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ROSETTA MISSION (67P) New Findings
- Paul Conway
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11 months 3 weeks ago #3544
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: ROSETTA MISSION (67P) New Findings
A Mission like this...ROSETTA....in which they catch up with a COMET, place the main spacecraft into orbit of such a thing & then with Philae drop this smaller spacecraft down on to it which gets us onto such a body is TRULY AMAZING!
Here's MY problem (no one else's) although I rejoice at such a mission i am so CONVINCED that NASA have been KEEPING THINGS SECRET from us from way back to the APOLLO MISSIONS & very likely before this, that very sadly I have a DISTRUST of not only NASA but also the ESA.
I am utterly convinced that there are things on the likes of PLUTO, MARS, CERES as well as up there on OUR MOON that are NOT NATURAL & have been put there by in-natural means....and that NASA have not shown us these pictures / video footage.
And with this ROSETTA MISSION I was convinced that something was up with it too...
I still think there are VERY STRANGE things up there on this COMET, things I can't explain (I am about to show you another one) HOWEVER, I will NEVER try to pull the wool over people's eyes & If I am wrong I shall certainly admit to it & in one particular instance judging by the new & improved photographs I have just seen over at the ESA web site then I have to say I think I may be wrong about THAT CRATER I mentioned that looked to be full of MINING like EQUIPMENT.
The photographs I had made it look like unmistakable machinery all around & in this crater I mentioned (couldn't show you the photograph I had showing this...wish I could...but I can say I think I was wrong about this one (still a number of curious things here but NOTHING like what I mentioned in a previous post)
And here are these better clearer? photo's of this crater on COMET 67P.
Disappointed...you can see from this clearer photo that within this crater the horse shoe type shaped object I previously mentioned can be seen but it is now clearly seen here as rock shaped like such (with shadow) the buildings (90 degrees) & smaller tower structures again would appear to be rock (on this left hand side within the crater)
The overhangs & container types are NOT...again I just have to admit it...here it looks like NATURAL ROCKS!
I WAS WRONG...for anyone (like me) that perhaps got a little excited, SORRY.
Still not sure what that seemingly cable attachment was all about with that bubble like object? but I have to accept the possibility that this too could just be an error of light or illusion.
There is still a curious looking structure close to this cable type & it does look like a strange (AIRPORT) like RADAR DISH? but who knows?
I still maintain that the ESA captured a curious & large spacecraft close to 67P whilst the ROSETTA MISSION was there, showed you the image & it actually does LOOK LIKE a SPACECRAFT, so i'll take some convincing that this wasn't such a thing but I am always open to prove & changing my mind.
And whilst on the I'M WRONG line....I also think I was wrong about that description of a possible spacecraft on 67P with a Cylon ship type structure behind it (this structure I did say I thought may be proved to be rock...IT IS (I think) but it's still strangely shaped but as for the main spacecraft on the surface leaving a mark...NOT a SPACECRAFT I think, it's actually called "BOULDER CHEOPS" which is rather funny to me as they are using the EGPYTPAIN NAMES for this thing!
So NOT a SPACECRAFT but it is a strange thing with MORE NUMEROUS markings on the top of this thing (one looking like steps/stairs) but again probably a trick of the light sadly....so again I will have to concede that this too is probably NATURAL.
I still believe that thing on our moon during the LCROSS Mission was a SQUARE SHAPED BASE (although they are now saying it was a computer generated image marking the place they were aiming for...sorry I just do not believe this)
MARS has a very strange area (the MARTIAN SPHINX area) that have numerous structures, areas, objects that (at the moment) I find difficult to believe are NATURAL.
PLUTO...unless the photo they have published & released is ALL KINDS of WRONG? then I will stick by my thoughts on this one (especially when there is added stuff close to it) & what's more it's a fairly CLEAR PHOTOGRAPH & everything upon that small little rocky outcrop on PLUTO shouts this is NOT RIGHT.
