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- Paul Conway
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11 months 5 days ago #3558
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: ELON MUSK & A.I. & ALIENS & a GREENER better PLANET
This is really a follow on debate from having recently watched the sequel BLADE RUNNER 2049 (delighted btw that it picked up some awards at the BAFTA's as did my other two favourite films of the year 'DUNKIRK' and the criminally overlooked 'WAR for the PLANET of the APES...my film of the year although i am looking forward to seeing THE SHAPE of WATER)
I've listened to Elon Musk a number of times before & it's funny really because (it appears to me) that i am a lot like him in his sensibilities & thoughts...OK he did far better than i, created a world wide famous company & GOT HUGELY RICH but it's GREAT to see & hear that he cares about things even though he could now be regarded as ONE OF THE ELITE.
He cares about where we are heading, what's out there & OUR BEAUTIFUL PLANET & i admire this because when you get this rich many go the other way....they want more (ok he's set up other companies & you could say he wants more...but it seems to me in a GOOD WAY, space travel, cars that run cleaner, houses that use solar power, he worries about the point we reach fully A.I. machines.
So he isn't just using his wealth & influence i HOPE to dominate but to TRY and improve the World in which we live in for EVERYONE.
He's intelligent but is not the best talker in the world (ditto, i even make bad errors writing these things, yes my dad was right i probably was effected by a lack of oxygen some years back, then again i seem alert to other things) & his views seem to match my own including concerns over A.I.
If we do not have a ceiling which we should not go above then things out of OUR control could happen...WHY?
Well WHAT would an independent highly intelligent BRAIN think & want to do at that very first point of "I THINK THEREFORE I AM"
Assuming it was still in a computer form? it would want to know where it is, what it is & who we are? right?
And being attached to the WWW it could go anywhere (a little like that Johnny Depp film in which he died but uploaded himself onto a computer which then got out into the web...he/it became DANGEROUS.
Like Mr Musk & most of you I LOVE COMPUTERS, i love being able to visit places & see things i shall perhaps never see for myself, i know & you know we have BAD HUMANS on this PLANET but what would such a A.I. do? he brings up the SKYNET / TERMINATOR scenario & some at one stage might have thought he (Mr Musk) might be part of the problem in the future but it seems he's securing shares in these companies not for gain but to have a little power in the say so perhaps of A.I. and that i feel is something of NOTE.
FULL A.I. sounds all well & good but giving something LIFE to think for itself & the ability do these against our wishes JUST CANNOT BE GREEN LIGHTED unless we can be 100% certain it is SAFE.
As for ELON's views on ALIENS?
I've not heard a great deal from him on this matter but in this 2nd video he does quiet LOGICALLY i think consider (Unlike some scientists & professors that SHOULD know better) that they are OUT THERE & more than likely KNOW ABOUT US ALREADY.
I've already spelt out for you folks why i think this is correct & why the likes of Brian Cox who i really do admire & LOVE is wrong.
Even ELON states that even if they could ONLY go at 20% the speed of light, had they been around for some 20 million years they could explored MOST of our GALAXY.
The simple fact is...if they are 10 or 20 million years old (still NOT that old in COSMIC terms) then they won't just have 20% capability they'll have for sure worked out HOW to CHEAT the laws of PHYSICS (if NOT break them) a perfectly logical explanation for doing this is with our own HOLLYWOOD MOVIES can you believe that!!!
The Millienuim Falcon & the Starship Enterprise can both WARP to other star systems in almost no time at all...you seriously don't think intelligent alien species haven't worked that one out yet? WE'LL WORK IT OUT probably in the next 500-1000 years if we haven't already back engineered something like it...so they've been around for a long time! if not then who's put those things up there & on the MOONS & PLANETS & DWARF PLANETS within our OWN SYSTEM?
well if not them? then it's us? probably a civilization that came before us? would seem the most likely right? these structures even have the LOOK of such a thing.
Yeah i think he as an inkling that like me they are out there...it's just a matter of when will we be told.
And i LOVE that he is trying to put the gas guzzling companies out of business with his ELECTRIC CARS, we need better batteries & funnily enough a better computer intelligence so that they don't need driving & everyone can be safe but this will probably come on our lifetimes.
ALL HOUSES BUILT NOW should have solar panels so that we do not really need electricity to run them, they've perfected these panels over the past 20 or 30 years & so should be close to doing so now, even on dull, wet days?
And those ELECTRIC CARS with better batteries, so that they ONLY need charging from OUR FREE HOME energy well again surely only years away & again every HOME BUILT thesedays should have such POWER POINTS built & ready (if they have the specs?)
