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4 months 1 day ago #3723 by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: BODYGUARD on BBC1 has been SUPERB (TOP 5 TV SPOT) but WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ?
I'm sure many of you folks have been watching this EXCELLENT Political Drama over on BBC1.

Have any of you done the modern thing & watched it ALL AT ONCE on the BBCi player?
I'm still somewhat old fashioned, as it gives you something GOOD to LOOK FORWARD to WATCHING each week.

So some of you folks out there will already know the ANSWER to this but...

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ? or more specifically WHO ORDERED THIS ?

Just under 1 HOUR to WAIT :cheer:

Is it his old Army Chums? plotting this with friends in high places who agree with them? by this I am thinking the female security chief in charge played by Gina McGee who has something about her? she seems mighty shifty to me! either that or it has been written this way to make some of us suspect her...and I do.

Or is it these dark forces in the corridors of power...THE DARK GOVERNMENT (who are NEVER VOTED IN but who ALWAYS EXIST there somehow in the shadows) well I for one am convinced these types exist.

Might it be that KEELEY HAWKES character is NOT DEAD?
And she is revealed to be alive with the excuse being that she was almost killed so it was said to protect her. although it might be that it is SHE herself that has helped mastermind this plot with these dark forces (DON'T FORGET those meetings she had in that adjoining room, discussions we were only briefly allowed to hear)
If she is alive (I promise I have no idea) then what's your bet she is in on it? and that she might become Prime Minister for the next series? (if there is one) I think i'll take her rather than JEREMY CORBYN :lol:


Do they go full turn & SHOCK everyone by having David Budd playing the instigator & real VILLIAN? when we thought he was a VICTIM.
Such shocking finales have been done before so it's not out of the Question?

Is there an option I have missed?

I don't think so but who knows?

I hope we don't get a COP OUT ;) couldn't resist ANSWER tonight.

LOOKING FORWARD to it but for me there is something OFF with the Chief Female Security chief played by Gina McGee so I think I would probably go this way? although to have someone so high up the security shield do this would take some believing in REAL LIFE but then again some of the other options are rather out there...SHOULD PROVE TO BE FUN (I hope)

And in case you were wondering what else makes my TOP 5 TV SPOT's? so far this year (although one is a slight cheat :whistle: ) its...

1) THE LAST MAN ON THE MOON (I think this was seen, sadly on BBC4 or maybe BBC2) Gene Cernan died this year too & he was part of that mission for which I have SO MANY QUESTIONS, one's I somehow thought I might be able to ask this guy if I ever met him, very UNLIKELY I know but you never know.
This programme had a few clues in it but if you didn't know where to look you would have never spotted them.
One of the QUESTIONS I would have dearly loved to have ask him & they're are MANY concerning this most COVERT of APOLLO Missions wpuld have been...
Just what happened to your wrist ring binder notebook showing THAT PAGE with all the STRANGE Structures upon it?
And WHY did you have such things on this open page whilst you were on the MOON? were you LOOKING FOR THEM?
No one goes to the MOON with a PAGE showing these if there is NO REASON for them being folks are not so stupid out there & you'll know this.
SADLY we shall never get the chance, hopefully his family know the ANSWER? and will create an EARTH SHATTERING BOOK about it?
If so, can I order my copy now ;)

This has been a JOY.
People taking old BROKEN items to an old fashioned repair shop who bring them back to life.
Of course there is a little more behind these things...SOME of the STORIES are truly heart breaking & heart warming.
Repairs are AMAZING!!!

This has been in 3 parts over on Channel 4 (so you may still be able to find on 4's download service?) and my father & I have been enjoying it together.
It's very geeky, mainly fellas, making & flying WW2 aircraft and invoking various scenario's.
Light hearted, FUN & informative with some good stories to be found may not be quiet on a par with the WHO WANTS TO BE AN ASTRONAUT (not it's real title) from last year but we've enjoyed it almost as much.
I hope they do another next year....and plan & build Lancaster's & try a miniature bombing raid on purpose built mini dams & try to use bouncing bombs :)

Yup this has been on your seat stuff & has been very well done & more than worthy of a TOP 5 BEST Tv spot (so far) this year.
I expect this to take a good few awards when the award season comes around.
Oh & I've had a crush on Keeley Hawkes for awhile anyway & even though she's older, she's gorgeous & an AMAZING actress.

