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COMET 67P (Rosetta Mission) has LIFE UPON it
- Paul Conway
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1 year 1 day ago #3543
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: COMET 67P (Rosetta Mission) has LIFE UPON it
The ESA & most of those involved with the ROSETTA MISSION (one would assume) MUST KNOW THIS if they have closely studied the
photographic evidence they sent back.
You may already know about that simplistic but rather lovely designed SPACECRAFT captured close to 67P?
Cigar shaped with two lit up circular ends (one slightly lower) with a 3 segmented MIDDLE SECTION & finally what looks
like a claw? or docking station grapple at one end.
Then there is the STEEL CABLE which seems to head from one side of the comet to the other with a bubble section
upon it (Transport bubble perhaps? ala 'Logan's Run') & on both sides of this are structures including a distinctive RADAR
type shaped DISH (not circular but rather elongated, almost rectangular, save for the edges at both side then bend
back in with at the centre of this is a large spherical data collecting centre point.
Have spotted a strange bright object seemingly HOVERING above the surface of 67P (the shadow from this seems to confirm this,
as it is NOT connected to this object which would give strong evidence to it being off the ground)
The jets we see...well on any ordinary comet (close to the sun) it's something you might expect to see but these points are
all around it, this may be nothing? but if we were to assume it's possibly controlled then these many explusions from various
points would make more sense.
BUT THERE'S MORE (Sadly i can no longer show you folks here as LM1 have disabled uploading photographic evidence)
So what have i found now?
Showed them all to my family & they just laughed...not in a bad way mind you but it was the kind of laugh of confirmation
that these things seen just cannot be right, there's even a familar looking object from days past to be found on Comet 67P.
It's NO WONDER NASA are heading back there so soon after this epic European Space Agency Mission (what a shame they have
continued with the NASA mantle of keeping schum)
So where to begin?
Let's start with perhaps the BEST first...THERE DOES APPEAR TO BE A SHIP or SOMETHING very close to LOOKING LIKE ONE on 67P.
And if it is not a ship then it is something on the surface of this comet that was MADE for some sort of pupose.
Reason i sway more towards a ship is that it appears to have left a landing mark on the surface (a line behind it) it's NOT CRASHED,
looks to have landed?
SHAPE? it is SHIELD shaped (so a little triangular in shape) assuming the right hand side is the front (pointed side) then it appears
to have something here at this point which looks more circular than anything (but it could be a part of the landing gear that created
that mark in the surface behind it?)
On top of this are two distinctive shapes...closest to this front part is what looks to be either a square shaped area or could be
horse shoe shaped with the shadow giving it the look of a complete shape (ie square)
Further towards the back is either a LARGE spherical shape or dish like object or something that is bent back like a revered 'C'?
Looks to have a few more smaller objects on top here too but it is ONE STRANGE LOOKING OBJECT...wish i could show you folks! because
the ESA won't!
It's sat on a CLEARED AREA which is good news for the ship theory & it is sitting off the surface & so casting a SHADOW down onto the
surface of 67P, it looks strange & with all that's going on upon it my calulated guess is that this is some form of ship or drone or
perhaps a structure...I DO NOT THINK it is NATURAL as i see it!
Curiously, just a little way back there behing this is another curiously shaped STRUCTURE.
How to describe this?
OK, with all seriousness, if any of you have seen the OLD 'Battlestar Galactica' and the ships the CYLON'S piloted THAT is very similar
to this.
It looks to be CURVED with cut-away sections & a central section, it however does not look like a spacecraft, could be a structure?
might even be rocks? have to be honest but there is something ODD about it when you see it (if you ever see it?)
BOTH of these objects are within a stones throw of each other & this SHIP like object is parked up on this clear of rocks surface,
although it is close to an area that's full of rocks & some very interesting things within them (worth exploring) whilst at the back
there (close to that Cylon looking object) is a HUGE WALL like structure...it's a curious place to land (if such a thing did?)