A GREENER, BETTER PLANET, with ENERGY that will HELP people around the WORLD & that might bring about PEACE (we can hope) & a better type of politican who doesn't ONLY care for his or her PARTY but for just the right thing for everyone & then, perhaps then? we can say HELLO TO OUR FRIENDS UP THERE who i am sure find us probably MORE CURIOUS than we find them?
We are a STRANGE SPECIES to be sure but one's that truly do have GREAT POSSIBILTIES.
Here are his worries over A.I.
And here he briefly talks about what's OUT THERE...he must be an intelligent man, someone should show him those structures on PLUTO & then just ask him...Are these NATURAL? or have they been MADE? only those keeping the SECRETS or those that haven't a clue about such things should come down on the natural side & the photo they (NASA) released is GOOD ENOUGH to show the shapes & structures of these numerous things in good enough detail to PROVE (at least to me) that something set foot here upon PLUTO & MADE these things!
Of course i'm still the ONLY ONE & i'll NEVER let it go...so perhaps if Mr Musk was somehow able to see this picture & the close-up's he'd realise this too & might create a MISSION that will not keep secrets from the general public.
EITHER that OR i am as MAD as a HATTER & have an IQ of 10...i really can't wait for these OTHER MISSIONS to both PLUTO & COMET 67P by NASA but sadly even after these have taken place they'll not let you & i know, cruel not revealing DISCOVERIES...something i don't think ELON MUSK would do (I HOPE?)
I've listened to Elon Musk a number of times before & it's funny really because (it appears to me) that i am a lot like him in his sensibilities & thoughts...OK he did far better than i, created a world wide famous company & GOT HUGELY RICH but it's GREAT to see & hear that he cares about things even though he could now be regarded as ONE OF THE ELITE.
He cares about where we are heading, what's out there & OUR BEAUTIFUL PLANET & i admire this because when you get this rich many go the other way....they want more (ok he's set up other companies & you could say he wants more...but it seems to me in a GOOD WAY, space travel, cars that run cleaner, houses that use solar power, he worries about the point we reach fully A.I. machines.
So he isn't just using his wealth & influence i HOPE to dominate but to TRY and improve the World in which we live in for EVERYONE.
He's intelligent but is not the best talker in the world (ditto, i even make bad errors writing these things, yes my dad was right i probably was effected by a lack of oxygen some years back, then again i seem alert to other things) & his views seem to match my own including concerns over A.I.
If we do not have a ceiling which we should not go above then things out of OUR control could happen...WHY?
Well WHAT would an independent highly intelligent BRAIN think & want to do at that very first point of "I THINK THEREFORE I AM"
Assuming it was still in a computer form? it would want to know where it is, what it is & who we are? right?
And being attached to the WWW it could go anywhere (a little like that Johnny Depp film in which he died but uploaded himself onto a computer which then got out into the web...he/it became DANGEROUS.
Like Mr Musk & most of you I LOVE COMPUTERS, i love being able to visit places & see things i shall perhaps never see for myself, i know & you know we have BAD HUMANS on this PLANET but what would such a A.I. do? he brings up the SKYNET / TERMINATOR scenario & some at one stage might have thought he (Mr Musk) might be part of the problem in the future but it seems he's securing shares in these companies not for gain but to have a little power in the say so perhaps of A.I. and that i feel is something of NOTE.
FULL A.I. sounds all well & good but giving something LIFE to think for itself & the ability do these against our wishes JUST CANNOT BE GREEN LIGHTED unless we can be 100% certain it is SAFE.
As for ELON's views on ALIENS?
I've not heard a great deal from him on this matter but in this 2nd video he does quiet LOGICALLY i think consider (Unlike some scientists & professors that SHOULD know better) that they are OUT THERE & more than likely KNOW ABOUT US ALREADY.
I've already spelt out for you folks why i think this is correct & why the likes of Brian Cox who i really do admire & LOVE is wrong.
Even ELON states that even if they could ONLY go at 20% the speed of light, had they been around for some 20 million years they could explored MOST of our GALAXY.
The simple fact is...if they are 10 or 20 million years old (still NOT that old in COSMIC terms) then they won't just have 20% capability they'll have for sure worked out HOW to CHEAT the laws of PHYSICS (if NOT break them) a perfectly logical explanation for doing this is with our own HOLLYWOOD MOVIES can you believe that!!!
