it tell you the truth! but it was FANTASTIC!
Haven't seen "PADDINGTON 2" yet but it's been getting 5 STAR reviews.
So as you can see I kinda LOVE this BEAR...so NO SURPRISE my No1 TV CHRISTMAS AD was M&S & PADDINGTON.
Truly CHARMING a BEAR that mistakes a Christmas BURGLAR for SANTA.
They BOTH deliver the presents & the BURGLAR sees the ERROR of his WAYS! ah ain't FANTASY delightful
Oh & by way of a BONUS...
This is (so far) is my favourite TV CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME Trailer.
It's gonna be SAD but it LOOKS like he knows it's coming & so perhaps a FUN REGENERATION huh?
Sadly those DAYS are GONE.
It was FUN to LIVE during CHRISTMASES of OLD back in the 1970's when I was but a child in single figures it genuinely did seem MAGICAL, then came the teenage years in the 1980's & even up to the 90's things weren't quiet so...
Well you know
We still ENJOY CHRISTMAS...it's still my FAVOURITE TIME OF THE YEAR because it does seem to make PEOPLE (for the most part) more KIND, HAPPY, WILLING to HELP OTHERS & so we just are more FRIENDLY.
It's a time for NOSTALGIA of course & then we have EVERYTHING associated with CHRISTMAS even...let's not forget the STORY of JESUS born in a STABLE with a STAR lighting the way...A CHARMING STORY & even if you don't believe this?
Well even those that don't believe such things can still enjoy the goodness CHRISTMAS TIME seems to bring.

I've EMBRACED the early TV ADS & by this TIME I think we've seen them ALL here in the UK now, none have been left back...so I imagine NO NEW CHRISTMAS AD's for DECEMBER

COCA COLA continues to trundle out the same one (with the Truck) that they have ever since? the early 90's
But WHICH of them were THE BEST ?
JOHN LEWIS is normally the one to beat BUT NOT THIS YEAR, not for me, it's OK but there is very little magic here for me.
The VERY one was nice, a bit FROZEN inspired perhaps but again not for me.
ASDA, MORRISONS, TESCO? nothing special.
For me it came down to 2 & I can hardly split them they are so CLOSE but I will choose a WINNER, so in 2nd Place (but only just) was...
2nd) SKY CINEMA...Down the AGES...Watching THE SOUND OF MUSIC.
Beautifully done I think.
I shall let you in on a little secret (MY REALLY BIG ONE is a DOZY but I am still wondering if I shall ever spill that one....geezzz I am sounding like NASA) when I was younger I DID NOT LIKE or ENJOY this film (THE SOUND of MUSIC) I was the biking, football type of kid & I found it very mushy & at that time I HATED Musicals.
As the time has passed I have come to realise it's a touch of genius, JULIE ANDREWS performance is EXTRAORDINARY & it is of course a PERFECT CHRISTMAS FILM, the trouble I have now is I have changed & I do get a little teary eyed (MAN UP CHRIS...it's OK to get teary eyed

A Wonderful FEEL GOOD AD this even if it is trying to sell you SKY CINEMA.
And at
M&S have done some good CHRISTMAS ADS in the past but this time they got PADDINGTON to do it!!!
I actually used to rush home from school sometimes to catch them on BBC1 when I was younger.
The episodes were short (I think 5-10 minutes) & done in a curious style...mainly animated but with PADDINGTON himself almost a 3D figure STOP MOTION Model & yet it worked brilliantly...I later found out it was due to BUDGET RESTRICTIONS...making everything as stop motion models would have COST far more & taken much more TIME.
I have a few Paddington Books also & then the 1st MOVIE came along, I wasn't sure about it tell you the truth! but it was FANTASTIC!
Haven't seen "PADDINGTON 2" yet but it's been getting 5 STAR reviews.
So as you can see I kinda LOVE this BEAR...so NO SURPRISE my No1 TV CHRISTMAS AD was M&S & PADDINGTON.
Truly CHARMING a BEAR that mistakes a Christmas BURGLAR for SANTA.
They BOTH deliver the presents & the BURGLAR sees the ERROR of his WAYS! ah ain't FANTASY delightful

Oh & by way of a BONUS...
This is (so far) is my favourite TV CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME Trailer.
It's gonna be SAD but it LOOKS like he knows it's coming & so perhaps a FUN REGENERATION huh?
Last Edit: 1 year 1 month ago by Paul Conway.