Seriously...i do not know where to head next as i have found so many UNUSUAL, STRANGE & i think NOT NATURALLY made STRUCTURES upon 67P.
When NASA heads back there so SOON after this mission
they really need to give us the close up's of these things for it will i believe
prove what it is i have reported here & previously.
On 67P there is a large CRUSTY looking 'Dark' CRATER.
Around this top edge are multimple examples of what looks like EQUIPMENT (Yes i think this is a MINING OPERATION)
There are 3 long structures here (looking like hangars) but what made me smile is that if you follow that 3rd outer edge one it will lead
to a familar friend...
REMEMBER when i mentioned finding what i thought looked like a SHIPPING CONTAINER type (complete with metal door opened up that matched
this opening) well THAT was on the Dwarf Planet 'CERES' this one looks exactly the same! & again the DOOR is OPEN...amazing!
In front of this (and your really going to laugh at this one but you need to see it to see what i mean!!!) but there is what i can only
describe as a huige structure? or piece of equipment that actually LOOKS LIKE 'Darth Vader's' helmet section only with dark eyes section &
an area which looks like a mouth (but looks to be an open entrance...tongue like) SERIOUSLY, wish i could show it here!
Further on from this & then a left turn is SOMETHING i won't even begin to describe because it's damn strange!
This is ALL BEFORE we even head into this CRATER...
Over to the back of this HUGE crater as we look at it there are numerous objects that just clearly look like EQUIPMENT.
There is a SHAPED overhang...seriously, it has a kind of BEAUTY to it!
This overhang has cutaways & design with equipment within it...THESE ARE NOT ROCKS!!! NO WAY! NO HOW! this is JAM PACKED FULL of EQUIPMENT
looking MACHINARY...no signs of aliens or any species mind you, so it may well be ALL AUTOMATED with perhaps DRONE SHIP Types to collect it?
this one on the surface? the one seen close to 67P (looking like a cigar type with circular lit up sections & chain link mid-section)
Let's now HEAD DOWN into this DARK CRATER (yeah, i lightened it & ALL it's SECRETS were REVEALED) here we find ANOTHER FAVOURITE familar object!
but this time it's one not from 'CERES' but from Ye-Ha 'PLUTO' and we're talking that OMEGA like HORSE SHOE Shaped braket type object seen on
PLUTO & here too.
This again looks to be suspended from a purposely made bracket but the horse shoe shape here is a little different as here you get to see a much
clearer view of it & at both ends there appear to be openings in the tube like shape...it is AMAZING!
Closer to us within this Crater are numerous pipes, stuctures (some even appearing to have openings that LOOK like windows at least)
Small tower like objects close by & the angles of some of these made structures 90 degree angles would have you smiling!
Yup this is ONE AMAZING find...GREAT FUN exploring it as there is so much to EXPLORE, the SHIP i mentioned was FUN (might be a ship, might be
something else) but this place? this surely can be ONLY ONE THING...it's an AREA for MINING surely?
Those folks at the ESA aren't dumb...they'll know ALL ABOUT THIS & that ship looking object (wish they could bring me in & give me the heads up
but alas they look to be following in NASA'S footsteps? happy to let us know of the mission 'ROSETTA' & some nice photographs but won't release
what they really found...so i thought i would...now tie this in to CERES? MARS? & PLUTO? and it begins to make more sense)
Yes there's more...i got far better shots of 67P.
Some of you will no doubt be AMUSED by this NEXT ONE as there is an area on this COMET? (seriously are they still calling it a COMET?) where a
number of very curious structures appear to have been numbered????
If you believe such a thing? then you may draw conclusions leading you to somewhere other than ALIENS? i mean they do appear to have been marked
numerically 2 and 3.
I tried to spot 1 but couldn't, yes they could be tricks of the light of shadows except for the fact that there appears to be nothing to cast
such shadows & these numbers are on bright white, long sharp edged objects.