The Millienuim Falcon & the Starship Enterprise can both WARP to other star systems in almost no time at all...you seriously don't think intelligent alien species haven't worked that one out yet? WE'LL WORK IT OUT probably in the next 500-1000 years if we haven't already back engineered something like it...so they've been around for a long time! if not then who's put those things up there & on the MOONS & PLANETS & DWARF PLANETS within our OWN SYSTEM?
well if not them? then it's us? probably a civilization that came before us? would seem the most likely right? these structures even have the LOOK of such a thing.
Yeah i think he as an inkling that like me they are out there...it's just a matter of when will we be told.
And i LOVE that he is trying to put the gas guzzling companies out of business with his ELECTRIC CARS, we need better batteries & funnily enough a better computer intelligence so that they don't need driving & everyone can be safe but this will probably come on our lifetimes.
ALL HOUSES BUILT NOW should have solar panels so that we do not really need electricity to run them, they've perfected these panels over the past 20 or 30 years & so should be close to doing so now, even on dull, wet days?
And those ELECTRIC CARS with better batteries, so that they ONLY need charging from OUR FREE HOME energy well again surely only years away & again every HOME BUILT thesedays should have such POWER POINTS built & ready (if they have the specs?)
A GREENER, BETTER PLANET, with ENERGY that will HELP people around the WORLD & that might bring about PEACE (we can hope) & a better type of politican who doesn't ONLY care for his or her PARTY but for just the right thing for everyone & then, perhaps then? we can say HELLO TO OUR FRIENDS UP THERE who i am sure find us probably MORE CURIOUS than we find them?
We are a STRANGE SPECIES to be sure but one's that truly do have GREAT POSSIBILTIES.
Here are his worries over A.I.
And here he briefly talks about what's OUT THERE...he must be an intelligent man, someone should show him those structures on PLUTO & then just ask him...Are these NATURAL? or have they been MADE? only those keeping the SECRETS or those that haven't a clue about such things should come down on the natural side & the photo they (NASA) released is GOOD ENOUGH to show the shapes & structures of these numerous things in good enough detail to PROVE (at least to me) that something set foot here upon PLUTO & MADE these things!
Of course i'm still the ONLY ONE & i'll NEVER let it go...so perhaps if Mr Musk was somehow able to see this picture & the close-up's he'd realise this too & might create a MISSION that will not keep secrets from the general public.
EITHER that OR i am as MAD as a HATTER & have an IQ of 10...i really can't wait for these OTHER MISSIONS to both PLUTO & COMET 67P by NASA but sadly even after these have taken place they'll not let you & i know, cruel not revealing DISCOVERIES...something i don't think ELON MUSK would do (I HOPE?)
- Paul Conway
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11 months 3 days ago - 11 months 3 days ago #3562
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: ELON MUSK & A.I. & ALIENS & a GREENER better PLANET
I ask because there seems to be more debate over this issue recently including ELON MUSK's concerns.
I don't think it will be any time soon? the next 20 years or so? but it sounds like if allowed to go ahead we could have it well ahead of schedule? perhaps in 50-100 years time...imagine that...HUMANS actually create a kind of LIFEFORM, probably not organic but something that can THINK for itself & if connected up to the like of the Internet & who knows what? could do ALL KINDS of GOOD but also ALL KINDS of BAD.
What might A.I.'s invent? & discover? might they be able to gather all the information & software together NEEDED to perhaps create wormhole or warp speeds technology? a cheat for sure...but it may well be that we can travel stars on the other side of our galaxy in just minutes (which is something the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE is way off doing)
Might AI's even invent & be able to create TIME TRAVEL devices & perhaps even use them for themselves using the web.
Things are going to either end up GREAT or WEIRD & perhaps BAD on Earth with their birth.
For now the governments of the world & security seem to be focusing on bots...attacking important installations (the likes of Russia, North Korea & even CHINA who I like (so I hope not in a bad way anyway from them?) it already happened with our NHS here in Britain but if such things as WATER, ELECTRIC, GAS, TRANSPORT & Nuclear Power Stations are targeted then that's were the HUMAN DOWNFALL probably takes place.
Hopefully those countries aren't so STUPID as to go down this route...they'll be retallitions & a kind of WAR no one saw coming some 30-40 years ago.
I remember watching a rather cool little film starring Tom Selleck called "RUNAWAY" in which drones / robots & systems were hacked to cause MISERY...they even had robots that would fire special bullets that would track individuals, might this be where we are heading?