Add in on the UFO stuff on PLANET EARTH, numerous things seen during the APOLLO MISSIONS (including the so called mythical ships lined up on the CRATER watching AMRSTRONG & ALDWIN) APOLLO 17 with a large number of things encountered & seen within reflections as well as a NOTEBOOK SHOWING such curious structures as PYRAMIDS, DONUTED shapes YEAH THAT'S WEIRD!
Add in the SHUTTLE MISSIONS...TETHER INCIDENT is remarkable (a TESLER like ELECTRICITY EXPERIMENT that went wrong on STS-75 in which a huge sway of objects showed up around it!!!) and the missions in which we get to see objects appearing out of nowhere with a simple FLASH & then moving off to a place within OUR ORBIT.
Yes I am WRONG about some of these things on 67P but i'll have you a little bet NOT about most of the others.
And speaking of 67P, yes i was wrong about that rock (still a curious thing though) & that crater (although the photo I had from a different source? did seemingly showed those mining equipment looking objects) BUT TAKE A LOOK AT THIS...
There are a number of things within this photo & on the surface here which I find STRANGE...these first two areas on that sloping right hand side are vey probably rocks but they DO CATCH THE EYE up there!
But the one I would like you to take a look at & which did actually make me laugh for a second or two as I had always wondered whatever happened to the MICHAEL CAINE MOB in that COACH at the end of that wonderful film "THE ITALIAN JOB" well...
it fell off of that cliff in the ALPS & was transported here to COMET 67P.
Take a look at the bottom of that gully down near the bottom of this photograph...you've probably already spotted it as EYE CATCHING?
Click the picture to ENLARGE IT & sure enough that is one STRANGE LOOKING OBJECT...and one that actually does look a little like a COACH (don't worry I don't actually think it is a COACH like object as we got in those strange newspaper headlines back in the 1980's) but it is similarly shaped...ELONGATED box like shape, even appears to have MARKINGS? upon it & something that even looks like a side stripe?
It is casting a shadow & there looks to be a circular shape to it over on this left hand side.
NOW THIS TO ME...Does NOT appear to be a LARGE ROCK? so WHAT IS IT?
Also curious...follow the angle at which this is object is pointing (down to this left hand side) & you will come to an AREA of SHADOW just over that ridge close to this boxed like object & within it is what looks like a TOWER like structure in darkness within this dark crater with what looks like something attached to the top of it...if ROCK? it is strange.
I will NEVER STOP LOOKING & both of these objects are a MYSTERY.
If you save this image & then ZOOM IN on your COMPUTER you'll see what I mean.
If an ALIEN SPECIES or number of them? turned up at sometime within our SOLAR SYSTEM why would it be so strange for them not to have set up bases here, there & everywhere?
Those so called clever folks that say they could never get to us as they are too far away are just NOT LOGICAL.
Such an ALIEN SPECIES out there could well be many millions of years older than us (we are ONLY some 250,000 years old so they say? but just LOOK how far we have come...regular SPACE TRAVEL for everyone on EARTH cannot be too far away & surely working in SPACE will become common place within just the next 100 to 200 years & we are already DISCOVERING EARTH LIKE PLANETS....one system THE TRAPPIST-1 SYSTEM has 7!!!! & at least 3 of those are within the GOLDILOCKS ZONE) we have found these already after just a few hundred thousand years & it's said we shall be able to figure out soon what the make-up of these planets are & even if there is NOT just LIFE upon them but we shall be able to figure out if it's INTELLIGENT LIFE (an HORIZON episode asked scientists & professors how long before we fins intelligent alien life & I believe the averaged out date was around 2026, if so just 8 years before it is announced right?
Now OK it's one thing finding them right out there perhaps some 60 or so million light years away but at the speed of light it would TAKE US 60 years just to get there...& we are nowhere near doing this (although i'll have you another bet that we can get further out into our system at a far quicker speed than has ever let on...would not surprise me in the slightest if we had a BASE on MARS & if it took just hours or days to reach it?)