There is a curious AREA upon 67P where the surface branches out & that in turn branches out & it's WHAT'S ON THESE branches (i think they are
similar to PLATFORMS?) that tickles me, there are curved structures (Not rocks!) there are spherical objects, the CLASSIC DONUTED shape objects
(i really WANT to KNOW what these are ALL ABOUT as they can be seen on MARS & especially on PLUTO)
I found what i at first thought was an object similar to that ROVER like object i mentioned on 'CERES' but then as i ZOOMED in i noticed it
appeared to be a TRIANGULAR shape surrounded by shadow & behind it what looked like a DARK HANGAR (entrance type?)
It's somewhat of a SHAME that you know you've found something incredible but that as my sister always says with regards to these DISCOVERIES...
And she's right, you won't even get someone batting back trying to explain WHAT it is YOU HAVE SEEN? i'm open minded i'd listen but it's because
MOST if NOT ALL of these DISCOVERIES are for REAL!
They know it & so would rather not even RISK stirring up a HORNETS NEST & just let folks like i & others out there filled with WONDER & CURIOSITY
to rely on themselves! and that's FINE but i still would LOVE to know the WHY?
WHY must they keep these SECRETS when such AMAZING THINGS are out there.
This triangular object seemingly situated close to an opening also has close by something that looks like a CARVING in the ROCK FACE of 2 figures!
This i have to say might just be a trick of the light or something that ONLY looks like such a thing (one looks like a MAN & the other next to him
a WOMAN) very EGYPTIAN type looking but it may be nothing this? if it is such a thing then even more lovely weirdness to add to the pot.
And now we come to my FINAL DISCOVERY (left it for last because it's oh so close to being as good as that SHIP like Object)
THIS CANNOT BE NATURAL...if it is? then i just don't know! NATURE must be truly weird.
On COMET 67P there is an OBJECT which resembles one of two things...
I swear down (hand on heart) it actually looks like a LARGE 'STARGATE' like structure...there is a PROVISO though which i shall come to in a moment.
This object is 'HEXAGON' shaped, it clearly looks to have 6 straight sides of equal length that come together to form this AMAZING shape!
It is SECURED either side of it be bracketing equipment.
Now here is the PROVISO...in this photograph you can see a little inside this shape & there is a line which seems to head inside one might assume
from one of these panels & there also appears to be shading inside of this thing...so OK a STARGATE on COMET 67P whilst nothing is IMPOSSIBLE it is
probably unlikely in which case what might this be?
Simply an ENTRANCE to somewhere inside of this thing? OR seeing as this line looks to be situated where the central part of an ANTENNA or DISH
collecting focal point might be it could be this?
The one thing i am fairly certain of is that THIS THING is NOT NATURALLY MADE...how could it be? i mean it's perfectly 6 sided & held in place by
other structures.
Behind this is a curious small dark crater with what looks like a PIPE heading in to it (or out?)
It is a REMARKABLE Structure that is so CLEARLY NOT RIGHT...in that it's NOT NATURAL & if you don't believe in OTHER THINGS OUT THERE then THIS
should NOT be here!
ALIEN CONSTRUCT? well maybe but i am beginning to head in the it's OURS direction (one way or another) might be the secretive budget that went
missing & this is what they used it for? or perhaps an ANCIENT Human Civilization but both would depend on us having VERY HIGHLY ADVANCED Tech?
I think we have but this something else & so if you don't believe it's either of these then it can ONLY be ALIEN?
But of course you folks don't believe me, i get it, i know this by now, i do this for myself, i am way too curious about the REAL UNIVERSE we were
born into, the PLUTO discovery is still my favourite by far followed by the MARS discoveries but this (67P) has become far more interesting than
i ever thought...and with news that NASA are going back to it so soon, one can ONLY LAUGH.
Go check it for yourself if you have a spare day or two...bring your kids into it show them the REAL WORLD they were born into not the one we are
told OR not told about.
Sorry I could NOT show you the pictures as I am sure even some of you sceptical folks would have taken one look at some of these & figured out that something's going up with this 5 mile wide COMET (then again, I showed you folks the PLUTO & MARS stuff & nothing so who knows?)