I would like to think we've worked out that NUCLEAR WEAPON THING as that will ONLY END one way! which is WHY I can not believe the TYPES of folks in charge of these countries with this capability...they are NUTS! you know who I am talking about...BRAVADO, EGO TRIPS that talk like NO OTHER PRESIDENT or LEADER has ever talked (it's OK to be strong but CRAP TALK like this!!! grow up) we only need 1 idiot leader to decide he's going to press that RED BUTTON & the WORLD as a WHOLE will suffer.
Hopefully we'll have folks in the background saying 'Sir YOU CAN'T DO THAT' but clearly in some of these countries those are NOT in place but let's hope they realise that there is NO GOING BACK if they do so.
In which case these types may well turn to AI's, bot's drones filled with strange weapons...QUIET A SPECIES AREN'T WE?
Well I have already told you I DON'T feel HUMAN at times (probably just my ALIEN DNA kicking in:lol:
I do think if it were possible to take all the reasonable folk of the world...the nice folks, not just the brain boxes but those that are genuinely nice people that don't threaten...are NOT greedy...and don't want POWER just for EGO's sake & we could keep this PLANET for ourselves & then transport ALL of those sorts to another world FAR FROM US (another Galaxy wouldn't be far enough for me) then i'd be HAPPY with that & THE WORLD WOULD BE A DAMN SITE SAFER & NICER....can you imagine what the night's NEWS would be like each night?
Ok there would still be problems & hurdles to get over, budgets that are NOT met & genuine errors etc but if we could rid the world of those REAL FOLKS that don't give a DAMN for ANYTHING but THEMSELVES & their kind it sure would LOOK a whole lot better.
A UTOPIAN Dream I suppose.
I get preachy sometimes, SORRY, I don't mean to, I just despair of us NOT LEARNING...we continue to make the SAME MISTAKES but with New Tech
I would just like a quick peek into the FUTURE to check everything will turn out alright for us?
The Human Race is my RACE I care for it DEEPLY (even if we might actually have other species DNA within us this is HOW WE WERE CREATED? are we simply HUMAN or are we a kind of HYBRID already? interesting though this is WE ARE HUMAN)
I will NEVER understand WHY we hurt, kill, cheat, annoy, bully & generally just try to one up each other (OK I actually like the one up in some respects...such as SPORT & being competitive but just LOOK at the OLYMPICS & how most of them do it IN THE RIGHT SPIRIT)
IF...the HUMAN RACE is still around in MILLIONS of YEARS time we shall be a very different type of SPECIES but they'll have EVOLVED from us.
They almost certainly will have AI type device built in, bionic replacements to make them stronger & more robust.
When folks say eventually the UNIVERSE will END...I simply say perhaps in it's current form but some of the LIFEFORMS left within it, even after all the STARS have exhausted their power source & everything goes BLACK...if we are still around all those BILLIONS of years into the FUTURE you seriously don't think we'll have figured out how to...
A) SAVE the UNIVERSE...by creating new suns
MOVE to another UNIVERSE or DIMENSION? yes, although NOT PROVEN YET...I do believe that there are other UNIVERSES & DIMENSIONS & so why couldn't we move to them?
I THINK WE WERE BORN into a THING that is far stranger than most REALISE....hell, we can't even ADMIT there are more intelligent alien species right above our heads that are probably visiting us every day single day (WHY? who knows? but it would make sense for a far more advanced civilization to take an interest in us! I would be doing the same if I were visiting a species like us somewhere else in our galaxy...we are a STRANGE SPECIES, not all bad, we actually have GREATNESS within us but I would be interested in such a species, although i'd probably want to HELP THEM which is probably forbidden...we have to find our own feet & survive through these times to be thought worthy.
ONLY TIME WILL TELL if we are worthy of continuing as a SPECIES but I HOPE so.
I ask because there seems to be more debate over this issue recently including ELON MUSK's concerns.
I don't think it will be any time soon? the next 20 years or so? but it sounds like if allowed to go ahead we could have it well ahead of schedule? perhaps in 50-100 years time...imagine that...HUMANS actually create a kind of LIFEFORM, probably not organic but something that can THINK for itself & if connected up to the like of the Internet & who knows what? could do ALL KINDS of GOOD but also ALL KINDS of BAD.
What might A.I.'s invent? & discover? might they be able to gather all the information & software together NEEDED to perhaps create wormhole or warp speeds technology? a cheat for sure...but it may well be that we can travel stars on the other side of our galaxy in just minutes (which is something the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE is way off doing)
Might AI's even invent & be able to create TIME TRAVEL devices & perhaps even use them for themselves using the web.