My point is WE are doing these things already & we are in COSMOS terms YOUNG....So, YOU seriously don't think such an intelligent species out there (let's for arguments sake say they are there within that TRAPPIST-1 SYSTEM some 60 million light years away was it? something like this) which if they are millions of years older than us COULD NOT GET TO US in a flash?
Well your just not open minded enough my friends.
Consider WHERE we HUMANS might be? if we haven't destroyed ourselves by this time, say WE were just 1 Million Years into the FUTURE, well just look where we have come in 250,000 years!!! from caves & fires to WHAT? 4 x times on from this! we have already started to venture into outer SPACE, within the next 200-300 years I fully expect many of us to be able to explore our planets in our system & all their MOONS.
We don't need the speed of light to get to these alien worlds...we'll have discovered how to WARP SPEED or create stable WORMHOLES.
WE WILL FIGURE THIS OUT in my opinion within 1 million years time!
So then you don't think any alien species out there have not done this already, if much older they can probably travel not just from stars close to us but probably from across our galaxy or even from other galaxies...then again they might not even come from our dimension? in which case for them it may be like simply OPENING a DOOR.
I can only IMAGINE the real place we were ALL BORN INTO.
And as for our SUN & EARTH DYING....it's simple, IF ???? and it's a BIG IF, but IF we are not so stupid enough to blow ourselves up & destroy each other in some way & if we are not wiped out by a huge natural disaster then we should almost become like GODS.
Many Millions or even BILLIONS of years from now...if we still exist as a SPECIES? (let's hope so hey? but we shall be VERY DIFFERENT looking by that time, almost a new species really, we'll have worked out our DNA, where we came from, how we came about & would have figured out HOW to tap into that 80% of our brain that does very little)
We SHALL be able to SAVE THE EARTH should we choose to do so, along with our SUN, you cannot believe how clever we shall become!
So think on this...when these so called CLEVER scientists tell you it's impossible to for THEM to get here!
NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE...and for me they're here already & I for one would like to know their story & what they have learned.
THINK ON...and never be afraid to be wrong! it happens to the best of us
Here's MY problem (no one else's) although I rejoice at such a mission i am so CONVINCED that NASA have been KEEPING THINGS SECRET from us from way back to the APOLLO MISSIONS & very likely before this, that very sadly I have a DISTRUST of not only NASA but also the ESA.
I am utterly convinced that there are things on the likes of PLUTO, MARS, CERES as well as up there on OUR MOON that are NOT NATURAL & have been put there by in-natural means....and that NASA have not shown us these pictures / video footage.
And with this ROSETTA MISSION I was convinced that something was up with it too...
I still think there are VERY STRANGE things up there on this COMET, things I can't explain (I am about to show you another one) HOWEVER, I will NEVER try to pull the wool over people's eyes & If I am wrong I shall certainly admit to it & in one particular instance judging by the new & improved photographs I have just seen over at the ESA web site then I have to say I think I may be wrong about THAT CRATER I mentioned that looked to be full of MINING like EQUIPMENT.
The photographs I had made it look like unmistakable machinery all around & in this crater I mentioned (couldn't show you the photograph I had showing this...wish I could...but I can say I think I was wrong about this one (still a number of curious things here but NOTHING like what I mentioned in a previous post)
And here are these better clearer? photo's of this crater on COMET 67P.
Disappointed...you can see from this clearer photo that within this crater the horse shoe type shaped object I previously mentioned can be seen but it is now clearly seen here as rock shaped like such (with shadow) the buildings (90 degrees) & smaller tower structures again would appear to be rock (on this left hand side within the crater)
The overhangs & container types are NOT...again I just have to admit it...here it looks like NATURAL ROCKS!
I WAS WRONG...for anyone (like me) that perhaps got a little excited, SORRY.