Until the next time.
This is SECRET SPACEMAN signing out!
photographic evidence they sent back.
You may already know about that simplistic but rather lovely designed SPACECRAFT captured close to 67P?
Cigar shaped with two lit up circular ends (one slightly lower) with a 3 segmented MIDDLE SECTION & finally what looks
like a claw? or docking station grapple at one end.
Then there is the STEEL CABLE which seems to head from one side of the comet to the other with a bubble section
upon it (Transport bubble perhaps? ala 'Logan's Run') & on both sides of this are structures including a distinctive RADAR
type shaped DISH (not circular but rather elongated, almost rectangular, save for the edges at both side then bend
back in with at the centre of this is a large spherical data collecting centre point.
Have spotted a strange bright object seemingly HOVERING above the surface of 67P (the shadow from this seems to confirm this,
as it is NOT connected to this object which would give strong evidence to it being off the ground)
The jets we see...well on any ordinary comet (close to the sun) it's something you might expect to see but these points are
all around it, this may be nothing? but if we were to assume it's possibly controlled then these many explusions from various
points would make more sense.
BUT THERE'S MORE (Sadly i can no longer show you folks here as LM1 have disabled uploading photographic evidence)
So what have i found now?
Showed them all to my family & they just laughed...not in a bad way mind you but it was the kind of laugh of confirmation
that these things seen just cannot be right, there's even a familar looking object from days past to be found on Comet 67P.
It's NO WONDER NASA are heading back there so soon after this epic European Space Agency Mission (what a shame they have
continued with the NASA mantle of keeping schum)
So where to begin?
Let's start with perhaps the BEST first...THERE DOES APPEAR TO BE A SHIP or SOMETHING very close to LOOKING LIKE ONE on 67P.
And if it is not a ship then it is something on the surface of this comet that was MADE for some sort of pupose.
Reason i sway more towards a ship is that it appears to have left a landing mark on the surface (a line behind it) it's NOT CRASHED,
looks to have landed?
SHAPE? it is SHIELD shaped (so a little triangular in shape) assuming the right hand side is the front (pointed side) then it appears
to have something here at this point which looks more circular than anything (but it could be a part of the landing gear that created
that mark in the surface behind it?)
On top of this are two distinctive shapes...closest to this front part is what looks to be either a square shaped area or could be
horse shoe shaped with the shadow giving it the look of a complete shape (ie square)
Further towards the back is either a LARGE spherical shape or dish like object or something that is bent back like a revered 'C'?
Looks to have a few more smaller objects on top here too but it is ONE STRANGE LOOKING OBJECT...wish i could show you folks! because
the ESA won't!
It's sat on a CLEARED AREA which is good news for the ship theory & it is sitting off the surface & so casting a SHADOW down onto the
surface of 67P, it looks strange & with all that's going on upon it my calulated guess is that this is some form of ship or drone or
perhaps a structure...I DO NOT THINK it is NATURAL as i see it!
Curiously, just a little way back there behing this is another curiously shaped STRUCTURE.
How to describe this?
OK, with all seriousness, if any of you have seen the OLD 'Battlestar Galactica' and the ships the CYLON'S piloted THAT is very similar
to this.
It looks to be CURVED with cut-away sections & a central section, it however does not look like a spacecraft, could be a structure?
might even be rocks? have to be honest but there is something ODD about it when you see it (if you ever see it?)
BOTH of these objects are within a stones throw of each other & this SHIP like object is parked up on this clear of rocks surface,
although it is close to an area that's full of rocks & some very interesting things within them (worth exploring) whilst at the back
there (close to that Cylon looking object) is a HUGE WALL like structure...it's a curious place to land (if such a thing did?)
Seriously...i do not know where to head next as i have found so many UNUSUAL, STRANGE & i think NOT NATURALLY made STRUCTURES upon 67P.