5) Here comes the CHEAT :P
Well I've not seen it, it hasn't aired yet, but I've travelled into the FUTURE & found it to be just as GOOD if not better than before, so it gets a cheeky place in MY TOP 5 already...I speak of course about OCTOBER's...
Now in this politically correct & CRAZY WORLD, some people are already getting there you know what in a twist over the fact a woman has taken over!!!
But I agree with the brilliant TOM BAKER...GIVE HER A CHANCE & if she's wrong for the role? or it just doesn't work?
This is SCIENCE FICTION they can always change things again.
Having the Doctor become a woman is not so left field? in SF almost anything is possible & although THE DOCTOR is supposed to be MALE & was born such on Gallifray, he regenerates just as he's about to die (BTW you have to LOVE the fact the BBC created a story in which MATT SMITH a FANTASTIC DOCTOR! was able to change things...Everyone knew the Doctor could only regenerate a number of times & that this number was up after the one following him but that a story was crafted in which he / she ;) got ALL these regeneration numbers back!!! gotta LOVE SF)
It's said that not a lot will be made of the fact he is now a she...either she can't remember the feeling of being a man? so what's the point in mentioning it or we simply get the odd throwaway FUN line during the new series.
Then we can just GET ON with creating hopefully new STORIES off world (for a change) I know the DOCTOR is linked with we HUMANS (like our protector...I think we even have our own? THANKS AGAIN alien dudes! if you did what some of us think you did?) but it's about time :whistle: we started heading out there to other PLANETS...we'll see how it goes.
But i'll be disappointed if this is not FUN, INTRIGIUNG & worthy of a spot of my TOP 5 this year so in it goes because I think it will, if it ends up at No 1 I will be truly delighted.

BTW I'm also very much looking forward to see the cinematic film "FIRST MAN" with Ryan Gosling in the role of Neil Armstrong.
I wonder if they'll address THE ENCOUNTER up there? Nah, me neither, word of mouth is that this may well be a favourite for THE OSCARS.
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4 months 1 day ago #3724 by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: BODYGUARD on BBC1 has been SUPERB (TOP 5 TV SPOT) but WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ?

LOOKS real GOOD don't it?

THAT last shot is VERY INTERESTING...take a look again...THE SUN or that you think is the SUN is THE SUN ? I
I can't imagine such a serious film will address such issues but there are some clever sorts & perhaps they are giving a few wink, wink know what I mean clues? as might be the case with this shot here.
Obviously up my street but will probably sadly never get to watch it in the cinema, thankfully I have the projector so will hopefully still get a good feeling from watching it.
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3 months 3 weeks ago #3725 by Paul Conway
Paul Conway replied the topic: BODYGUARD on BBC1 has been SUPERB (TOP 5 TV SPOT) but WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ?
Just my opinion but I think SOMETHING is going on with our SUN or is close to our sun.
The recent FBI COVER STORY (which many of us predicted would show up has) it's a serious subject concerning indecent pictures of children, so they choose a serious one & if TRUE good on them!
It is curious though that we have nothing else yet on this story & the SCALE of that FBI outing to this town still doesn't sit right & this story is interesting one as it's rather unsavoury one.

1) It seems it was NOT only this OBSERVATORY that was CLOSED DOWN...other online equipment focused on the SUN were also apparently shut down at this time.
2) There are gaps in NASA's own DATA concerning the SUN...posted the link here (go check yourself? like I said I don't LIE (at least I try my very best not too...what's the point?)
3) Video & DATA evidence seems to show an ENERGY WAVE of some kind? (one would assume from the SUN?) headed straight for us but that during this time some form of structure or ship seemed to block it?
WERE WE SAVED? strangely this may well have been the case but it's one of those stories in which very few will probably ever likely know, such a thing is NOT IMPOSSIBLE & if it did occur then I have no problem in saying a most heartfelt THANK-YOU to any such species which came to our rescue.
4) NASA only recently launched a Mission to the SUN (it's closest EVER Encounter) well is it THE SUN they are interested in? or perhaps something close to it? I ask this because there is CLEARLY something positioned CLOSE TO THE SUN in that episode of the British Astronomy series on BBC4 called the 'SKY AT NIGHT' and this episode entitled curiously ' DEATH STAR' find my link to it & TAKE A LOOK, Chris talks to that lady with that screen showing such an OBJECT & if YOU don't think so? then PLEASE tell me what THAT THING IS?
5) We Brits have just completed (so I understand) another craft that will be heading? you guessed it to the SUN :)
6) This is by the by point but I have certainly noticed a DIFFERENCE in the SUN in more recent years, it just seems different? difficult to put my finger on why but if you take photographs which happen to capture the SUN in it they never seen to capture the SUN as a sharp & as in focus than it used to.

As for the BODYGUARD?

Awesome, TENSION filled ending.

I have to admit I got the first person WRONG (so close though) but that REAL ENDING revealing who the MASTERMIND was got me (and I am sure a good number of you?) KICKING MYSELF....brilliant!

Talk of a 2nd SERIES? which is a must one would assume?