Still not sure what that seemingly cable attachment was all about with that bubble like object? but I have to accept the possibility that this too could just be an error of light or illusion.
There is still a curious looking structure close to this cable type & it does look like a strange (AIRPORT) like RADAR DISH? but who knows?
I still maintain that the ESA captured a curious & large spacecraft close to 67P whilst the ROSETTA MISSION was there, showed you the image & it actually does LOOK LIKE a SPACECRAFT, so i'll take some convincing that this wasn't such a thing but I am always open to prove & changing my mind.
And whilst on the I'M WRONG line....I also think I was wrong about that description of a possible spacecraft on 67P with a Cylon ship type structure behind it (this structure I did say I thought may be proved to be rock...IT IS (I think) but it's still strangely shaped but as for the main spacecraft on the surface leaving a mark...NOT a SPACECRAFT I think, it's actually called "BOULDER CHEOPS" which is rather funny to me as they are using the EGPYTPAIN NAMES for this thing!
So NOT a SPACECRAFT but it is a strange thing with MORE NUMEROUS markings on the top of this thing (one looking like steps/stairs) but again probably a trick of the light sadly....so again I will have to concede that this too is probably NATURAL.
I still believe that thing on our moon during the LCROSS Mission was a SQUARE SHAPED BASE (although they are now saying it was a computer generated image marking the place they were aiming for...sorry I just do not believe this)
MARS has a very strange area (the MARTIAN SPHINX area) that have numerous structures, areas, objects that (at the moment) I find difficult to believe are NATURAL.
PLUTO...unless the photo they have published & released is ALL KINDS of WRONG? then I will stick by my thoughts on this one (especially when there is added stuff close to it) & what's more it's a fairly CLEAR PHOTOGRAPH & everything upon that small little rocky outcrop on PLUTO shouts this is NOT RIGHT.
Add in on the UFO stuff on PLANET EARTH, numerous things seen during the APOLLO MISSIONS (including the so called mythical ships lined up on the CRATER watching AMRSTRONG & ALDWIN) APOLLO 17 with a large number of things encountered & seen within reflections as well as a NOTEBOOK SHOWING such curious structures as PYRAMIDS, DONUTED shapes YEAH THAT'S WEIRD!
Add in the SHUTTLE MISSIONS...TETHER INCIDENT is remarkable (a TESLER like ELECTRICITY EXPERIMENT that went wrong on STS-75 in which a huge sway of objects showed up around it!!!) and the missions in which we get to see objects appearing out of nowhere with a simple FLASH & then moving off to a place within OUR ORBIT.
Yes I am WRONG about some of these things on 67P but i'll have you a little bet NOT about most of the others.
And speaking of 67P, yes i was wrong about that rock (still a curious thing though) & that crater (although the photo I had from a different source? did seemingly showed those mining equipment looking objects) BUT TAKE A LOOK AT THIS...
There are a number of things within this photo & on the surface here which I find STRANGE...these first two areas on that sloping right hand side are vey probably rocks but they DO CATCH THE EYE up there!
But the one I would like you to take a look at & which did actually make me laugh for a second or two as I had always wondered whatever happened to the MICHAEL CAINE MOB in that COACH at the end of that wonderful film "THE ITALIAN JOB" well...

Take a look at the bottom of that gully down near the bottom of this photograph...you've probably already spotted it as EYE CATCHING?
Click the picture to ENLARGE IT & sure enough that is one STRANGE LOOKING OBJECT...and one that actually does look a little like a COACH (don't worry I don't actually think it is a COACH like object as we got in those strange newspaper headlines back in the 1980's) but it is similarly shaped...ELONGATED box like shape, even appears to have MARKINGS? upon it & something that even looks like a side stripe?
It is casting a shadow & there looks to be a circular shape to it over on this left hand side.
NOW THIS TO ME...Does NOT appear to be a LARGE ROCK? so WHAT IS IT?