When NASA heads back there so SOON after this mission

prove what it is i have reported here & previously.
On 67P there is a large CRUSTY looking 'Dark' CRATER.
Around this top edge are multimple examples of what looks like EQUIPMENT (Yes i think this is a MINING OPERATION)
There are 3 long structures here (looking like hangars) but what made me smile is that if you follow that 3rd outer edge one it will lead
to a familar friend...
REMEMBER when i mentioned finding what i thought looked like a SHIPPING CONTAINER type (complete with metal door opened up that matched
this opening) well THAT was on the Dwarf Planet 'CERES' this one looks exactly the same! & again the DOOR is OPEN...amazing!
In front of this (and your really going to laugh at this one but you need to see it to see what i mean!!!) but there is what i can only
describe as a huige structure? or piece of equipment that actually LOOKS LIKE 'Darth Vader's' helmet section only with dark eyes section &
an area which looks like a mouth (but looks to be an open entrance...tongue like) SERIOUSLY, wish i could show it here!
Further on from this & then a left turn is SOMETHING i won't even begin to describe because it's damn strange!
This is ALL BEFORE we even head into this CRATER...
Over to the back of this HUGE crater as we look at it there are numerous objects that just clearly look like EQUIPMENT.
There is a SHAPED overhang...seriously, it has a kind of BEAUTY to it!
This overhang has cutaways & design with equipment within it...THESE ARE NOT ROCKS!!! NO WAY! NO HOW! this is JAM PACKED FULL of EQUIPMENT
looking MACHINARY...no signs of aliens or any species mind you, so it may well be ALL AUTOMATED with perhaps DRONE SHIP Types to collect it?
this one on the surface? the one seen close to 67P (looking like a cigar type with circular lit up sections & chain link mid-section)
Let's now HEAD DOWN into this DARK CRATER (yeah, i lightened it & ALL it's SECRETS were REVEALED) here we find ANOTHER FAVOURITE familar object!
but this time it's one not from 'CERES' but from Ye-Ha 'PLUTO' and we're talking that OMEGA like HORSE SHOE Shaped braket type object seen on
PLUTO & here too.
This again looks to be suspended from a purposely made bracket but the horse shoe shape here is a little different as here you get to see a much
clearer view of it & at both ends there appear to be openings in the tube like shape...it is AMAZING!
Closer to us within this Crater are numerous pipes, stuctures (some even appearing to have openings that LOOK like windows at least)
Small tower like objects close by & the angles of some of these made structures 90 degree angles would have you smiling!
Yup this is ONE AMAZING find...GREAT FUN exploring it as there is so much to EXPLORE, the SHIP i mentioned was FUN (might be a ship, might be
something else) but this place? this surely can be ONLY ONE THING...it's an AREA for MINING surely?
Those folks at the ESA aren't dumb...they'll know ALL ABOUT THIS & that ship looking object (wish they could bring me in & give me the heads up
but alas they look to be following in NASA'S footsteps? happy to let us know of the mission 'ROSETTA' & some nice photographs but won't release
what they really found...so i thought i would...now tie this in to CERES? MARS? & PLUTO? and it begins to make more sense)
Yes there's more...i got far better shots of 67P.
Some of you will no doubt be AMUSED by this NEXT ONE as there is an area on this COMET? (seriously are they still calling it a COMET?) where a
number of very curious structures appear to have been numbered????
If you believe such a thing? then you may draw conclusions leading you to somewhere other than ALIENS? i mean they do appear to have been marked
numerically 2 and 3.
I tried to spot 1 but couldn't, yes they could be tricks of the light of shadows except for the fact that there appears to be nothing to cast
such shadows & these numbers are on bright white, long sharp edged objects.
