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- 100 Years after WORLD WAR ONE...Just a simple THANK-YOU to ALL that served
100 Years after WORLD WAR ONE...Just a simple THANK-YOU to ALL that served
- Paul Conway
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2 months 2 weeks ago #3781
by Paul Conway
Paul Conway created the topic: 100 Years after WORLD WAR ONE...Just a simple THANK-YOU to ALL that served
We HUMANS have still not worked it (WAR) out yet!
WAR is (for the most part) CRAZY!
It really only creates PAIN & MISERY.
I HOPE we are close to that point in our HUMAN HISTORY now where we HAVE FINALLY FIGURED this out? but I have my doubts!
Technology Advancements make it very likely that some countries will continue to try & dominate / take over (Invade) or torment others all in the name of what? GREED, ENVY, RELIGION....ARGHHHHHH
I say 'For the most Part' because CLEARLY & so very sadly 'WAR' is sometimes a thing that must be involved with, clearly NAZI Germany could not take a hold of this planet & so these brave folks from World War 2 & this early World War 1 at the very least deserve our THANKS for defending us against EVIL.
100 years since the end of this first World War but I do wonder if we shall thanking our lucky stars 28 years from now when we shall give our THANKS to those from World War 2 whose anniversary we shall be contemplating.
Although most of us (normal folks) find WAR the biggest nonsense in the HISTORY of MANKIND it still exists (small scale) let's hope the CRAZIES don't go full on crazy and DESTROY our PLANET? for as we progress we will surely have the ability to do so! and the NEXT WAR (should they're be one) will probably BE THE LAST ONE.
If the ELITE decide to have the MILITARY push those red buttons there's really nothing we ordinary GOOD folk will be able to do about it (let's just hope that have a conscious? but if not & such a needless go ahead is given? may they ROT in HELL in their LUXURY BUNKERS wherever they may be)
Although decidedly AGAINST War...sometimes as in WW1 & WW2 you HAVE to stand up to BULLIES & EVIL to stop them getting a foot hold on the WORLD (sadly I think it was lost to them anyway? just my opinion) but there are STORIES of HEROISM & true COURAGE during these conflicts (of which there are MANY STORIES that have NEVER seen the light of DAY & have been kept in house within our own families)
Many never spoke openly of these things (even the courageous) but the stories some how reside within the families that know.
Although I hardly talked to him I am very proud of my COLONEL UNCLE who fought for this country & the world to defeat the NAZI's (if you think of the horrific scenario something close to that seen in the film "Saving Private Ryan" upon the beach you'd get some kind of idea...one of his friends was shot at behind him & he BRAVELY went back from him, thinking he could SAVE HIM...he could not but that takes real COURAGE, my uncle survived & even talked with MONTGOMERY but he was a QUIET, DIGNIFIED man whom I wish I could have talked to properly later in life when I was more grown up, I like to think I'm a reasonable & good human being, YOU Must KNOW if your A BAD 'UN or a GOOD 'UN and I can only hope one day we shall ALL be GOOD UN's...my UNCLE was A GREAT ONE.)
I give thanks everyday to these folks from WW1 & WW2 who survived & died in these conflicts.
Let's hope we shall no longer have to commemorate future wars?
But with this lot in charge? I am not (sadly) confident of that.
THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD (Ordinary Folks) CAN GET ON WITH ONE ANOTHER...but it seems the GOVERNMENTS & MILITARY / ELITE of many of these COUNTRIES cannot...How did we get so far down this stupid path?
WAR is (for the most part) CRAZY!
It really only creates PAIN & MISERY.
I HOPE we are close to that point in our HUMAN HISTORY now where we HAVE FINALLY FIGURED this out? but I have my doubts!
Technology Advancements make it very likely that some countries will continue to try & dominate / take over (Invade) or torment others all in the name of what? GREED, ENVY, RELIGION....ARGHHHHHH
I say 'For the most Part' because CLEARLY & so very sadly 'WAR' is sometimes a thing that must be involved with, clearly NAZI Germany could not take a hold of this planet & so these brave folks from World War 2 & this early World War 1 at the very least deserve our THANKS for defending us against EVIL.
100 years since the end of this first World War but I do wonder if we shall thanking our lucky stars 28 years from now when we shall give our THANKS to those from World War 2 whose anniversary we shall be contemplating.
Although most of us (normal folks) find WAR the biggest nonsense in the HISTORY of MANKIND it still exists (small scale) let's hope the CRAZIES don't go full on crazy and DESTROY our PLANET? for as we progress we will surely have the ability to do so! and the NEXT WAR (should they're be one) will probably BE THE LAST ONE.
If the ELITE decide to have the MILITARY push those red buttons there's really nothing we ordinary GOOD folk will be able to do about it (let's just hope that have a conscious? but if not & such a needless go ahead is given? may they ROT in HELL in their LUXURY BUNKERS wherever they may be)
Although decidedly AGAINST War...sometimes as in WW1 & WW2 you HAVE to stand up to BULLIES & EVIL to stop them getting a foot hold on the WORLD (sadly I think it was lost to them anyway? just my opinion) but there are STORIES of HEROISM & true COURAGE during these conflicts (of which there are MANY STORIES that have NEVER seen the light of DAY & have been kept in house within our own families)
Many never spoke openly of these things (even the courageous) but the stories some how reside within the families that know.
Although I hardly talked to him I am very proud of my COLONEL UNCLE who fought for this country & the world to defeat the NAZI's (if you think of the horrific scenario something close to that seen in the film "Saving Private Ryan" upon the beach you'd get some kind of idea...one of his friends was shot at behind him & he BRAVELY went back from him, thinking he could SAVE HIM...he could not but that takes real COURAGE, my uncle survived & even talked with MONTGOMERY but he was a QUIET, DIGNIFIED man whom I wish I could have talked to properly later in life when I was more grown up, I like to think I'm a reasonable & good human being, YOU Must KNOW if your A BAD 'UN or a GOOD 'UN and I can only hope one day we shall ALL be GOOD UN's...my UNCLE was A GREAT ONE.)
I give thanks everyday to these folks from WW1 & WW2 who survived & died in these conflicts.
Let's hope we shall no longer have to commemorate future wars?
But with this lot in charge? I am not (sadly) confident of that.
THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD (Ordinary Folks) CAN GET ON WITH ONE ANOTHER...but it seems the GOVERNMENTS & MILITARY / ELITE of many of these COUNTRIES cannot...How did we get so far down this stupid path?