Also curious...follow the angle at which this is object is pointing (down to this left hand side) & you will come to an AREA of SHADOW just over that ridge close to this boxed like object & within it is what looks like a TOWER like structure in darkness within this dark crater with what looks like something attached to the top of it...if ROCK? it is strange.
I will NEVER STOP LOOKING & both of these objects are a MYSTERY.
If you save this image & then ZOOM IN on your COMPUTER you'll see what I mean.
If an ALIEN SPECIES or number of them? turned up at sometime within our SOLAR SYSTEM why would it be so strange for them not to have set up bases here, there & everywhere?
Those so called clever folks that say they could never get to us as they are too far away are just NOT LOGICAL.
Such an ALIEN SPECIES out there could well be many millions of years older than us (we are ONLY some 250,000 years old so they say? but just LOOK how far we have come...regular SPACE TRAVEL for everyone on EARTH cannot be too far away & surely working in SPACE will become common place within just the next 100 to 200 years & we are already DISCOVERING EARTH LIKE PLANETS....one system THE TRAPPIST-1 SYSTEM has 7!!!! & at least 3 of those are within the GOLDILOCKS ZONE) we have found these already after just a few hundred thousand years & it's said we shall be able to figure out soon what the make-up of these planets are & even if there is NOT just LIFE upon them but we shall be able to figure out if it's INTELLIGENT LIFE (an HORIZON episode asked scientists & professors how long before we fins intelligent alien life & I believe the averaged out date was around 2026, if so just 8 years before it is announced right?

Now OK it's one thing finding them right out there perhaps some 60 or so million light years away but at the speed of light it would TAKE US 60 years just to get there...& we are nowhere near doing this (although i'll have you another bet that we can get further out into our system at a far quicker speed than has ever let on...would not surprise me in the slightest if we had a BASE on MARS & if it took just hours or days to reach it?)
My point is WE are doing these things already & we are in COSMOS terms YOUNG....So, YOU seriously don't think such an intelligent species out there (let's for arguments sake say they are there within that TRAPPIST-1 SYSTEM some 60 million light years away was it? something like this) which if they are millions of years older than us COULD NOT GET TO US in a flash?
Well your just not open minded enough my friends.
Consider WHERE we HUMANS might be? if we haven't destroyed ourselves by this time, say WE were just 1 Million Years into the FUTURE, well just look where we have come in 250,000 years!!! from caves & fires to WHAT? 4 x times on from this! we have already started to venture into outer SPACE, within the next 200-300 years I fully expect many of us to be able to explore our planets in our system & all their MOONS.
We don't need the speed of light to get to these alien worlds...we'll have discovered how to WARP SPEED or create stable WORMHOLES.
WE WILL FIGURE THIS OUT in my opinion within 1 million years time!
So then you don't think any alien species out there have not done this already, if much older they can probably travel not just from stars close to us but probably from across our galaxy or even from other galaxies...then again they might not even come from our dimension? in which case for them it may be like simply OPENING a DOOR.
I can only IMAGINE the real place we were ALL BORN INTO.
And as for our SUN & EARTH DYING....it's simple, IF ???? and it's a BIG IF, but IF we are not so stupid enough to blow ourselves up & destroy each other in some way & if we are not wiped out by a huge natural disaster then we should almost become like GODS.
Many Millions or even BILLIONS of years from now...if we still exist as a SPECIES? (let's hope so hey? but we shall be VERY DIFFERENT looking by that time, almost a new species really, we'll have worked out our DNA, where we came from, how we came about & would have figured out HOW to tap into that 80% of our brain that does very little)
We SHALL be able to SAVE THE EARTH should we choose to do so, along with our SUN, you cannot believe how clever we shall become!
So think on this...when these so called CLEVER scientists tell you it's impossible to for THEM to get here!
NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE...and for me they're here already & I for one would like to know their story & what they have learned.
THINK ON...and never be afraid to be wrong! it happens to the best of us