Things are going to either end up GREAT or WEIRD & perhaps BAD on Earth with their birth.
For now the governments of the world & security seem to be focusing on bots...attacking important installations (the likes of Russia, North Korea & even CHINA who I like (so I hope not in a bad way anyway from them?) it already happened with our NHS here in Britain but if such things as WATER, ELECTRIC, GAS, TRANSPORT & Nuclear Power Stations are targeted then that's were the HUMAN DOWNFALL probably takes place.
Hopefully those countries aren't so STUPID as to go down this route...they'll be retallitions & a kind of WAR no one saw coming some 30-40 years ago.
I remember watching a rather cool little film starring Tom Selleck called "RUNAWAY" in which drones / robots & systems were hacked to cause MISERY...they even had robots that would fire special bullets that would track individuals, might this be where we are heading?
I would like to think we've worked out that NUCLEAR WEAPON THING as that will ONLY END one way! which is WHY I can not believe the TYPES of folks in charge of these countries with this capability...they are NUTS! you know who I am talking about...BRAVADO, EGO TRIPS that talk like NO OTHER PRESIDENT or LEADER has ever talked (it's OK to be strong but CRAP TALK like this!!! grow up) we only need 1 idiot leader to decide he's going to press that RED BUTTON & the WORLD as a WHOLE will suffer.
Hopefully we'll have folks in the background saying 'Sir YOU CAN'T DO THAT' but clearly in some of these countries those are NOT in place but let's hope they realise that there is NO GOING BACK if they do so.
In which case these types may well turn to AI's, bot's drones filled with strange weapons...QUIET A SPECIES AREN'T WE?
Well I have already told you I DON'T feel HUMAN at times (probably just my ALIEN DNA kicking in:lol:

I do think if it were possible to take all the reasonable folk of the world...the nice folks, not just the brain boxes but those that are genuinely nice people that don't threaten...are NOT greedy...and don't want POWER just for EGO's sake & we could keep this PLANET for ourselves & then transport ALL of those sorts to another world FAR FROM US (another Galaxy wouldn't be far enough for me) then i'd be HAPPY with that & THE WORLD WOULD BE A DAMN SITE SAFER & NICER....can you imagine what the night's NEWS would be like each night?
Ok there would still be problems & hurdles to get over, budgets that are NOT met & genuine errors etc but if we could rid the world of those REAL FOLKS that don't give a DAMN for ANYTHING but THEMSELVES & their kind it sure would LOOK a whole lot better.
A UTOPIAN Dream I suppose.
I get preachy sometimes, SORRY, I don't mean to, I just despair of us NOT LEARNING...we continue to make the SAME MISTAKES but with New Tech

I would just like a quick peek into the FUTURE to check everything will turn out alright for us?
The Human Race is my RACE I care for it DEEPLY (even if we might actually have other species DNA within us this is HOW WE WERE CREATED? are we simply HUMAN or are we a kind of HYBRID already? interesting though this is WE ARE HUMAN)
I will NEVER understand WHY we hurt, kill, cheat, annoy, bully & generally just try to one up each other (OK I actually like the one up in some respects...such as SPORT & being competitive but just LOOK at the OLYMPICS & how most of them do it IN THE RIGHT SPIRIT)
IF...the HUMAN RACE is still around in MILLIONS of YEARS time we shall be a very different type of SPECIES but they'll have EVOLVED from us.
They almost certainly will have AI type device built in, bionic replacements to make them stronger & more robust.
When folks say eventually the UNIVERSE will END...I simply say perhaps in it's current form but some of the LIFEFORMS left within it, even after all the STARS have exhausted their power source & everything goes BLACK...if we are still around all those BILLIONS of years into the FUTURE you seriously don't think we'll have figured out how to...
A) SAVE the UNIVERSE...by creating new suns

I THINK WE WERE BORN into a THING that is far stranger than most REALISE....hell, we can't even ADMIT there are more intelligent alien species right above our heads that are probably visiting us every day single day (WHY? who knows? but it would make sense for a far more advanced civilization to take an interest in us! I would be doing the same if I were visiting a species like us somewhere else in our galaxy...we are a STRANGE SPECIES, not all bad, we actually have GREATNESS within us but I would be interested in such a species, although i'd probably want to HELP THEM which is probably forbidden...we have to find our own feet & survive through these times to be thought worthy.
ONLY TIME WILL TELL if we are worthy of continuing as a SPECIES but I HOPE so.
Last Edit: 11 months 3 days ago by Paul Conway.