There is a curious AREA upon 67P where the surface branches out & that in turn branches out & it's WHAT'S ON THESE branches (i think they are
similar to PLATFORMS?) that tickles me, there are curved structures (Not rocks!) there are spherical objects, the CLASSIC DONUTED shape objects
(i really WANT to KNOW what these are ALL ABOUT as they can be seen on MARS & especially on PLUTO)
I found what i at first thought was an object similar to that ROVER like object i mentioned on 'CERES' but then as i ZOOMED in i noticed it
appeared to be a TRIANGULAR shape surrounded by shadow & behind it what looked like a DARK HANGAR (entrance type?)
It's somewhat of a SHAME that you know you've found something incredible but that as my sister always says with regards to these DISCOVERIES...
And she's right, you won't even get someone batting back trying to explain WHAT it is YOU HAVE SEEN? i'm open minded i'd listen but it's because
MOST if NOT ALL of these DISCOVERIES are for REAL!
They know it & so would rather not even RISK stirring up a HORNETS NEST & just let folks like i & others out there filled with WONDER & CURIOSITY
to rely on themselves! and that's FINE but i still would LOVE to know the WHY?
WHY must they keep these SECRETS when such AMAZING THINGS are out there.
This triangular object seemingly situated close to an opening also has close by something that looks like a CARVING in the ROCK FACE of 2 figures!
This i have to say might just be a trick of the light or something that ONLY looks like such a thing (one looks like a MAN & the other next to him
a WOMAN) very EGYPTIAN type looking but it may be nothing this? if it is such a thing then even more lovely weirdness to add to the pot.
And now we come to my FINAL DISCOVERY (left it for last because it's oh so close to being as good as that SHIP like Object)
THIS CANNOT BE NATURAL...if it is? then i just don't know! NATURE must be truly weird.
On COMET 67P there is an OBJECT which resembles one of two things...
I swear down (hand on heart) it actually looks like a LARGE 'STARGATE' like structure...there is a PROVISO though which i shall come to in a moment.
This object is 'HEXAGON' shaped, it clearly looks to have 6 straight sides of equal length that come together to form this AMAZING shape!
It is SECURED either side of it be bracketing equipment.
Now here is the PROVISO...in this photograph you can see a little inside this shape & there is a line which seems to head inside one might assume
from one of these panels & there also appears to be shading inside of this thing...so OK a STARGATE on COMET 67P whilst nothing is IMPOSSIBLE it is
probably unlikely in which case what might this be?
Simply an ENTRANCE to somewhere inside of this thing? OR seeing as this line looks to be situated where the central part of an ANTENNA or DISH
collecting focal point might be it could be this?
The one thing i am fairly certain of is that THIS THING is NOT NATURALLY MADE...how could it be? i mean it's perfectly 6 sided & held in place by
other structures.
Behind this is a curious small dark crater with what looks like a PIPE heading in to it (or out?)
It is a REMARKABLE Structure that is so CLEARLY NOT RIGHT...in that it's NOT NATURAL & if you don't believe in OTHER THINGS OUT THERE then THIS
should NOT be here!
ALIEN CONSTRUCT? well maybe but i am beginning to head in the it's OURS direction (one way or another) might be the secretive budget that went
missing & this is what they used it for? or perhaps an ANCIENT Human Civilization but both would depend on us having VERY HIGHLY ADVANCED Tech?
I think we have but this something else & so if you don't believe it's either of these then it can ONLY be ALIEN?
But of course you folks don't believe me, i get it, i know this by now, i do this for myself, i am way too curious about the REAL UNIVERSE we were
born into, the PLUTO discovery is still my favourite by far followed by the MARS discoveries but this (67P) has become far more interesting than
i ever thought...and with news that NASA are going back to it so soon, one can ONLY LAUGH.
Go check it for yourself if you have a spare day or two...bring your kids into it show them the REAL WORLD they were born into not the one we are
told OR not told about.
Sorry I could NOT show you the pictures as I am sure even some of you sceptical folks would have taken one look at some of these & figured out that something's going up with this 5 mile wide COMET (then again, I showed you folks the PLUTO & MARS stuff & nothing so who knows?)
Until the next time.
This is SECRET SPACEMAN signing out!